Alexander Iii
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Alexander Iii

(helper of men--brave) king of Macedon, surnamed the Great, the son of Philip and Olympias, was born at Pella B.C. 356, and succeeded his father B.C. 336. Two years afterwards he crossed the Hellespont (B.C. 334) to carry out the plans of his fathers and execute the mission of (Greece to the civilized world. He subjugated Syria and Palestine B.C. 334-332. Egypt next submitted to him B.C. 332, and in this year he founded Alexandria. In the same year he finally defeated Darius at Gaugamela, who in B.C. 330 was murdered. The next two years were occupied by Alexander in the consolidation of his Persian conquests and the reduction of Bactria. In B.C. 327 he crossed the Indus; turning westward he reached Susa B.C. 325, and proceeded to Babylon B.C. 324, which he chose as the capital of his empire. In the next year (B.C. 323) he died there of intemperance, at the early age of 32, in the midst of his gigantic plans; and those who inherited his conquests left his designs unachieved and unattempted. cf. (Daniel 7:6; 8:5; 11:3) Alexander is intended in (Daniel 2:39) and also Dani 7:6; 8:5-7; 11:3,4 The latter indicating the rapidity of his conquests and his power. He ruled with great dominion, and did according to his will, (Daniel 11:3) "and there was none that could deliver .... out of his hand." (Daniel 8:7)


Adrian iv; Alexander iii; Becket; the Third Crusade; (Ad 1153-1192 ...
(AD 1153-1192). In the year of Bernard's death, Adrian ...
/.../chapter xii adrian iv alexander.htm

The Epistle of Alexander, Bishop of Alexandria to Alexander ...
... The ECCLESIASTICAL HistorY of Theodoret. Book I. Chapter III."The Epistle of Alexander,
Bishop of Alexandria to Alexander, Bishop of Constantinople. ...
/.../chapter iii the epistle of alexander.htm

Brother Hugh
... There is our lord the Pope, Alexander III., slow and yet persistent, wrestling hard
with the terrible Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, who is often marching away ...
/.../marson/hugh bishop of lincoln/chapter ii brother hugh.htm

The Church and the Boy
... III THE CHURCH AND THE BOY. If the foregoing facts considering the home
and school life are absolutely true, and the consensus of ...
/.../alexander/the boy and the sunday school/iii the church and the.htm

... III."Epistle. Alexander, to the priests and deacons, Alexandria and Mareotis, being
present to them present, brethren beloved in the Lord, sends greeting: ...
/.../epistles on the arian heresy and the deposition of arius/iii epistle.htm

The Fancies of Manichæus Concerning Matter.
... Chapter III."The Fancies of Manichæus Concerning Matter. It came to pass
on a time that matter conceived a desire to attain to ...
/.../alexander/of the manichaeans/chapter iii the fancies of manichaeus.htm

From an Epistle to Origen.
The Writings of Alexander of Cappadocia. <. ... III. From an Epistle
to Origen. For this, as thou knowest, was the will of ...
/.../alexander/the writings of alexander of cappadocia/iii from an epistle to.htm

Sketches of Church History, from AD 33 to the Reformation
CRUSADE; (AD 1153-1192). CHAPTER XIII: INNOCENT THE THIRD (AD 1198-1216). ...
/.../roberston/sketches of church history from ad 33 to the reformation/

The Church of the Middle Ages
... to seek the assistance of the Emperor Frederic Barbarossa, to aid him in quelling
the insurrection headed by Arnold of {107} Brescia; but Alexander III.((AD1159 ...
/.../blunt/a key to the knowledge of church history/chapter x the church of.htm

On Daniel. Iii. Scholia on Daniel.
... Then the Greeks had the supremacy, beginning with Alexander of Macedon, for 300
years, so that they were the brass. ... Chap. iii.1 "In the eighteenth year," etc. ...
/.../the extant works and fragments of hippolytus/on daniel iii scholia on.htm



Alexander Balas

Alexander Iii

Alexander: A Copper-Smith

Alexander: A Jew of Ephesus

Alexander: A Relative of the High Priest, Present at the Defense of Peter and John

Alexander: Son of Simon Who Bore the Cross of Jesus

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