Homilies on the Gospel of John.
Abraham, supposed by the Samaritans to have offered Isaac on mount Gerizim, [1]113; Christ talked with, [2]116; who the real seed of, [3]194; wrongly compared with Christ, [4]198; how he saw Christ's day, [5]198.

Adam, said to die from the moment of the Fall, because under sentence, [6]97.

Adulterers, salvation of, impossible, [7]234.

Adultery, the woman taken in, not mentioned by St. Chrysostom, [8]187.

Advice, to be welcomed from any, by Christ's example, [9]174.

Affliction, the best trial of faith, [10]125.

Affronts here, to be borne, from thought of heaven, [11]291, [12]293; from thought of our Christian membership, [13]294; of imperious women often borne by their lovers, [14]294.

Age, adds dignity to virtue, [15]332.

Agony, the, expressed the weakness of nature, [16]318.

Agreement, not always good, [17]206.

Alms, win praise of God and Angels, [18]256.

Almsgiving, wins forgiving, [19]29, [20]47; a pure sacrifice, [21]46; must not come from dishonest gain, [22]47; indispensable to our entering the kingdom, [23]83; a seal to the charitable, [24]86; will win treasure in heaven, [25]89; the way to true honor, [26]118, [27]143; to gain present delight and the future crown, [28]147; the meat that perisheth not, [29]158; to be practiced throughout life, [30]219; the measure of God's mercy to us, [31]ib.; necessary to life, yet easy, and sobering, [32]220; brings contentment, [33]244; cleanses from sin, [34]270; better none, than with covetousness, [35]ib.; duty of, enjoined, [36]284; neglect of, leads to hell, [37]285; due to Christ, [38]285; blessing of here and hereafter, [39]286; cleanses and heals the soul, [40]302; the best winding sheet for the dead, [41]321; profits both the dying and the dead, [42]322; raised Dorcas to life, [43]ib.

Altar, awfulness of the Christian, [44]167; danger of approaching in sin, [45]ib.; danger of profaning it with gifts from unjust gains, [46]270.

I Am, implies absolute being, [47]53.

Ancestry, nobility of, no protection to the bad, [48]75, [49]108; availed not the Jews, [50]108.

Andrew, St., praise of his zeal and modesty in coming to Christ, [51]64, [52]65; of his zeal in his brother's conversion, [53]67; his faith in the miracle of the loaves, [54]152.

Angel of counsel, a title of Christ, [55]53 (note).

Angels, learn from revelations given to the Church, [56]2; worshiped Christ in His human nature, [57]39; have appeared in brightness, [58]40; act under command, [59]41; have a well-ordered polity, [60]42; how men become like them, [61]ib.; are holy, [62]49; have not seen God in His Essence, but only in Christ, [63]52; their ministry to Christ a proof of His Deity, [64]73; behold but understand not the mystery of Regeneration, [65]88; their troubling the water of Bethesda a type of the work of the Spirit, [66]126; work without weariness, [67]127; their happiness in wanting nothing, [68]298.

Anger, not to be retained, [69]19; absurdity of, [70]20; brings remorse, [71]ib.; deformity of, [72]92; with servants, reproved, [73]93; its mischief and pitiableness, [74]175; a madness and foretaste of hell, [75]ib.; appeased by penitent sorrow, [76]219.

Antichrist, his characteristic, to glorify himself, [77]148; why more clearly predicted by St. Paul than by Christ, [78]ib.

Antioch, its covetousness and luxury, [79]280.

Apostles, the, mission of, [80]42; did not all witness all, [81]61; preached Christ absent, [82]63; why greater than Christ's kinsmen and countrymen, [83]75; did not believe at first, because not confirmed by the Spirit, [84]82; taught high doctrines gradually, [85]106; traveled without provision, [86]108; moderation of, [87]109; their reverence for Christ, [88]117; zeal of, seen in the Samaritan woman, [89]118; their love for Christ in urging him to eat, [90]119; slowness to understand his meaning: but forbore to ask, [91]ib.; reaped where the Prophets had sown, [92]120; their task the easier, [93]ib.; their inspiration immediate and complete, [94]135; their humble fare, [95]152; their distance from their Master in respect of grace, [96]ib.; their love for their Master shown on the sea, [97]155; witnessed some miracles alone, [98]ib.; disclaimed acting of themselves, [99]238; retired with Christ during the feasts, [100]242; spoke like Judas at Bethany, but with different intent, [101]ib.; understood not the mystery of the ass's colt, [102]245; their mutual love, [103]266; struck dumb hearing of persecution, [104]286; yet started not back, and comforted by Christ's Omniscience, [105]286, [106]287 [see Disciples].

Applause, in Church, [107]10.

Arius, heresy of, refuted by Christ's indwelling in His disciples, [108]304.

Article, the, why added in the phrase, "The Word," [109]7, [110]8; omission of, sometimes unimportant, [111]17, [112]18; distinguishes Christ from all, [113]64.

"As," expressing agreement not comparison, [114]41; said of the Father and the Son implies their equality, of men not so, [115]303, [116]304.

Asa, his gout a punishment for sin, [117]132.

Babel, an example of mischievous agreement, [118]206.

Baptism, promise at, [119]4; gift of the Spirit in, [120]36; regeneration in, [121]37; superior to natural birth, [122]88; not needful to Christ, [123]59; but Christ to it, [124]60; benefits of, [125]89, [126]126; an obligation to holiness, [127]89; danger of delaying, [128]90; in what sense an earthly thing, [129]93, [130]112; how connected with the Cross, [131]94; sin after, not unpardonable, [132]96; buries sin, [133]121; gifts of, typified in the miracle of Bethesda, [134]126; way prepared for the use of water under the law, [135]126; the only cure of sin, [136]190; cleanses from sin, [137]270; the work of all Three Persons of the Trinity, [138]289.

Baskets, the twelve, of fragments in number proved its truth, [139]153.

Basilides, [140]30 (note).

"Because," refers to the event, not the cause, [141]252.

Beasts, spare their own kind, [142]130.

Bethabara, why mentioned by John, [143]38.

Bethlehem, the Messiah expected from, [144]70, [145]71.

Bethesda, the miracle of, was to prepare the Jews for the regeneration of holy Baptism, [146]84.

Bibles, splendid copies of, written in gold letters, on fine parchment, a charm against the Devil, [147]114; unfolds the spectacle of the spiritual combat, [148]ib.

Birds, teach their young to fly by degrees, [149]45.

Blind man, the, his courage and truthfulness, [150]204, [151]208, [152]209; becomes a disciple, [153]209; bore reproach and suffering for the truth, [154]210.

Blindness, never cured until Christ, [155]200; a judgment on the Jews, [156]212; sensible and spiritual compared, [157]213.

Blood, the, of Christ, the soul's nourishment, [158]166; the terror of Demons, [159]ib.

Body, the, chastised for the soul's health, [160]131; of Christ includes all, [161]166; how worketh on the soul, [162]167.

Boldness, its virtue and reward, [163]58; comes by hearing, [164]210.

Books, scarcity of, [165]38; generally neglected at Antioch, or only kept for show and ornament, [166]114; written in letters of gold, on fine parchments, [167]ib.

Bosom, of the Father, implies Unity of Essence, [168]52; and Coeternity, [169]53.

Branches, signify our need of Grace, and of union with Christ, [170]279; the fruitless perish, [171]280; are true disciples, [172]ib.

Bread of life, said only of Christ's Godhead, [173]161; of His doctrines, and of His Body, [174]165.

Brethren, of Christ, did not profit by their relation to Him, [175]75; believed not, from envy, [176]174.

Brightness of the Father's glory, why said of Christ, [177]17, [178]28; of Moses's face, [179]40; of Angels, [180]ib.

Brotherly affection best shown in spiritual aid, [181]67.

Burdens, duty of bearing one another's, [182]253.

Burial, the, so ordered as to give testimony to the Resurrection, [183]319, [184]320; a reproof to costly funerals, [185]321; was done in ignorance of the Resurrection, [186]ib.

Business, no excuse for neglecting public worship, [187]38.

Caiaphas, his shameless boldness, [188]241; prophesied ignorantly and instrumentally, [189]ib.

Cain, offered not his best, [190]47; ruined by envy, [191]130.

Callosity, similar in soul and body, [192]196.

"Can, cannot," sometimes express choice, not power, [193]252.

Cana, marriage at, [194]73; miracle at, the first absolutely, [195]ib.

Canaan, woman of, [196]42; an example of perseverance rewarded, [197]77.

Capernaum, corruption of, [198]80; why Christ's "own country," [199]123; carnal-mindedness of, after the miracle of the loaves, [200]156.

Carefulness, a slavery, [201]298.

Catechumen, position of, contrasted with that of the faithful, [202]89.

Change of pastors and flocks condemned, [203]44.

Charity, wins forgiveness, [204]29; unites the brethren, [205]54; to be substituted for luxury, [206]215; may be exercised by the poor, [207]216; the means of entertaining Christ, [208]ib.

Chastisement, the right use of, [209]132.

Chastity, consists in self-restraint and subduing, not wanting passion, [210]127.

Children, need spiritual instruction, [211]10; should receive right impressions, [212]ib.; pass over the real, to admire false show, [213]301.

Christ, His humility, [214]13, [215]204; His condescension, [216]26; known to Patriarchs, [217]30; always in the world, [218]31; his forgiveness, [219]36; both God and Man by unity of Person, [220]38; His authority, [221]41; His mean appearance, [222]45; in what sense both before and after John's Baptism, [223]46; the Fountain of Grace, [224]47; His fullness, [225]48; how superior to Moses, [226]49; His acts brought grace and truth, [227]50; alone of all, hath seen God in His Essence, [228]52; one with the Father, because "in His Bosom," [229]ib.; clearness of His teaching shown in the word "declared," [230]53; inferior to the Baptist in externals, [231]55; why mixed unknown among the people, [232]57; His dignity compared to John's, [233]ib.; why came to John again after His Baptism, [234]59; object of His coming into the world greater than John's, [235]ib.; needed not Baptism for Himself, but for us, [236]ib.; received His disciples from John, [237]63; distinguished from all by use of the article, [238]64; asked question of the disciples to encourage them, [239]65; how bade them to house, [240]ib.; first revealed His divinity by predictions, [241]68; showed His authority in changing names, [242]ib.; His wisdom in the time and place of calling His disciples, [243]69, [244]70; convinced Nathanael by His foreknowledge, [245]71; how to be welcomed by those to whom he came, [246]72; proved His Deity by the ministry of Angels, [247]73; used to give present proof of some prophecies, so to gain credit to others, [248]ib.; invited to Cana as a common guest, [249]ib.; did no miracles in His childhood, [250]74; nor till after His Baptism, [251]80; rebuked His Mother at Cana, to clear His miracles, and to instruct her, [252]74; His care to show respect for her, [253]75, [254]77; was not bound to certain seasons, but Himself appointed His hour, [255]76; made the wine at Cana without a new creation, yet proved Himself Creator by His power over matter, [256]77; His care to provide evidence for His miracles, [257]78, [258]125, [259]129; improved upon nature, [260]78; changes men's disposition as the water at Cana, [261]ib.; how manifested His glory at Cana, [262]80; why went to Capernaum from Cana, [263]ib.; Baptized just before the Passover, [264]ib.; cleansed the temple twice, at the first and last Passover, [265]ib.; His care to show respect for the law, [266]81; refused a sign to the Jews, because insensible, [267]ib.; used dark sayings to the dull hearers, [268]82; why used often the sign of Jonas, [269]ib.; knew and trusted not false disciples, [270]83; his condescension to Nicodemus, [271]84; His usual authority abated, [272]ib.; often speaks obscurely to rouse His hearers to attention, [273]85; His care to lead Nicodemus to higher thoughts, [274]87; but permits him not to pry into mysteries, [275]90; His Flesh was of the Virgin, [276]91; His perfect knowledge signified by Seeing and Hearing, [277]92, [278]103; his perfect gentleness, [279]92, [280]175; why dealt most in the lower doctrines, [281]93; foretold his Passion darkly: its benefits plainly, [282]94, [283]95; His love contrasted with man's ingratitude, [284]95; His twofold Advent to redeem and to judge, [285]96; delays judgment to admit repentance, [286]97; rejected by those who chose to continue in sin, [287]98; His different dealings with Nathanael and Nicodemus, [288]99; why frequented crowded places, [289]ib.; why not baptizing till death of John, [290]100; needed not the support of John's testimony, [291]103; His credibility arising from His knowledge, [292]104; referred to His Father and the Prophets to convince the Jews, [293]ib.; one with God, because speaking God's words, [294]ib.; Self-sufficient unmeasured by the Spirit, [295]105; did not Himself baptize, as reported to the Pharisees, [296]107; His care to act as a man in general, [297]ib.; yet to speak as God, [298]ib.; went to the Samaritans when driven out by Jews, and yet as if in passing, [299]ib.; His frugality in traveling on foot, [300]108; His carelessness of food, [301]ib.; His humility in going alone, [302]109; His stay at Samaria was for rest, [303]ib.; abrogated the law of meats in speaking to the Samaritan woman, [304]109; shows Himself greater than Jacob, [305]112; often prophesied concerning particular persons, [306]113; shows His Divine knowledge in rebuking the woman of Samaria, [307]ib.; cared not to answer, but to lead men to the Truth, [308]114; unfolds the doctrine of spiritual worship to the Samaritan woman, [309]115; identifies Himself with the Church, [310]116; expected by the Samaritans, from the writings of Moses, [311]ib.; condescended to the ignorance of Samaritan woman, [312]117; our salvation His meat, [313]119; leads on the disciples to enquire, [314]ib.; acknowledged to be the true Saviour by the Samaritans, [315]123; avoided His own country, not to increase its guilt, [316]ib.; most received by those most under reproach, [317]ib.; goes again to Cana to confirm the believers there, [318]ib.; first object of His miracles to save souls, [319]124; why attended the feasts, [320]125; rewarded perseverance in the paralytic at Bethesda, [321]126; did not require faith before sight from strangers, [322]129; His reasons for concealing Himself, [323]130; used different modes of defense, [324]ib.; why dwelt on the sins of some whom He cured, not of others, [325]132; claimed not the merit of His own cure, [326]132; showed His Omniscience in His words to the paralytic, [327]ib.; defends His healing on the Sabbath by revealing His Equality with the Father, [328]133; appealed at need now to His Humanity, now to His Deity, [329]ib.; did really make Himself equal to the Father, [330]134, [331]152; had shown it by breaking the sabbath, [332]133, [333]145; has power to act, but not apart from the Father, [334]134; used lower expressions of His Deity to persuade the indisposed, [335]135; but joined with them such as imply His Godhead, [336]136; differs from the Father only in His Sonship, [337]137; His Equality with God proved by His being Judge, [338]ib.; used lower expressions of Himself to conciliate the Jews, [339]ib.; but the higher to guard us from heresy, [340]138; His honor connected with His Father's essentially, [341]ib.; why spoke of being "sent," [342]139; His condescension led men to receive the higher doctrines, [343]ib.; appeal to his raising the dead, [344]ib.; why spoke much of the Judgment, [345]ib.; to be Judge, because Son of God, [346]140; His care in propounding the Judgment and the Resurrection, [347]140, [348]141; confirms His future predictions by His past, [349]140; shows His agreement with the Jewish Prophets, [350]141; His unanimity and identity with the Father, [351]ib.; His Will and the Father's one, [352]ib.; addressed His words to men's suspicions, [353]ib.; proves His justice, speaking humanly, from His self-denial, [354]ib.; did not remind of sin, but blotted it out, [355]142; His witness of Himself, in what senses, true and not true, [356]143; replies to the secret objections of the Jews, [357]144; His threefold witness, [358]ib.; refutes the Jews by their own faith in John, [359]ib.; yet inconstancy to him, [360]145; the witness of His works, [361]ib.; His doctrine of the Deity, [362]146; appeals to the witness of Scripture, [363]ib.; His commands, and mammon's, [364]147; His motive for reasoning with the Jews was to save them, [365]148; rejected for Antichrist, [366]ib.; why spoke not clearly of Antichrist, [367]149; appealed to God's witness in that of Moses, [368]ib.; why told not in what place Moses prophesied of Him, [369]ib.; avoided contention, [370]150; teaches us to retire from the bustle of life, [371]151; showed His freedom from the Law, by absenting Himself from a Passover, [372]ib.; His diligence in instructing the disciples, [373]ib.; His preparation for His miracles, [374]ib.; why He employed things created in His miracles, [375]152, [376]153; gave thanks for our example, and to show His submission to God, [377]153; why performed His greater miracles without, His lesser with, prayer, [378]ib.; by fleeing from the multitude, teacheth contempt of the world, [379]154; why left the disciples alone, [380]155; showed His Power on the sea, but only for a moment, [381]ib.; why repeated His miracles, [382]ib.; several reasons for what He did on the sea, [383]156; His passage of the sea superior to that of Moses, [384]156; His timely severity, [385]157; really requires good works, [386]158; rebuked inattention in Martha, [387]ib.; "sealed," that is, certified by the Father, [388]159; referred unbelievers to the Father, [389]160; in what sense the Bread of Life, [390]161; His Will one with the Father's, [391]162; declared not His Birth to unbelievers, [392]164, [393]165; His "Drawing" implies man's coming, [394]164; spoke mysteriously of His Flesh to rouse attention, [395]165; taught in synagogues, to show His agreement with Jehovah, [396]169; eating His Flesh, how a hard saying, [397]ib.; how detained the Twelve, [398]170; His wisdom in reproving Judas secretly, [399]171; would not flatter the Twelve, [400]ib.; proved His Godhead and Manhood now in seeking, now in avoiding, the Jews, [401]173; unbelief and envy of His brethren, [402]ib.; why He went up to Jerusalem secretly, [403]174, [404]176; His foreknowledge of His time, [405]175; acted as a man, to prove His Incarnatian, and to train others, [406]176; the power of His teaching, [407]177; His doctrine, His and not His, because one with the Father's, [408]177; used lowly expressions of Himself, not to offend the Jews, [409]178; declared His Equality to show His agreement with the Father, [410]ib.; His prudence and humility in reasoning with the Jews from the Law, [411]179; rebukes the Jews, both by their ignorance and by their knowledge, [412]181, [413]188; foreshoweth His death, [414]182; His foreknowledge of the Jews' vain repentance, [415]ib.; referred to the Scriptures, [416]183; answered not the careless, [417]185; how the Light of the World, [418]187; judgeth not yet, [419]188; began to speak boldly, [420]ib.; of the same substance with, and equal to, the Father, [421]189; His hour, that is, His Crucifixion, was of His own appointing, [422]190; manifested to the Jews after His Passion, [423]191; why He forbore judging the Pharisees, [424]ib.; makes Himself known in punishment, [425]ib.; condescended, that men might believe, [426]192; benefit of meditating on His humble birth and education, [427]ib.; sought not to triumph in argument, but to save, [428]194; relaxes the Law, [429]ib.; signified His Power by "His Father's House," [430]ib.; showed most boldness after miracles, [431]195; one with the Father in Power, Substance, and Truth, [432]194, [433]195; love of, the proof of our knowing God, [434]196; His care to show His own power in healing the blind man, [435]204; why always retired after miracles, [436]204; defended by the blind man, [437]210; His meekness in praying for His murderers, [438]219; His mercy in receiving sinners, an example to us, [439]221; delivered men from prison, [440]ib.; His washing men's feet was to set an example of mercy, [441]ib.; why abode in Judea towards His Passion, [442]222; His meekness in replying to malicious questions, [443]223; His works His chief and sufficient witness, [444]ib.; His Hand and His Flock, one with the Father's, [445]ib.; His coequality in Power, [446]224; delayed doing, to show the truth of, His miracle, [447]227; His care to clear it from suspicion, [448]228; His condescension, to raise men's faith, [449]229; His love of Lazarus, [450]231; why would not raise Lazarus from a distance, [451]223; spoke for men's salvation, not His own honor, [452]236; condescended in preaching, not to give offense, [453]ib.; declared His Generation from, and Equality with, the Father, [454]237; His humiliation was worthy of His Divine Love, [455]ib.; so prayed at the grave of Lazarus as to show He needed not prayer, [456]238; why prayed at raising Lazarus, [457]ib.; showed His power in deeds, humility in words, [458]ib.; identity of His Will with the Father's, [459]ib.; His moderation in not claiming honor, [460]239; gave no real offense to the power of the Romans, [461]ib.; wept for the Jews' hardness, [462]240; retires from Jewry, [463]241; His care to save Judas, [464]243; His royal riding into the City, [465]245; waited for the Jews, before He would call the Gentiles, [466]246; how prepared the disciples for His death and theirs, [467]248; His shrinking from death proved His Humanity, and fits Him to be our pattern, [468]249; His Victory, [469]250; like the Sun, will reappear shortly, [470]251; withdrew often, to avoid offense, and returned to declare His Power, [471]252; One with the Father, because seen by Isaiah, [472]ib.; His condescension in speaking of His knowledge, [473]255; His care always to show Himself Inseparable from God, [474]ib.; our pattern of suffering in the flesh, [475]256; His forbearance with Judas, [476]257; His unceasing love for "His own," [477]ib.; taught humble-mindedness by the washing, [478]ib.; by doing all Himself, [479]258; signified cleansing of the conscience by washing, [480]259; adopts the disciples' confession of Him, [481]260; shames our pride, by washing the feet of Judas, [482]ib.; taught patience with servants, by His own with Judas, [483]261; His full knowledge of His coming Passion, [484]ib.; strove for Judas to the end, [485]262; comforts the disciples, [486]263; was "troubled" on account of Judas, [487]ib.; did not expose him openly, [488]265; His care for the poor, and His own poverty, [489]ib.; His Glory at, and after, the Crucifixion, [490]ib.; why He discoursed after the Supper, [491]266; comforted the disciples with the New Commandment, [492]266, [493]272; by promises of Heaven, [494]268; by reading their hearts, [495]ib.; how the Way, the Truth, and the Life, [496]269; His independent authority to be followed by self-mortification, [497]273; left us free to practice or not virginity, but required almsgiving, [498]ib.; present with His disciples by the Spirit, [499]275; His presence not visionary, [500]276; promised to the obedient, [501]ib.; His foreknowledge of His Passion, [502]ib.; His speaking to men's thoughts, [503]277; His readiness for death, [504]ib.; familiarizes the disciples with His Passion, [505]ib.; why discoursed of His Power in the Garden, [506]279; His love for man, [507]280; speaks at once with authority and condescension, [508]ib.; enjoins perseverance, [509]281; why always exalts love, 682; His agreement with the Father, ib.; proof of His love for His disciples, ib.; His miracles without parallel, [510]283; thinking of Him, our support in trial, [511]284; His righteousness proved by His Ascension, [512]287; by His victory over Satan, [513]ib.; His knowledge the same as that of the Spirit, [514]288; leaves the inward operations to the Spirit, [515]289; prepared His disciples for belief in the Spirit, [516]ib.; by "going" showed that he would not perish, [517]291; alludes to His Resurrection as a birth, [518]291; power of His Name, [519]292; answers to the thoughts of the disciple, [520]ib.; His Power shown in the manner of His expiring, [521]294; used prayer in temptation for our sakes, [522]296; teaches us to be earnest in prayer, [523]ib.; His Freedom and Glory in the Crucifixion, [524]ib.; His care to prepare them for the calling of the Gentiles, [525]ib.; His eternal authority, [526]297; was to be glorified in His Human Nature, [527]298; His prayer for His Own, showed His love for them, [528]300, [529]303; in what sense received them from the Father, [530]300; glorified in the disciples as well as the Father, [531]ib.; in what sense not in the world, [532]300, [533]301; lost none but the willful, [534]301; mingled explanation with command, to suit their infirmity, [535]ib.; speaks of the future as past, [536]303; His great love in dying for us, [537]304; His last discourse summed up in love, [538]305; goes willingly and with pains to His Passion, [539]306; His prayer was a discourse for the sake of the disciples, [540]307; His habit of passing the night abroad, [541]ib.; His readiness in giving up Himself, [542]307, [543]308; His Divine power over the soldiers, [544]307; His care to save His disciples, [545]ib.; led to Annas by way of triumph, [546]308; was questioned as if seditious, [547]309; appealed to His enemies' witness, [548]ib.; His, straightforwardness and care to remove every pretext, [549]ib.; His thought for Peter, [550]310; ate the Passover by anticipation, [551]ib.; His behavior before Pilate, [552]311; nature of His Kingdom a proof of His Deity, [553]ib.; His humility and meekness our example, [554]311, [555]313; His longsuffering with His enemies, [556]313, [557]314; why He made no defense before Pilate, [558]314; never "made Himself a King" outwardly, [559]315; teaches to return good for evil, [560]ib.; His care for His Mother, [561]318; His self-possession on the Cross, [562]ib.; showed human weakness in the Agony, Divine power on the Cross, [563]ib.; taught filial affection on the Cross, [564]ib.; revealed Himself risen by His Voice, [565]324; would not be touched, because changed, and about to ascend, [566]ib.; declares His superiority in honor, [567]ib.; reason of His first reappearance to His disciples, [568]ib.; why He bade Peace, [569]325; gave a foretaste of the Spirit in breathing on the disciples, [570]ib.; His lovingkindness in the case of St. Thomas [571]327; His second appearance, [572]ib.; the Spiritual nature of His Body after His Resurrection, [573]328; preserved the marks of Crucifixion, to persuade the disciples, [574]ib.; many signs followed His Resurrection, [575]ib.; appeared to the disciples only by condescension, and for short intervals, [576]ib.; awfulness of His Form after His Rising, [577]329; showed greater Power in His miracles after His Rising, [578]ib.; ate with the disciples to show Himself alive, [579]ib.; His coming hereafter, our bliss in seeing Him then, [580]ib.; love of Him conquers the world, [581]330.

Christians, how sanctified, [582]48; duties of, high as their privileges, [583]50, [584]53; to imitate Christ by love of the brethren, [585]54; their duties as members one of another, [586]53, [587]54; indifference of, a stumblingblock to heathens, [588]61; taught by the zeal of heathens to study and to defend the truth, [589]62; should show their joy in Christ by works of love, [590]72; united only by common holiness, [591]89; their ingratitude towards Christ, [592]95; a ridicule to heathens and heretics, because ignorant of Holy Scripture, [593]105; inattention of, rebuked by the woman of Samaria, [594]110; their neglect of Holy Scripture and Christian doctrine, [595]114; exhorted to judge themselves, [596]121; must not demand miracles to support their faith, [597]125; to retire frequently to solitude, after the example of Christ, [598]151; must needs believe a Resurrection, [599]163; made one with Christ by partaking of Him, [600]166; specially bound to forgiveness of injuries, [601]174, [602]186; intended to be the teachers, leaven, salt, light of the world, [603]181; sin of, worse than of heathens, [604]250.

Chrysostom, St., why varied his preaching, [605]79; preached two days in the week, [606]87; his despair of his hearers, [607]105; an admirer of holy virginity, [608]206.

Church, the, wedded to God by a Voice, and teaching, [609]102; signified by "the true worshipers," [610]116; consists by the Water and the Blood, [611]319.

Churches, no worldly thoughts to intrude there, [612]8; spiritual surgeries, [613]9; behavior in, [614]10; attended for form's sake: preparation for, commended, [615]38; weariness of the congregation, [616]110; good effect of attending, [617]192; neglect of, [618]210; presiding over, a great matter, [619]216; frequented from curiosity, [620]306; attendance at useless, without good works, [621]ib.

Circumcision, was before the Law, and of equal obligation, [622]179; performed on the sabbath, [623]ib.

City of God, compared with earthly cities, [624]203.

Clamor, Paul against, [625]92.

Clay made by Christ, proves Him Creator, [626]201.

Clothing, costliness in, condemned, [627]95.

Coat, the, without seam, a type of Christ's nature, [628]317.

Comforter, the, proved a distinct Person from the Son, but of the same Substance, [629]274; came not, because not needed, before Christ's Sacrifice, [630]ib.; indwelling of, promised, [631]ib.; so called by reason of our afflictions, [632]276; credible, because the Spirit of Truth, [633]284.

Coming of Christ, means the Incarnation, [634]36; why said to be after the Baptist, [635]45; expected by St. Chrysostom, [636]121; its suddenness, [637]ib.

Commandments, keeping them the test of Christian love, [638]275, [639]276.

Communion, of Christians, depends on holiness, [640]89; joins men to the Body of Christ, [641]166; absolute necessity of, [642]168; to be understood spiritually, [643]169.

Company of wicked men dangerous and offensive, [644]206.

Conception of the Blessed Virgin, accredited in the Old Testament, [645]92.

Concubinage, sanctioned by heathen philosophers, [646]50.

Condescension, lessens not greatness, [647]38.

Confession, a way to pardon, [648]29; not needful to Christ, [649]59; best made by good works, [650]72; Nathanael's and Peter's contrasted, [651]72, [652]73.

Conscience, cleansing of, signified by Christ washing the disciples' feet, [653]259; a foretaste of judgment or of reward, [654]333; convicted Ahab to his good, [655]ib.

Consubstantiality of the Father and the Son, [656]254.

Consubstantiality and Condignity of the Father and the Son, [657]272.

Contention to be avoided by Christians, after the example of Christ, [658]50.

Continence, a higher path than married life, [659]318.

Conversation on religious matters recommended, [660]10.

Conversion, may be sudden, [661]6; of sinners by Christ, [662]42; efficacy of, [663]50; of the penitent thief, a kind of shaking the rocks, [664]317.

Corinthian, the, adulterer recovered by timely rebuke, [665]130, [666]131.

Covetousness, a hindrance to hearing the Word, [667]8; its power, [668]31; separates the brethren, [669]54; a betraying of Christ, [670]172; a subject for mourning, [671]240; examples of its evil effects in Judas and others, [672]243; the worst idolatry, [673]ib.; begins in envy, [674]ib.; ruins the merit of almsgiving, [675]270; without excuse, [676]273; its general spread and mischiefs, [677]280; spoils our charity and other virtues, [678]333.

Created things, have had a beginning, [679]11; implied in "Earth" and "Man," [680]12; the Word proved not one of them; [681]12, [682]13; not to be worshiped, [683]19; not "the Life" nor "the Light," [684]24; acknowledged Christ their Master, [685]41; described as willing, because independent of our will, [686]91; work on the sabbath, by continuance, [687]133.

Creation, an attribute of God, [688]18; lessens nothing in God, [689]23; was an act of grace, [690]49; works of, require faith as much as things spiritual, [691]87; superiority of the new, [692]88.

Cross, the, a Baptism, [693]89; how connected with Baptism, [694]94; opened the door to the Gentiles, [695]246; God's glory in, [696]249; foretold by Jacob, [697]251; being accursed, was to prevent any future remembrance of Jesus, [698]315; borne by Christ as a symbol of victory, [699]317; buried, and discovered in after times, [700]ib.

Crucifixion, the, glory of, [701]42; why foretold obscurely, [702]94; virtue of, exceeded that of its type, the brazen serpent, [703]ib.; the fountain of life, [704]95; the beginning of Grace, [705]184; and of Glory, [706]ib.; the time of, ordered by Christ Himself, not the Jews, [707]190; the beginning of Christ's Glory, [708]265.

Cup of the Lord's Supper, the, shown in the Blood from His Side, [709]319.

Curiosity, in divine mysteries a device of Satan, [710]27; leads away from the faith without satisfying, [711]85; may be too much and too little, [712]327; condemned in St. Thomas, [713]ib.

Dæmon, of the Gnostics, [714]30.

Dancers, preferred to Christ, [715]61; power of, to inflame the mind, [716]66; encouragement of, sinful, [717]154.

Daniel, [718]40, [719]61.

Darkness, used for death and error, [720]24; for sin, [721]ib.; caused by worldliness, [722]31; preferred to light, [723]97; by those who willfully continue in sin, [724]98; signifies error and sin, [725]188; put for sin, [726]277.

Day of Christ, what, [727]198.

Dead, prayers for the, [728]43 (note); to be honored not by mourning, but by good imitation, [729]231; to be clothed in almsgiving, not rich robes, [730]321; memory of, a benefit to the living, [731]322.

Death, overcome by Christ, [732]24; the cause of victory, [733]293; and immortality, [734]ib.; its awfulness to the unprepared, [735]306; to be neither feared nor sought, [736]318; the fear of, intended for a safeguard to life, [737]332.

Deceit, folly of, [738]150.

"Declared," hath, implies Christ's clearness in teaching, [739]53.

Dedication, great national Feast of the, [740]222.

Despair, condemned, [741]295.

Despondency, useful if leading to repentance, [742]286; increased by dwelling on the cause, [743]291; compared to childbirth, [744]ib.

Devil, the, tempts to curiosity in Divine mysteries, [745]28; fell by pride, [746]57; his versatility in attack, [747]79; afraid of the Bible, [748]114; does not make war on his own kind as malicious men, [749]130; flies from the mysteries, [750]167; called a wolf, a lion, a serpent, a dragon, [751]215; the works of Christ attributed to, because more than human, [752]219; ruler of the wicked only in the world, [753]277.

Devils, the authors of suicide, [754]332.

Disciples of John, some jealous of Christ, [755]64; two zealous in seeking him, [756]65; why questioned by our Lord, [757]ib.; their question with a certain Jew, [758]100 (note); their jealousy of Christ's disciples, [759]101; vainglory of, [760]102; slow to believe in Jesus Christ, [761]104.

Disciples of Christ, began to believe at Cana, [762]80; slow to believe the doctrines of the Resurrection and Incarnation, [763]82; because not at first informed by the Spirit, [764]ib.; the more perfect, attracted by Christ's teaching, the grosser sort by His miracles, [765]83; object of their baptism the same as of John's, [766]100; moderation of, [767]109; their reverence for Christ, [768]117; their manner of discoursing with Christ, [769]151; their faith in sitting down without question at the miracle of the loaves, [770]152; their love for Christ, [771]155; witnessed more miracles than the people, [772]ib.; in what sense some "went back," [773]170; faith of, still imperfect, [774]228; their fear of the Jews, [775]ib.; understood nothing perfectly of the Resurrection, [776]245; still ignorant of Christ's Equality, [777]248; "clean," because free from Jewish error, [778]259; their confession of Christ, [779]260; taught not to contend for greatness, by the washing, [780]ib.; gradually prepared for the Resurrection, [781]276, [782]277; understood not high doctrines until inspired, [783]276; their imperfect faith in Christ and the Resurrection, [784]ib.; their courage after Pentecost, [785]279; how taught to rejoice in persecution, [786]283; credible, because eye-witnesses, [787]284; slow, because unwilling, to believe in His death, [788]291; still imperfect, though professing knowledge, [789]292; not taught perfectly, but assured of peace, [790]293; in what sense not of the world, [791]303; sanctified by the Word, and by the Sacrifice, [792]ib.; their unity, through faith, [793]304; to be known in the world by their mutual love, [794]ib.; their glory given by Christ, [795]ib.; why took no part in the burial, [796]320; their hasty return home, [797]323; their mission, [798]325; received somewhat of grace by His breathing on them, [799]ib.; their candor in telling all their faults, [800]327; returned to their trade after Christ's Resurrection, [801]328; knew Him not at first on the lake, [802]329; awe-struck by Christ's risen form, [803]ib.

Disease, produced by sin, [804]131.

Discontent, comes of ambition, [805]231.

Dives, judged, because not self-judging, [806]121; tormented because he did no actual good, [807]147; his impunity in life increased his punishment, [808]157.

Divination, forbidden to the Jews, [809]48.

Docetæ, [810]39 (note).

Doctrine of Christ and of the Father one, [811]177; of men, aims at reputation, [812]ib.

Doctrines, growth of, harder than of natural seed, [813]62; general neglect of, condemned, [814]114; the higher cannot be received without faith, [815]115; the true, sanctify the soul, [816]303.

Domestics, patience with, taught by Christ's with Judas, [817]261.

Door of the fold, the Scriptures, [818]213.

Earthly things, their fleeting nature typified in the water at Cana, [819]78; how said of Holy Baptism, [820]93, [821]103.

Elijah, how glorified, [822]40.

Elisha, how glorified, [823]40.

Empedocles believed the Metempsychosis, [824]5 (note).

End of the world expected by St. Chrys., [825]121; implied a brief period, [826]ib.

Envy, evils of, seen in the Jews, [827]54, [828]55, [829]122; of the Jews towards Christ, contrasted with the goodwill of the Samaritans, [830]122; inexcusable because not from natural passion, [831]130; its evils extend to all times, [832]ib.; examples of, [833]ib.; a war against Christ, [834]ib.; hard to heal, [835]ib.; of Satan ruined the world: of the Jews made them murderers of Christ, [836]173; of the brethren, [837]174; examples of its sinfulness, [838]199, [839]200.

Equality of the Son with the Father, [840]13, [841]14, [842]22; declared to the Jews, to show Him Lord of the sabbath, [843]132; proved by His breaking the sabbath, [844]133; by His doing nothing of Himself, [845]135; of Christ with the Father, [846]199.

Esau ruined by envy, [847]130.

Essence, of the Father and the Son, one, [848]18, [849]28, [850]254, [851]272; of the Son, simple, [852]24; the Divine, in Christ, unchanged by the Incarnation, [853]38; and different from His flesh, [854]39.

Eternity, a subject difficult to contemplate, [855]7; of The Word, maintained, [856]11, [857]17, [858]27; Christ's proved by the phrase, "was in the beginning," [859]11, [860]12, [861]18; by His being called "Maker of the ages," [862]11; by His being Maker of "all things," [863]17; by His being "in the Bosom of the Father," [864]53; that of the Father involved in Christ's, [865]17; of Christ's manhood asserted, [866]53; shown in the Jewish types, [867]169.

Evangelists begin from different points, yet agree, [868]16; dwell on different periods, [869]58; truth of, shown by their reporting matters of reproach, and by their omitting miracles, [870]61; conciseness of, [871]67, [872]70; omit many particulars, but not general results, [873]123; were careful to correct any misapprehensions about Christ, [874]134; their candor in relating things apparently discreditable, [875]173; prove the reality of Christ's death in different ways, [876]233; candid in confessing the disciples' ignorance, [877]245; their veracity argued from their many omissions, [878]328.

Everlasting life, promised to obedience, [879]197.

Excuses of the negligent, [880]38.

Exhortation, duty of mutual, [881]172.

Eye, the noblest member, [882]201.

Faith without works insufficient, [883]19, [884]27, [885]37, [886]106; the only way to apprehend things spiritual, [887]87, [888]93; required in studying things natural, [889]88; without works a denial of Christ, [890]97; in heathens come from purity of intention, [891]98; in Christ is faith in God, [892]104; need of, [893]115; without a sign, exemplified in the Samaritans, [894]123; of the nobleman of Cana, imperfect, because after the miracle, [895]124; of the centurion (Matt. viii.5) more perfect, because before it, [896]ib.; tried by affliction, [897]125; before sight, not required of strangers who had not seen Christ, [898]129; of the paralytic at Bethesda, [899]132; requires some greatness of soul, [900]162; must be founded on Holy Scripture, [901]184; the condition of receiving the Promises, [902]ib.; God's work, [903]202; the blind man had it, [904]ib.; Naaman had it not, [905]ib.; produced in some Jews, by Christ's condescension, but imperfectly, [906]192; of the blind man in going to Siloam, [907]204; most needed in things invisible, [908]205; the truest way to glorify God, [909]208; steps by which it was called forth in the blind man, [910]212; of the lepers, [911]ib.; with righteousness, its power, [912]234; triumphed in the Apostles, [913]ib.; nothing without holiness, [914]ib.; its object, the unseen, [915]327.

False Christs called strangers, [916]214; wherein differing from the True, [917]ib.; their evil designs, [918]ib.

Fasting, a way to pardon, [919]29, [920]142.

Fatalism inconsistent with a belief in the Resurrection, [921]163.

Father, His Eternity involved in the Son's, [922]17; unbegotten, [923]28; the manner, of His "working," [924]133; His witness to Christ, [925]146, [926]162; His Will one with the Son's, [927]165; "draweth" us, but not without our consent, [928]164; can not be seen by any, known only through the Son, [929]271; Consubstantiality of, with the Son, [930]272; His Greatness as the cause, hinders not the Son's Consubstantiality, [931]277; His union with the Son, as the Root of the Branches, [932]279; hated in the Son, [933]283.

Fear of God, the, secures the soul, [934]193.

Feast, the first and last its great days, [935]183.

Feasts, rulers of, selected for sobriety, [936]78.

Female sex, their superior feeling, [937]323.

Figures used in the Gospels to give spirit and sweetness to the doctrine, [938]119; the latest, were the most clear, [939]126.

Finery has no power to please long, [940]226.

Fire, a likeness of Christ's fullness, [941]47; the double, of sin and of hell, [942]66.

Firmness marks Christ as the good Shepherd, [943]217.

Flesh of Christ, the, was of the substance of the Virgin, [944]91; no excuse for a carnal mind, because overcome by the Spirit, [945]277; examples of its subjection, [946]278.

Following of Christ, lies in imitating His actions, [947]142.

Foreknowledge of Christ, [948]170, [949]174.

Forgiveness, how won, [950]29; must be shown to others, that we may receive it ourselves, [951]142; of injuries: Moses, Noah, Joseph, examples of, [952]262; its obligations on Christians, [953]ib.

Fornication, worse than idolatry, its punishment, [954]234; persons guilty of, warned from the Church, [955]235.

Freedom, from sin, the only real liberty, [956]194; consists in having no wants: of Adam such, [957]298.

Free-will asserted, [958]24, [959]29, [960]35, [961]36, [962]42; argued from the offer of Heaven and the threat of Hell, [963]134; shown in our learning and believing voluntarily, [964]162; consistent with God's "drawing," [965]164.

Frugality, the mother of health, [966]79.

Fullness of Christ's Grace, [967]2.

Funerals, great folly of expense at, [968]321; vainglorious, [969]ib.; moderation in, a proof of faith in the Resurrection, [970]322.

Futurity, knowledge of, universally coveted, [971]288; foresight of, belongs to God only, [972]289.

Games, attention paid to, [973]1, [974]38.

Galileans, general dullness of, [975]70; received Christ, but after sight of miracles, [976]123.

Garden, the, why Christ led the disciples there, [977]279.

Generation, Christ's Eternal, to be received humbly, not enquired into, [978]86; the second, of men in Baptism, how superior to the natural, [979]88; not understood of Angels, to be taken on trust by men, [980]ib.

Gentiles, fallen state of, [981]32; readily accepted the Gospel, [982]33; first visited by Christ in passing through Samaria, [983]107; why called A Dispersion, [984]182; their morality a reproof to Christians, [985]186; called Children by anticipation, [986]241; in what sense "not of this fold," [987]217; their future union, [988]ib.; shown in the ass's colt, [989]245; call of, began from the Cross, [990]246, [991]250; signified by "all flesh," [992]296; knew a Creator, not His Son, [993]299.

Giving, grace inferior to "coming," said of the Father and the Son, implies the generation, [994]304, [995]311.

Glory, of the Son, surpassing, [996]40; of Christ, how revealed, [997]41; of the Passion, [998]42; of heaven, [999]43; how given to God, [1000]46; of Christ, how manifested at Cana, [1001]80; to be gained by renouncing vainglory, [1002]99; of this world and the next compared, [1003]102; won by humility and charity, [1004]117, [1005]118; of this world, a slavery, [1006]154; not mentioned in the Lord's Prayer, [1007]157; to be won by suffering, [1008]298; folly of losing it, for vanities, [1009]ib.

Glory of God, whether the object, or the consequence of the cure of the blind men, [1010]201; either view justified, [1011]ib.

Gluttony, power of, exemplified in those who would have made Christ a King, [1012]153.

Gnostics, opinions of, [1013]30 (note).

GOD, His nature admits not number, [1014]7; nor time, [1015]17; impossible to be described, [1016]28; to be named only from His operations, [1017]7; before all, [1018]8; incapable of suffering, [1019]12; infinite, [1020]17; attributes of, ascribed to the Son, [1021]18; indefectible, [1022]23; omnipresent, [1023]25; unsearchable, [1024]27; not known to all, [1025]30; to the Son only, [1026]52; without wants, [1027]35; unchangeable, [1028]39; without equal, [1029]ib.; seen by the Prophets only by His condescending to certain forms, [1030]51; seen in His Essence only by the Son, [1031]52; seen only in thought, [1032]ib.; makes things necessary easy, [1033]87; the operations of, in regeneration to be taken on trust, [1034]88; great strength of His love expressed in "So loved," [1035]95; His mercy in appointing a day of trial, [1036]96; to dispense with the law of the sabbath is for Him only, [1037]133; "works," by preserving all things, [1038]ib.; said to "send" the Son because the Great Cause, [1039]135; Christ's doctrine of His Spiritual nature, [1040]146; in what sense "seen" by Isaiah and others, [1041]ib.; witnessed to Christ at Jordan, at the Transfiguration, in the Scriptures, [1042]146; the fear of, the true wisdom, [1043]150; in what sense said to "prove" men's faith, and to "search the heart," [1044]152; allows the wicked only for a time, [1045]157; His Providence not fully shown before the Judgment, [1046]162; "draweth" by helping man's weakness, [1047]164; is most glorified by our faith, [1048]208; spoke of Himself condescendingly in the Old Testament, [1049]237; His "hearing" Christ signified identity of will, [1050]239; glorified by the Cross of Christ, [1051]249; by the judgment of Satan, [1052]250; in our obedience, [1053]ib.; known only through Christ, [1054]271; in what sense "seen" by men, [1055]272; His Essence invisible, [1056]ib.; receives less love and homage than some harlots, [1057]295; glorified by man's service, and by Christ's Incarnation, [1058]297; known only through the Son, [1059]305; to be loved by works, [1060]ib.

Godhead of Christ, indirectly declared, [1061]201.

Golden, necklaces worn by servants, [1062]95.

Gold mines, [1063]125, [1064]143.

Golgotha, said to be Adam's place of burial, [1065]317.

Gospel, its persuasiveness a proof of its truth, [1066]5; wide spread of, [1067]6; read on Lord's Day and sabbath, [1068]38; superior to the Law, [1069]48; its offers universal, [1070]24, [1071]29, [1072]36; rejected from the love of sin, [1073]98; a charm against Satan, [1074]114; why especially to be studied, [1075]192.

Grace, of Baptism, [1076]36; must be guarded, [1077]ib.; fullness of, in Christ, [1078]47; shown in the Creation, in the natural law, [1079]49; in the Law of Moses, [1080]ib.; "given," inferior to "coming," [1081]50; of God abounded beyond man's transgression, [1082]90; not exhausted by use like the water of Bethesda, [1083]126; in Christ was without, in the Apostle with, measure, [1084]153; prevents and co-operates with men's will, [1085]164.

Greek Philosophers, mistakes of, concerning the soul and heaven, [1086]234.

Greeks, why at the Passover, [1087]246; their devotion to their gods, and contempt of riches, a reproach to evil Christians, [1088]316.

Habit, power of, [1089]25.

Hand, the emblem of authority, [1090]224.

Hardening of our hearts is of our own fault, [1091]253.

Harlots, their imperious treatment of their lovers, [1092]294, [1093]295; their rapacity in spoiling their lovers, [1094]330.

Harvest of souls, [1095]119; prepared by the Prophets, reaped by the Apostles, [1096]120.

Health, the daughter of Abstinence, [1097]78.

Hearers, what their disposition should be, [1098]2, [1099]8; why to be earnest, [1100]2; why tranquil, [1101]2; should prepare themselves, [1102]3, [1103]38; how they become confused, [1104]8; the careless, condemned, [1105]ib.; worse than beasts, [1106]9; should keep what they hear, [1107]32; should not resent reproof, [1108]40; state of, to be considered in teaching and reading Scripture, [1109]105; should imitate the woman of Samaria, [1110]110.

Hearing and seeing, said of God, and Christ, imply their exact knowledge, [1111]92, [1112]103, [1113]136, [1114]141; the word, requires stillness, [1115]168; a spiritual mind, [1116]169; earnest zeal, [1117]183; carefulness, [1118]187; tends to reverence, [1119]192.

Heathens, conversion of, hindered by our indifference, [1120]61; zeal of, our reproach, [1121]62; some rejected Christianity from love of vice, [1122]97; some virtuous but very rarely, [1123]98; did not go to the light when it came to them, [1124]ib.; none believed but those who before wished to live well, [1125]ib.; doctrines of, weak and inconsistent, [1126]247; conversion of, hindered by the coldness and sins of Christians, [1127]266.

Heaven, the thoughts of, should set us above the world, [1128]293; and little affronts, [1129]294; our real home, [1130]293.

Hell, fire of, prepared for the devil, [1131]66; existence of, denied by some, [1132]96; proved credible by 1 Cor. v., [1133]131; threat of, proves human freedom, [1134]134.

Heralds of Christ's birth, [1135]41.

Heretics err, by not considering the objects of the speakers in Holy Scripture, [1136]144; must be refuted from Holy Scripture, [1137]149; an objection of, to Christ's answer to the Jews, [1138]198; barred from the fold by Scripture, [1139]213; their misinterpretation of the parable of the sheepfold, [1140]214; denied the Resurrection on Heathen principles of the eternity of matter, [1141]247; to be resisted by knowledge of the Scriptures, [1142]ib.

Herod the Tetrarch, his troops destroyed by Aretas, [1143]44 (note).

High Priest, the, inspired for his office's sake, [1144]241; chosen annually through corruption, [1145]ib.

High Priesthood, the, trafficked and made annual under Christ, [1146]241.

Hireling, the, marks of, [1147]215; signifies the Jewish teachers, [1148]216.

Holiness of Christians and Jews contrasted, [1149]48; a relative term, [1150]49; absolutely necessary to salvation, [1151]106.

Holy Ghost, the, speaks through the Scriptures, [1152]2, [1153]16, [1154]22; not meant by the words "in Him was life," [1155]21; uncreated, [1156]22; given in Baptism, [1157]36; His descent upon Christ was to declare Him, [1158]59; not given in John's Baptism, [1159]60; office of, not to teach, but to recall Christ's teaching, [1160]83; superior to soul, in giving life, [1161]88; performs the work of God, [1162]91; power of, shown by the comparison of wind, [1163]ib.; His Infinity declared by John Baptist, [1164]105; the names of "Fire," and "Water," used to express His operations, not His Essence, because possessing the qualities of both, [1165]111; His grace may be increased, may be quenched by covetousness and cruelty, [1166]183; largeness of, intended by the "Living Water," [1167]184; spake by the Prophets, [1168]ib.; and triumphed in the Apostles, but not before the Crucifixion, [1169]ib.; deserted the Jews after the Passion, [1170]241; His power in the Apostles, [1171]277, [1172]278; enables us to overcome the flesh, and makes men equal to Angels, [1173]278; is "of Truth," because of the Father, [1174]284; speaks only the words of Christ, [1175]288; the guide to truth, [1176]ib.; could not come before the sacrifice of the Cross, [1177]ib.; His office in Holy Baptism, [1178]289; His dignity in prophecy, not contrary to Christ's, [1179]ib.; awfulness of His gift in Ordination, [1180]325.

Honesty, [1181]122.

Honor to be sought of God, not men, [1182]15; like wealth, most had when despised, [1183]ib.; of men, shared with harlots and dancers, [1184]136; the greatest, gained by almsgiving, [1185]143; not taken by Christ for Himself, [1186]198.

House-building extravagant, [1187]203; moral deduced from, [1188]ib.

"How?" the question of the weak in faith, as Sarah, [1189]85; the cause of unbelief, [1190]166.

Human nature suffered in Christ, not the Divine, [1191]12; of Christ taught before the Godhead, [1192]13; taken into God, [1193]38; the Tabernacle of David, [1194]39; repaired by Christ, [1195]41; requires the aid of society, [1196]67.

Human way of speaking adopted by Christ, [1197]218; why, [1198]ib.

Humility, the gain of, [1199]106; the cause of Christ's preference for John, [1200]117; example of in Moses, [1201]ib.; the crown of good works, [1202]118; the truest greatness, [1203]261; taught by Christ's behavior before Pilate, [1204]311.

"I am," force of the expression, [1205]199.

Idleness really condemned by Christ, [1206]158; the meat which perisheth, [1207]ib.

Ignorance, in St. John, a proof of inspiration, [1208]4, & (note), [1209]5; will be no excuse, [1210]142; weakens the soul, [1211]279; of some things, desirable, [1212]281.

Impatience rebuked by the paralytic at Bethesda, [1213]126.

Impossibility, arising from the Essence of God, a proof of power, [1214]135.

Incarnation, a veil of the Godhead, [1215]26, [1216]40; believed by Patriarchs, [1217]30; lateness of, no objection, [1218]ib.; a "coming" of Christ, [1219]36; the cause of our Regeneration, [1220]38; changed not the Son's Essence, [1221]39; a taking of the manhood into God, [1222]ib.; Christ's care to prove it, [1223]107; because a chief point in the work of Redemption, [1224]ib.; proved by Christ's weeping, [1225]233; by the different accounts of the Passion, [1226]ib.

Ingratitude of man towards Christ, self-condemned, [1227]95.

Injury, if unavenged, recoils on the doer, [1228]261; forgiveness of, shown in the Old Testament, [1229]262.

Injustice conspicuous in small acts of parsimony, [1230]221.

Insults, how answered by Christ, [1231]197, [1232]198.

Intention without acts may be sinful, [1233]306.

Isaac, miraculous birth of, was to prepare for Christ's, [1234]92; type of Christ, [1235]198; bearing the wood, a type of Christ on the Cross, [1236]317.

Isaiah's vision, a proof of the Trinity, [1237]253.

Jacob predicted a Messiah, [1238]116.

Jacob's ladder, a type of gradual advance to Heaven, [1239]312.

Jesus, how made both Lord and Christ, [1240]12 [see Christ].

Jews, the, blindness of, [1241]32; cast off through pride, [1242]33; their discontent unreasonable, [1243]ib.; abused their privileges, [1244]34; needed a man for a teacher, [1245]45; nominally sons of God, really servants, [1246]48; were under Grace, but less than we, [1247]49; their envy of the Baptist, [1248]54; why preferred him to Christ, [1249]55; why questioned Him, [1250]ib.; from their faith in John, ought to have believed in Christ, [1251]56; in what sense knew not Christ, [1252]57; why believed not after the descent of the Spirit on Jesus, [1253]60; malice of, contrasted with the candor of Nathanael, [1254]71; were not profited by relationship to Christ, [1255]75; provoked to hear of Christ's Equality with God, [1256]81; their wickedness in requiring a sign in the temple, [1257]ib.; sinned by vainglory, [1258]98; weaned from idolatry by gradual teaching, [1259]106; had been rejected, long before Christ, [1260]108; their inattention contrasted with the care of the woman of Samaria, [1261]110, [1262]114; did not attend to the Word, and hindered others, [1263]110; preferred to the Samaritans because purer in faith, [1264]115; and their spiritual fathers, [1265]116; but inferior to Christians, [1266]ib.; did not enquire to learn, but to mock, [1267]117; their envy of the paralytic's cure, [1268]130; their faith hindered by vainglory, [1269]136, [1270]148; really believed in John the Baptist, [1271]144; but only for a season, [1272]145; rejected God's witness to Christ, in rejecting that of the Scriptures, [1273]146; convicted of not loving God, [1274]148; and of excessive pride, [1275]ib.; rejected Christ for Antichrist, [1276]ib.; how to be accused by Moses, [1277]149; their gluttony made them affected by the miracle of the loaves, [1278]153, [1279]157, [1280]159; their ingratitude and hypocrisy in mentioning the Manna, [1281]160; incredulous because disappointed of their lust, [1282]161; fled from Christ's spiritual doctrine, [1283]164; led astray by unlawful curiosity, [1284]166; their rage against Christ was from fear, [1285]176; their wickedness in wondering at, not obeying, His word, [1286]177; subverted the Law by their conduct, [1287]178; confuted out of the Law itself, [1288]ib.; those who saw most of Christ's miracles hated Him most, [1289]180; their inconsistency, [1290]ib.; in what sense knew and knew not Christ, [1291]180, [1292]181; not really ignorant, [1293]71, [1294]110, [1295]181; how sought Christ "in a little while," [1296]181; their contempt of Gentiles, [1297]182; their malice in pretending ignorance, [1298]185, [1299]188; imperfect faith of some of them, [1300]192; carried texts of Scripture on their dress, [1301]193; erred, because they had not the fear of God, [1302]ib.; their insensibility to the bondage of sin, [1303]ib.; were in bondage repeatedly, [1304]194; differed from us, as servants from sons, [1305]ib.; hindered from believing, by reliance on their descent, [1306]195; proved children of the devil, from envy and murder, [1307]ib.; contracted unlawful marriages, [1308]196; alien from God and from Abraham, [1309]ib.; their blasphemy, that Christ had a devil, [1310]197, [1311]198; trust in Abraham only, [1312]198; knew not the Father, [1313]ib.; malice of, towards the blind man at Siloam, [1314]205, [1315]207; labor to depreciate the miracle, [1316]ib.; subtlety and hypocrisy of their questions, [1317]208; neither Moses' nor Christ's disciples, [1318]209; asked questions of Christ, not to learn, but to silence Him, [1319]222; their wickedness in rejecting the greater witness of His works, and demanding words, [1320]223; provoked by Christ's claiming coequality with God, [1321]224; thought to save, but ruined themselves, by slaying Christ, [1322]239; did not escape the Romans, [1323]241; deserted by the Spirit after the Crucifixion, [1324]ib.; their wickedness in plotting at a Passover, [1325]242; ruined by covetousness, [1326]243; the people believed, the rulers rejected Christ, [1327]244; design to kill Lazarus, [1328]245; really understood Christ's meaning, [1329]251; but misconstrued it deliberately, [1330]ib.; still in darkness, [1331]ib.; their unbelief foretold, [1332]252; opposed both God and Moses, in Christ, [1333]283; their unbelief, worldly pride, [1334]ib.; absurdity of their scruple to enter Pilate's palace, [1335]310; in what sense could not put any to death, [1336]ib.; their madness in preferring Barabbas, [1337]313; made to confess their own downfall, [1338]315; why wished to slay Jesus by crucifying, [1339]ib.; spoiled by success from the beginning, [1340]316; fulfilled the prophecy unconsciously, [1341]317; madness of, proclaimed by the Title on the Cross, [1342]ib.; their obduracy to the last, [1343]319.

John Baptist, St., spoke as sent from God, [1344]25; why sent to witness to Christ, [1345]26; inferior to Christ, [1346]ib.; confessed his inferiority, [1347]45; reverenced by the Jews, [1348]44; praised by Josephus, [1349]ib.;, taught from heaven, [1350]45; prepared the Jews for Christ by degrees, [1351]ib.; how "after" Christ, [1352]ib.; in externals superior to Christ, [1353]55; preferred to Christ by the Jews, [1354]ib.; why questioned by the Jews, [1355]ib.; in his confessing Christ, replied to their secret thoughts, [1356]56; and detected their treachery, [1357]ib.; his dignity compared to ours, [1358]57; boldness of, [1359]58; object of his mission inferior to Christ's, [1360]59; gave not the Spirit in his baptism, [1361]60; did not know Christ at first, but before His baptism, [1362]ib.; why used repetitions, [1363]63; how brought the Bride to Christ, [1364]ib.; called the friend of the Bridegroom because present with Christ, [1365]64; why able to preach at all hours, [1366]ib.; some disciples of, jealous of Christ, [1367]ib.; why continued to baptize all his life, [1368]100; His death facilitated Christ's ministry, [1369]ib.; witnessed to Christ's superiority, [1370]101, [1371]102; called himself Christ's "friend" to disclaim jealousy, [1372]101; his work finished as Christ's began, [1373]102; his reserve in speaking of Christ, [1374]105; his testimony was that of God, [1375]144; called a torch because his light was not his own, [1376]145; proved trustworthy by the acts of Christ, [1377]225.

John Evangelist, St., his intimacy with Christ, [1378]1; manner of his appearing, [1379]ib.; truthfulness, [1380]1, [1381]36; birth and occupation, [1382]4; unlearned, [1383]5; instance of his plain speaking, [1384]7; the beloved disciple, [1385]117; does not himself relate the cause of Christ's preference, [1386]ib.; favored by St. Peter, [1387]ib.; his humility, [1388]ib.; his care to correct mistakes, [1389]152; exactness of, [1390]156; why omits many events between the Feasts, [1391]173; Christ's love for him, enabled him to ask, [1392]263; why indulged in great familiarity by Christ, [1393]264; associated often with Peter, [1394]ib.; his forbearance and exactness in relating the betrayal, [1395]308; in relating his own conduct and Peter's at the Palace, [1396]ib.; his modesty in speaking of his standing by the Cross, [1397]318; honored by having the charge of Christ's mother, [1398]ib.; an eye-witness of the piercing of the side, [1399]319; why took no part in the burial, [1400]320; does full credit to Mary's zeal and to Peter's, [1401]320, [1402]321; the first to recognize Christ on the lake, as St. Peter to hasten to Him, [1403]329; his modesty in correcting the mistake of the disciples concerning himself, [1404]332; his reason for writing his Gospel, [1405]333; his veracity argued by his choice of subjects, his confidence in himself, his friendship with Christ and His mother, [1406]ib.

John's Gospel, St., its marvelous teaching, [1407]5; consistency of, [1408]ib.; translations of, [1409]6; perspicuity of, [1410]ib.; teaching of, why outlived other philosophy, [1411]ib.; style of, [1412]ib.; dwells most on doctrines, [1413]9; why begins with Christ's eternal subsistence, [1414]16; unlike Genesis, ascends at once to the Creator, [1415]21; heretical reading in [ch. i.3], [1416]ib.; leads us upwards gradually, [1417]49; speaks most of the time before John's imprisonments, [1418]59; most concerned with Christ's discourses, [1419]151.

Jonas, sign of, why often given, [1420]82.

Joseph, an example of forgiveness, [1421]262.

Joseph of Arimathæa, one of the Seventy Disciples, [1422]320; buried Christ with cost and zeal, but as a mere man, [1423]ib.

Josephus, relates St. John Baptist's death, [1424]4 (note).

Judas, why reproved secretly by Christ, [1425]171; shared in the Apostles' gifts and miracles, [1426]172; but fell by covetousness, [1427]ib.; his pretended zeal for the poor, [1428]242; his obduracy to Christ's love, [1429]243; cast off to Satan by giving of the sop: his hardness, [1430]264; received a secret rebuke, [1431]265; his wickedness after sharing the salt, and the washing, [1432]257; was probably washed first of the disciples, [1433]258; his insensibility, [1434]258, [1435]260, [1436]262; his ingratitude, [1437]261.

Judgment, will be according to men's deserts, [1438]96; delayed to give time for repentance, [1439]97; will reveal men's sins to one another, [1440]121; remembrance of, a help to virtue, [1441]137; most attracts the obstinate hearer, [1442]139; the doctrine of, carefully propounded by Christ and St. John, [1443]140; its inexorable strictness, [1444]154; thought of, a check to sin, [1445]162, [1446]163; of the flood, and of Sodom, [1447]163; by appearance sinful, [1448]179; after the flesh, is judging unjustly, [1449]188; of Christ, and of the Father, is One, [1450]189; in what sense the object of Christ's coming, [1451]212; of others, to be made with mercy, [1452]220; of ourselves, a cure for inhumanity, [1453]221; only denied by these who fear it, [1454]247; of men worthless, [1455]281; the future, proved, by Christ's victory over Satan, [1456]287.

Jurymen of Antioch, often no better than the criminals, [1457]306.

Justice must be impartial to rich and poor, [1458]179.

King, splendors of a, described, [1459]41.

Kingdom of Christ, to be attained only by zeal, [1460]196; its spiritual nature, [1461]311.

Knowledge, will not save without holiness, [1462]106; real and nominal, [1463]180, [1464]181; exact, represented by sight, because the most perfect sense, [1465]274.

Knowledge of one another, of the Shepherd and His sheep, [1466]217; of the Father and the Son, [1467]134.

Labor, imposed after the fall for discipline, [1468]126, [1469]127; makes virtue meritorious, [1470]128.

Lamb of God, why said of Christ, [1471]59; name of, implied the doctrine of communion with Christ, [1472]165 (note).

Law, the, of nature, was of God's grace, [1473]49; not greater than the sabbath or Circumcision, [1474]179.

Law of Moses, the, a gift of Grace, [1475]49; Christ's respect for, shown in cleaning the Temple, [1476]81; the root and groundwork of the Gospel, [1477]116; imposed for restraint of unruly passions, [1478]127.

Law suits, full of frauds, [1479]306.

Laying down of life, belongs only to Christ, [1480]218.

Lazarus, not injured by his poverty, [1481]96; reward of, [1482]121; suffered no actual wrong from Dives, [1483]147.

Lazarus, of Bethany, history of, teaches resignation to sickness and death, [1484]227; His death proved by the Jews coming, [1485]229; by the stone, [1486]233; by the grave clothes, and the stench, [1487]ib.; by the Jews loosing him, [1488]239; his resurrection proved by his eating with Christ, [1489]242; case of, attracted the people, [1490]245.

Leah, praised for her choice of her children's names, [1491]68.

"Life," why said of the Son, [1492]7; implies His Eternity, [1493]18; meaning of, [1494]19; not applied to the Holy Spirit, [1495]21; nor to created things, [1496]22; implies providence and a resurrection, [1497]23.

Life, the present, a seed time, [1498]90; a time of preparation for a better state, [1499]111; eternal, in Christ, underived and original, [1500]168; imparted to men, by partaking of His Flesh, [1501]ib.; mercifully shortened, [1502]211; will not bear comparison with the future, [1503]248; how far to be hated in this world, [1504]248; desire of, natural, [1505]249.

"Light," why said of the Son, [1506]7, [1507]24; a name not peculiar to the Holy Spirit, [1508]21; not sensuous, [1509]24; came unsought by men, [1510]98; this life described as, [1511]202; the future life, why so called, [1512]ib.

Likeness, of the Son to the Father, [1513]14, [1514]26, [1515]28; of God impressed on the Baptized, [1516]36.

Lord's day, Gospels read on, [1517]38.

Lord's Prayer, the, its character wholly spiritual, [1518]157.

Love, of our neighbor, the way to life, [1519]15; of God, to be shown by acts, not words, [1520]35, [1521]72; of Christ, towards man marvelous, [1522]97; of the Father for Christ, [1523]217; more powerful than miracles, [1524]266; want of, a stumbling-block to the heathen, [1525]267; in St. Peter, [1526]257, [1527]332; to be shown by keeping the commandments, [1528]275; by acts, not words, [1529]280; of God and man inseparable, [1530]282; multiplies strength, and makes men ubiquitous, [1531]289; the best protection to rich and poor, [1532]290; the motive of the Solitaries, [1533]ib.; independent of place, [1534]ib.; of enemies, taught by the Passion, [1535]315; gives much boldness towards God, [1536]331.

Luxury, the mother of diseases of the body, [1537]78; and of the soul, [1538]79; wretchedness of, [1539]127; folly of, [1540]159; cured by meditation on Christ's birth, education, and life, [1541]192; vanity and sinfulness of, [1542]197; hinders almsgiving, [1543]285.

Malice, the most inexcusable vice, because not from nature, [1544]130; wounds itself and excludes from life, [1545]142; evils of, [1546]240; its private and public evils in the world, and in the Church, [1547]ib.

Mammon, cannot be served with God, [1548]31; a hard master, [1549]ib.; its commands contrary to Christ's, [1550]147; service of, [1551]215.

Man, created to serve God, [1552]215.

Manes, [1553]30 (note).

Manna, tauntingly mentioned by the Jews, [1554]160; why mysteriously, by Christ, [1555]161.

Marcion, [1556]30 (note); his heresy on the Resurrection, [1557]247; heresy of, refuted by Christ's care for His Mother, [1558]318; his error, guarded against by Christ, [1559]320.

Martha, rebuked not for inhospitality but inattention, [1560]158; unequal to her sister in faith and wisdom, [1561]229; led on by Christ to belief in the resurrection, [1562]ib.; had no vanity in her grief, [1563]232; had forgotten Christ's lessons, [1564]233.

Mary, St., the Virgin, her opinion of Christ, [1565]74; her forwardness at Cana owing to maternal vanity, [1566]ib.; was saved by her own goodness, not her relation to Christ, [1567]75.

Mary Magdalene, her zeal to see Christ's Body in the tomb, [1568]320, [1569]323, [1570]324; had no idea of the resurrection, [1571]323; reward of her perseverance, in seeing Christ risen, [1572]324.

Mary, of Bethany, not the "Harlot" mentioned by St. Matthew, [1573]227; her gravity and earnestness, [1574]ib.; her faith greater than Martha's, [1575]229; her wisdom and affectionateness, [1576]230; her great ardor, [1577]232; her improvement in faith, [1578]242.

Material things only comprehended by the Jews, [1579]213.

Matthew, St., says most of John's imprisonment, [1580]59.

Matrimony, advantage of, [1581]67.

Meat, that perisheth, idleness, [1582]158; that never perisheth, almsgiving, [1583]ib.

Meekness, duty of, [1584]92; taught by, Christ's answer to the Jews, [1585]219; acquired by penitence, [1586]ib.; the first of virtues, [1587]222; of Christ not confined to words, [1588]ib.; of Christ before Pilate, our pattern, [1589]311.

Merchants, activity of, [1590]3.

Mercy, the oil of the Christian's lamp, [1591]46; attracts men to Christ more than power, [1592]63; a call to repentance, [1593]132; may be shown in words, [1594]178, [1595]180.

Miracles, revealed Christ's glory, [1596]41; of Christ's childhood proved false from John's ignorance, [1597]60; and from the number and rapid fame of the true, [1598]73; a more important testimony to Christ than John's word, [1599]64; of turning water into wine, how evidenced, [1600]78; Christ's care to provide sufficient testimony to, [1601]78, [1602]124-128; of Christ, improved on nature, [1603]78; shown to the honest, withheld from the ill-disposed, [1604]80; most attracted the grosser sort, [1605]83; not to be demanded from God by the faithful, [1606]84; their first object, to save souls, [1607]124; addressed to unbelievers and the grosser sort, [1608]124, [1609]151; clearness of their testimony, [1610]146; not all of them related in the Gospels, [1611]151; of the loaves, performed by the Prophets, [1612]152; some, witnessed by the disciples only, [1613]155; of stilling the storm occurred more than once, [1614]ib.; of the loaves, was a warning to Capernaum, [1615]156; of the manna, only a type, [1616]160; their power with the people, [1617]181; sight of, hardened the Pharisees, [1618]186; when and why performed by material means, [1619]202; their effect on the people, [1620]205; the best and sufficient witness to Christ, [1621]223; inferior to love, [1622]266.

Mission, of the Apostles, [1623]42.

Moses, his veil, [1624]40; his love for Israel, [1625]44; compared to Christ, [1626]49; gave only types, [1627]50; how far saw God, [1628]51; highly privileged in visions, [1629]61; his prophecy of Christ, [1630]116; will accuse the Jews for not believing in Christ who had fulfilled his prophecy, [1631]149; his testimony to Christ was that of God, [1632]ib.; questioned by God before a miracle, to arouse his attention to it, [1633]151; at the Red Sea, compared with Christ on the lake, [1634]156.

Moses and Prophets, witnesses to Christ, [1635]214; the door-keeper of the fold, [1636]ib.

Money, love of, produces uncharitableness, and many sins, [1637]330; made for use, not hoarding, [1638]ib.

Mourning, indecent manner of, at Antioch, [1639]230; excess of, condemned, [1640]231; moderate among the old Greeks, [1641]230; wherein honorable, [1642]231; should be for sinners, not for the dead, [1643]ib.; for the general sin, becomes Christians, [1644]240; for the covetous, better than for the dead, [1645]ib.; excess of, ridiculed even by the world, [1646]322; and a sign of unbelief, [1647]ib.

Mules, white, used by kings, [1648]41.

Multitudes most moved by miracles, [1649]181; their faith imperfect, [1650]ib.

Mystery, its use in exciting attention, [1651]165.

Mysteries, the, awfulness of, [1652]167; danger of approaching of, in sin, [1653]ib.

Names of God, why, many, [1654]7; of men, anciently taken from things, [1655]68; why given and sometimes changed by Christ, [1656]ib.; dignity and responsibility of the Christian, [1657]ib.

Nathanael, his exactness and candor, [1658]70; contrasted with the Jews, [1659]71; showed his joy in Christ by confessing Him, [1660]ib.; his confession, why inferior to Peter's, [1661]72; less zealous and less timid than Nicodemus, [1662]98; a lover of truth, and learned, [1663]185.

Nazareth, why profited not by Christ's being born there, [1664]75.

Necessary things made easy by God, [1665]87.

Necessity, Christ not subject to, [1666]76.

New Commandment, how a comfort to the disciples, [1667]266.

Nicodemus, well disposed but fearful, [1668]84, [1669]91; received graciously by Christ, [1670]84; and led on to enquiry, [1671]85; desirous of instruction, [1672]ib.; perplexed by his attempts to reason, [1673]ib.; could not perceive things spiritual, [1674]86; more zealous and more fearful than Nathanael, [1675]98.

Night, futurity described as, [1676]202; this life, why so called, [1677]203.

Nobleman, the, in John iv. different from the centurion in Matthew, [1678]123; an example of faith, [1679]124; but imperfect, [1680]ib.

Number, not admissible in the Deity, [1681]7.

Obedience, Christ's blessing on, [1682]261.

Obscurity, used to rivet attention, [1683]214.

Officers, the, of the Pharisees, an example of candor, and of its reward, [1684]186, [1685]187.

Offenses, danger of causing, [1686]206.

Oil, in the lamps, said of mercy, [1687]46 (note); of almsgiving, [1688]82.

Omnipotence, includes not the power of ceasing to be God, [1689]39.

Oracles of the heathen, not really prophetic, [1690]68.

Palestine, its scarcity of water, [1691]77.

Parable of the sower, [1692]9, [1693]43; laborers in the vineyard, [1694]33; the wedding garment, [1695]37; the sheepfold, [1696]213-215.

Paralytic of Bethesda, an example of patience under sickness, [1697]128; of meekness, [1698]ib.; his cure different from that in St. Matthew [ix.2] in all its circumstances, [1699]ib.; his ready faith and courage, [1700]129; his disease was caused by sin, [1701]131; suffered longer than he sinned, [1702]131; Christ urged his sins to warn others, [1703]132; his cure was of grace, not merit, [1704]ib.; his grateful return and boldness, [1705]132; cure of, [1706]199, [1707]200.

Parents, obedience to, how limited, [1708]74; virtue of, aggravates the children's guilt, [1709]75.

Participation, Christ received not grace by, [1710]47.

Paschal Lamb, a type of Christ crucified, [1711]319.

Passion of Christ, the, foretold darkly, its benefits plainly, [1712]95; voluntary, [1713]199; a proof that His promise of life to man should be fulfilled, [1714]217; in what sense the cause of the Father's love towards Him, [1715]ib.; proves His Resurrection, how, [1716]218; His peculiar power shown therein, [1717]ib.; was voluntary, [1718]ib.; not commanded, but consented to by the Father, [1719]ib.; was to teach us to suffer patiently, [1720]315.

Passions, the, restraint of, not their absence, constitutes virtue, [1721]127; are some excuse for sin, [1722]14, [1723]130; make us voluntary slaves, [1724]215; only venial when natural, [1725]278.

Passover, the, when eaten by Christ, [1726]310.

Pastor, character of the true, [1727]44; not to change places, [1728]ib.

Patience, a duty of, [1729]20; a victory, [1730]ib.

Patriarchs knew Christ, [1731]30.

Paul of Samosata, forgot Christ's Eternity, [1732]16; madness of, [1733]29, [1734]59; account of, [1735]30 (note); his reading of John v.27, [1736]ib.

Paul, St., an instance of God's longsuffering, [1737]36; humility of, [1738]35; spoke of the end by anticipation, [1739]121; an example of diligence without carefulness, [1740]158; overcame the world by his love of Christ, [1741]330.

Peace, Christ's, saves from all trouble, [1742]276.

Pearls, why the words of Scripture so called, [1743]3.

Penitent thief, his sudden change, [1744]3, [1745]42.

People, full of folly, [1746]14; weaker in the mass, [1747]15; most moved by fear of punishment, [1748]106; fickleness of, after miracles, [1749]156.

Perfection in virtue required, [1750]146.

Persecution, strengthens faith, [1751]279; foretold by Christ, [1752]284.

Perseverance, makes us worthy to receive, [1753]77; great example of, in the Paralytic of Bethesda, [1754]126; enjoined by Christ, [1755]282; its blessedness, [1756]284.

Person, God and Man, one in Christ, [1757]39; Christ's, described sometimes from His Humanity, sometimes from His Deity, [1758]94.

Personality of the Son, [1759]28.

Peter, St., first received the faith from Andrew, [1760]65; praised for his readiness to hear the Word, [1761]67; change of his name, [1762]68; his confession more perfect than Nathanael's, [1763]72; offended because ignorant of the Resurrection, [1764]82; his regard for John, [1765]117; in fear for himself, because called Satan, [1766]171; shadow of, raised a dead man, [1767]234; his reverence in refusing the washing, [1768]258; his vehement love in seeking it, [1769]ib.; his forbearance from asking at the Supper, [1770]263; recovers his boldness, [1771]267; taught self-distrust by his fall, [1772]268; contrasted with Thomas, [1773]269; his conduct before and after the gift of the Spirit, [1774]308; his love of Christ seen in his approaching the palace, his fear in staying without it, [1775]ib.; his stubbornness in the denial, [1776]309; his lethargy during Christ's examination, [1777]309, [1778]310; his denial related to teach self-distrust, [1779]310; his zeal at the sepulcher outstripped St. John's, [1780]321; his zeal at the lake, [1781]329; as the leader of the disciples, receives the charge of the flock, [1782]331; why thrice questioned, [1783]ib.; his martyrdom foretold, [1784]332; appointed "teacher of the world," [1785]ib.; his loving question about John, evaded by Christ, [1786]ib.

Pharaoh, an instance of reprobation, [1787]199.

Pharisees, hardened by seeing Christ's miracles, [1788]186; reproved by the conduct of their own officers, [1789]ib.; by Nicodemus, [1790]187; insolence of their appeal to the Scripture, [1791]ib.; ignorant, because unwilling to learn, [1792]189; superficial followers of Christ, [1793]213; their foolish obstinacy, [1794]239; their folly in seeking His death, who raised the dead, [1795]ib.; their false pretenses, [1796]ib. [see Jews].

Philip, St., his thoughtfulness and ready obedience to Christ's call, [1797]69; his brotherly love, [1798]70; why questioned by Christ about the loaves, [1799]151; his trial compared to Abraham's, [1800]152; his imperfect faith the reason of his question, [1801]271.

Philosophers, follies of the ancient, [1802]5; their uncertainty, [1803]ib.; their doctrines exploded, [1804]6; their vainglory, [1805]ib.; more zealous against, than we for, Christ, [1806]62.

Philosophy, of Christianity profitable, [1807]232; of the heathen failed, because it trusted to reason only, [1808]234.

Piety, an art, [1809]211.

Pilate, not hasty or malicious in judgment, [1810]310; less wicked than the Jews, [1811]311; instructed by Christ, [1812]311, [1813]313; desire to rescue Christ, [1814]313; declares his innocence, [1815]314; his fears of Christ, [1816]ib.; made no exact enquiry as to the charge of treason to Cæsar, [1817]ib.; his guilt in giving way against his conscience: his act was "allowed," not enforced, "from above," [1818]ib.; his cowardice, [1819]315; his guilt in not enquiring, [1820]316.

Plato, his disciples' enquiries, [1821]5; his visit to Sicily, [1822]6; style, [1823]ib.; inconsistency, [1824]ib.; doctrine of the Deity, [1825]7.

Pleasure, of sense vain and fleeting, of labor real and lasting, [1826]127; danger of resting in, [1827]156.

Pleasures of vice and virtue compared, [1828]330.

Poor, wiser, healthier, happier, than the rich, [1829]79; better off than the uncharitable, [1830]96; generally elated by prosperity, [1831]109.

Possessions, how to be turned to account, [1832]215.

Poverty, only evil here, [1833]159; its benefits shown by examples, [1834]281; the best estate to prepare for Heaven, [1835]298.

Power, words of, sometimes used for the will only, [1836]252.

Praise, love of, kept certain rulers from the faith, [1837]254.

Prayer, a way to pardon, [1838]29; for the dead, [1839]43 (note); needed, to understand the Scriptures, [1840]72; impatience in, rebuked, [1841]126; ours, as Christ's, should be for things spiritual, [1842]157; not suited to God, [1843]196; not consistent with Godhead, [1844]239; for all mankind, [1845]290.

Preachers, to be attended to more than performers, [1846]1, [1847]3; must arouse the sluggish, [1848]40.

Preaching, its labor lightened by the hearer's attention, [1849]76; reward of, not lost by the hearer's fault, [1850]105; without holiness an offense to unbelievers, [1851]141.

Presumption, dangerous, [1852]27; caused Adam's fall, [1853]28.

Pride, ruined the Jews, [1854]33; evils of, [1855]34, [1856]54; remedies of, [1857]34; separates the brethren, [1858]54; why more inexcusable than other vices, [1859]57; of Christian's shamed by Christ's washing the disciples' feet, [1860]260.

Priesthood, its dignity and danger, [1861]326; to be honored, because in Moses' seat, [1862]ib.; their unworthiness, hinders not the effect of the Sacraments, [1863]ib.; God dispenses grace by their hands, [1864]ib.

Prisons, the sobering effect of visiting, [1865]220; contrasted with theaters, [1866]ib.; the inmates of, sometimes better than others, [1867]221; all men were confined in, but delivered by Christ, [1868]ib.; St. Paul preached in with effect, [1869]222.

Prophecies, sometimes made unconsciously, [1870]241.

Prophecy, why more persuasive than miracles, [1871]68; impossible to devils, [1872]ib.; addressed to particular persons by Christ, [1873]113; of the future confirmed by the fulfillment of the past, [1874]140; given by the mouths of evil men, [1875]241; caused by, not the cause of the event, [1876]252, [1877]301; fulfillment of, in the parting of the garments, [1878]317; in the piercing of The Side, [1879]319.

Prophets, the, quoted by the Evangelists, [1880]44; speak of future events as past, [1881]46; sowed for the Apostle's reaping, [1882]120; Christ's agreement with, concerning the Judgment, [1883]141; wrongly compared with Christ, [1884]198; in what sense "saw" God, [1885]271.

Providence, implied in Christ being the Life, [1886]23; not perfectly developed before the Judgment, [1887]162.

Psalms, titles of, to teach attention, [1888]51.

Public amusements supersede religious duties, [1889]210.

Punishment, a proof of God's love, [1890]35; of those who received not Christ, [1891]36; of the wicked for the sake of the good, [1892]37; everlasting, [1893]43; to be avoided by holiness only, [1894]ib.; the fear of, the most powerful motive with most men, [1895]106; endures longer than the sin, [1896]131; redoubled after relapse, [1897]ib.; if not sent now, will be the more heavy hereafter, [1898]ib.; brings men to virtue, more than reward, [1899]137; delayed, but certain, [1900]157-162; not inherited, [1901]200; objection removed, [1902]201.

Pythagoras, his disciples' enquiries, [1903]5; in Magna Græcia, [1904]6; how conversed with brutes, [1905]ib.; his doctrines unprofitable, [1906]ib.

"Reaping," was kept for the Apostles', [1907]120; easier than sowing, [1908]ib.

Reason, unassisted, cannot reach Divine truth, [1909]5, [1910]27, [1911]87; failed to discover the nature of the soul and heaven, [1912]234.

Reasoning, human, inapplicable to God, [1913]17; uncertain, [1914]ib.; in Divine mysteries dangerous, [1915]86, [1916]87; unable to penetrate things natural, [1917]88.

Regeneration in Baptism, [1918]37; a real sonship, [1919]48; superior to natural birth, [1920]88; to be taken on trust as a mystery, not understood of angels, [1921]ib.; inferior to Christ's eternal birth, [1922]91; types of, in the Old Testament, [1923]92; doctrine of, received by faith, [1924]93; the work of the Spirit, [1925]126; shown in the Water from The Side, [1926]319.

Relationship, to Christ, did not profit His enemies, [1927]75; to good men, no protection to the wicked, [1928]ib.; earthly, useless without the spiritual, [1929]89.

Repentance, its efficacy to procure pardon, [1930]50; to avert judgment, [1931]121; is the not doing the same again, [1932]ib.; great difficulty of, [1933]260; a source of hope, [1934]295.

Repetitions, vain, consist in praying for vain things, [1935]157.

Reproach, to be borne patiently, after the example of Christ, [1936]312; injures only the author, [1937]ib.

Reserve, in teaching doctrine, [1938]13, [1939]93; of John Baptist, [1940]105; and Paul, [1941]ib.

Resurrection, the, implied in Christ, "The Life," [1942]22; of Christ glorious, [1943]42; witnessed by few only, [1944]61; the great Evidence, [1945]82; why not plainly foretold, [1946]ib.; doctrine of, most affects the obstinate, [1947]139; a token of, in the cure of the Paralytic, [1948]140; the general, is common to the godly and ungodly, [1949]161; the special, for the good only, [1950]ib.; belief of, destroys, Fatalism, [1951]163; belief in, the Essence of Christianity, [1952]ib.; confessed by devils, [1953]ib.; necessary to God's justice, [1954]ib.; the special, with, the general, without, reward, [1955]168; of Christ, proved by his death, [1956]218; the doctrine of, concerned in the raising of Lazarus, [1957]232; truth of, proved by the Apostles' acts, [1958]234; shown in the growth of seed, [1959]246; moral argument for, [1960]ib.; denied by heretics on heathen principles, [1961]247; foretold in Jacob's prophecy, [1962]251; compared to birth, [1963]291; Christ's, alluded to in "a man born into the world," [1964]ib.; the beginning of knowledge, [1965]292; various proofs of, in the burial-place, embalming, position of the clothes, [1966]320, [1967]321; why first made known to Mary Magdalene, [1968]323.

Retirement, frequently recommended by the example of Christ, [1969]151; its spiritual blessings, [1970]225.

Return, what, to be made to Christ, [1971]40.

Reverence, promoted by merely hearing the Word, [1972]192.

Revenge, the best is to return good for evil, [1973]261; of what sort to be employed by Christians, [1974]185.

Reward of the true pastors, [1975]43.

Riches, transitory nature of, here, [1976]57; how to be made lasting, [1977]58; the thorn of the humble, [1978]86; vanity of, [1979]118; only good here, [1980]159; abuse of, a betraying of Christ, [1981]172; dangerous to the soul, [1982]244; love of, hinders faith, [1983]254; their end is to be used, not hoarded, nor abused, [1984]69, [1985]299; the earthly to be despised for the heavenly, [1986]301.

Robber, the, compared with the Shepherd, [1987]213; is he that useth not the Scriptures, [1988]ib.

Romans, the, danger from, a mere pretense of the Pharisees, [1989]239.

Rulers, the, some believed in Christ, [1990]205; in general, believed not, [1991]214.

Sabbath, the, Gospels appointed to be read on, [1992]38; breach of, how the keeping of the Law, [1993]179.

Sabellians, denied the Personality of the Son, [1994]28, [1995]138.

Sabellius, separated the Father and the Son, [1996]271; his life and doctrine, [1997]274 (note); doctrine of, refuted by Christ's indwelling in His disciples, [1998]303.

Sacraments of the Jews, types of ours, [1999]48; of the Lord's Body and Blood, unites us with Christ, [2000]166; its usefulness, [2001]167.

Sacrifice, mercy preferred to, [2002]46; sin of making, with the fruits of injustice, [2003]270.

Saints, their merits no help to the sinner, [2004]175; the glory of, will consist in reflecting that of the Son, [2005]304.

Salvation, signified by the names of "Christ's meat," the "field," the "harvest," [2006]119.

Samaria, the woman of, an example of a soul healed by Christ, [2007]42; encouraged by Christ's appearance to approach Him, [2008]45; converted by prophecy, [2009]68; her considerateness, [2010]109; more reverent than Nicodemus, [2011]110; more attentive to the Word than the Jews, [2012]ib.; her patience in listening, a reproach to Christian congregations, [2013]ib.; bolder than Nicodemus, in bringing others to Christ, [2014]112; her candor in judgment, [2015]112; her meekness in bearing reproof, [2016]113; her desire to learn, [2017]117; her zeal for her countrymen, [2018]118; her prudence, [2019]ib.; in faith superior to those Jews who would have Manna from Christ, [2020]161; doubted, but with humility, [2021]198; a sinner, but received by Christ, [2022]221.

Samaritans, the, visited by Christ, but only in passing, [2023]107; origin and history of, [2024]ib.; only received the works of Moses, [2025]108; hated by the Jews, [2026]ib.; their call not intended by Christ, but deserved by their zeal, [2027]109; inferior to the Jews in purity of faith, [2028]115; received all from the Jews, [2029]116; why expected a Messiah, [2030]ib.; their reception of Christ, and candor in hearing Him, rewarded by the gift of faith, [2031]122; praised for believing without miracles, after teaching only, [2032]123, [2033]125; name of, a term of reproach against Christ, [2034]197.

Sanctification, of the Jews only negative, of Christians positive, [2035]48.

Satan, cast down by Christ's death, because not deserved by sin, [2036]250.

Scribes, the robbers of the fold, [2037]213.

Scripture, Holy, its elevating power, [2038]1, [2039]4, [2040]7, [2041]8; its taming power, [2042]10; its inspiration, [2043]2, [2044]4; safeguard of the soul, [2045]11; publicly read, [2046]38; mystery of, meant to excite our attention, [2047]51; the food and medicine of the languid soul, [2048]66; needs careful study, [2049]72; its preaching varied to include all, [2050]80; why imputes a will to things without life, [2051]91; significant in every word, [2052]95; copies of, to be studied, not shown, [2053]114; deters Devils from approaching, [2054]ib.; draw down the Spirit, [2055]ib.; general ignorance of, [2056]ib.; no part of, to be passed over, [2057]125; its universal use, [2058]128; its humility in expression, intended to excite attention, [2059]142; requires care to clear its obscurity, as gold in the mine, [2060]143; contradictions of, only apparent, [2061]ib.; what cautions to be observed in its interpretation, [2062]144; speaks to the majority, [2063]164; a charm for anger, [2064]175; has said nothing in vain, [2065]180; requires exact search, [2066]207; the only means to refute heresy, [2067]247; uses the same words in different senses of God and men, [2068]275; qualifications necessary for understanding it, [2069]301; neglect of, the cause of our little wisdom, [2070]316; and of our unfruitfulness, [2071]ib.; duty and benefits of searching it, [2072]333.

Sea, an inadequate type of Christ's fullness, [2073]47.

Seal, implies testimony to that which is sealed, [2074]159.

Self, to be conquered, [2075]19.

Self-deceit, danger of, [2076]75.

Self-judgment, the only way to escape God's, [2077]120-142.

Separation from the wicked, sometimes necessary, [2078]154, [2079]206.

Sermon, Christ's, after the Supper, was to comfort the Disciples, [2080]266; recalled, to their minds afterwards by the Spirit, [2081]265.

Servants, to be rebuked without clamor, [2082]92; how far different from sons, [2083]194.

Severity, use of, in rousing the dull, [2084]157.

Shame, is for the insulter, not the insulted, [2085]24.

Shepherd, distinguished from the robber, [2086]213, [2087]214; layeth down his life, [2088]215.

Sight, the most trustworthy sense, [2089]92; applied to Christ and God, means exact knowledge, [2090]104, [2091]137; said of God, signifies intellectual perception, [2092]269.

Signs, why refused to the Jews, [2093]81, [2094]84; of Jonas, why often used by Christ, [2095]82; asking for, a practice of tempters, [2096]84; not for the faithful, but heathens, [2097]ib.

Sin, its blindness, [2098]24; misery, [2099]ib.; madness, [2100]25; shamefulness, [2101]ib.; ways to put away, [2102]29; a fire, [2103]66; after Baptism, not unpardonable, [2104]96; of all will be revealed to all in the Judgment, [2105]121; buried in Baptism, [2106]ib.; more excusable when from natural passion, [2107]130; punished both in body and soul, [2108]131; how affected by blindness, [2109]213; its filthiness, [2110]189; to be put away only by Holy Baptism, [2111]190; the greatest bondage, [2112]ib.; only to be removed by God, [2113]194; freedom from, the only real liberty, [2114]ib.; worse in Christians than Heathens, [2115]250; cleansed in Baptism, and by alms, [2116]270; its offensiveness, [2117]ib.

Sin before birth, not possible, [2118]200.

Sinfulness, in what sense attributed to the blind man and his parents, [2119]200.

Sloth, its danger, [2120]29; is of willfulness, [2121]62.

Society, a remedy for human weakness, [2122]67.

Son of God, Christ and man differently so called, [2123]11; not greater than the Father, [2124]13; declared equal with the Father, [2125]14, [2126]52, [2127]53; not "younger" than the Father, [2128]17; of the same Essence [2129]18, [2130]53; Infinite, [2131]18; has attributes of Godhead ascribed to Him, [2132]18, [2133]24; personality of, [2134]28; begotten, [2135]ib.; left not heaven to be made man, [2136]36; alone of all hath seen God in His Essence, [2137]52; coeternal with the Father, [2138]53; addressed in the words, "Let us make man," [2139]116; independence of, [2140]189; to be glorified by works, not words only, [2141]ib.; His identity of Power and Essence with the Father, [2142]224; only different in being a Son, [2143]ib.; seeing and believing on Him is seeing and believing on the Father, [2144]254; the True God equally with the Father, [2145]297; why called the Messenger, [2146]299; His agreement with the Father, [2147]299, [2148]300; His glory from the Eternal Generation, [2149]304, [2150]311; His agreement with the Father proved by His pre-existence, [2151]305.

Sonship, of Christians real, of Jews nominal, [2152]44; of Christ implied in the word "Sent," [2153]138; and in "hath given," [2154]139.

Sophists, their rhetorical displays, [2155]1; their inflated style condemned by Socrates, [2156]6.

Sorrow, its use in calming the passions, [2157]219; immoderate, brings death, [2158]286.

Soul, weakened by earthly passions, [2159]8, [2160]31; being one cannot contain many desires at once, [2161]8, [2162]31; when unmoved by externals, [2163]11; its own mistress, [2164]42; healed by Christ, [2165]ib.; culture of, more difficult than of the earth, [2166]62; how may recover its appetite of spiritual food, [2167]66; its diseases produced by luxury, [2168]79; is invisible, yet most exposed to attack, [2169]ib.; real though invisible, [2170]88, [2171]91; how inferior to spirit, [2172]88; chastised through the body, [2173]131; but secured by the fear of God, [2174]193; darkened by grief, [2175]230; how best adorned, [2176]256.

Sowing, the, was done by the Prophets, [2177]120; harder than the reaping, [2178]ib.

Spectacle of the spiritual combat to be seen in Holy Scripture, [2179]114; of heathen theaters to be avoided, [2180]ib.

Spirit, the Holy [see Holy Ghost].

Spiritual life, its pleasures, [2181]295.

Spiritual sight is within the mind, [2182]170.

Spiritual things, superior to worldly, [2183]8; should occupy part of our time, [2184]10; objects of faith, not reason, [2185]27, [2186]87; perfection of, immediate, [2187]90; real though invisible, [2188]91; the substance and end of things temporal, [2189]156; folly of losing them for things temporal, [2190]159.

Spoilers of the flock, either active or passive, [2191]217.

State, love of, makes men depend on their slaves, [2192]298.

Stoning, why avoided rather than prevented by Christ, [2193]199.

Success, its intoxicating effect upon the careless, [2194]316.

Suffering for Christ's sake rewarded, [2195]212; the clearest witness of Christ's truth, [2196]217; and of St. Paul's, [2197]ib.; an offense, but wrongly, to weak Christians, [2198]227; for Christ's sake enjoined, [2199]284.

Tabernacle of David, Christ's human nature, [2200]39.

Teachers should speak with certainty, [2201]7; and a little at a time, [2202]16; like builders, [2203]27.

Temporal blessings given us as we can bear them, [2204]15.

Testimony, facts the best, [2205]49.

"Testimony of two," how applicable to God, [2206]188; of man, when credible, [2207]189.

That, expresses the consequence, not the final cause, [2208]227.

Theaters, indecency of, [2209]3; to be avoided, [2210]4; corrupting tendency of, [2211]66; corrupt their inmates more than prisons, [2212]220.

Thomas, St., his fear before, exceeded by his courage after, the Crucifixion, [2213]228; condemned for vain curiosity, [2214]327; his doubt was from unbelief, [2215]ib.; after receiving the Gift, perfect in faith, [2216]ib.

Thieves, the, did not obscure the Glory of the Cross, [2217]317.

Threatenings of God, their use, [2218]37.

Time disregarded in prophecies, [2219]46; waste of, in idle talkers condemned, [2220]66; "fullness of," in what sense said of the age of St. Paul, [2221]121; shortness of, urged, [2222]172; waste of, a sin and folly, [2223]211.

Title on the Cross, a shame to the Jews, [2224]317.

Titles of Christ (Shepherd, Door, &c.), their significance, [2225]214.

Tradition, to be kept, [2226]28.

Transmigration of souls asserted by the ancients, [2227]5; by Plato, [2228]7.

Trinity, the, the same expressions applied to each Person, [2229]23; proved by Isaiah's vision, [2230]252; Three Persons of, distinct, yet equal, [2231]289; Baptism, the common work of, [2232]ib.; Will of, one, [2233]ib.; Equality of the Three Persons, [2234]325; concurred in the call of the Apostles, [2235]326.

Truth, seen in Christ's fulfillment of the types, [2236]50; boldness of, [2237]99; rewards honest enquirers, [2238]122; its power with candid hearers, [2239]186; made illustrious by opposition, [2240]207; the kindness of speaking it in season, [2241]287.

Twelve, the, how detained by Christ, [2242]170; their affection for Him, [2243]171; they admit the Resurrection, [2244]ib.

Types of the Law, their relation to realities, [2245]48; how fulfilled in Christ's acts, [2246]50; became clearer and nobler as the Antitypes approached, [2247]126.

Unbelief, a transgression of God's Will, [2248]120; arises from unlawful curiosity, [2249]166.

Unbelievers, condemned already, because under sentence, [2250]97; punishment of, certain, [2251]ib.; to be judged by God's word, [2252]255.

Uncharitable, the, shamed by infidels, [2253]305; their manifold extravagancies, [2254]ib.

Union, of the Father and the Son, essential: of Christ and Christians, spiritual, [2255]275.

Universal, warnings most acceptable, [2256]106.

Universality, of Gospel offers, [2257]24, [2258]29, [2259]36.

Vainglory, tyranny of, [2260]14, [2261]30; meanness of, [2262]14; evil effects of, [2263]15; worse than fornication, [2264]98; ruined the Jews, [2265]ib.; the source of avarice and passion, [2266]ib.; of John's disciples, [2267]102; its evils, and examples of, [2268]ib.; hard to tame, [2269]ib.; hindered belief in the Jews, [2270]136; folly and danger of, [2271]103, [2272]136; hinders faith, [2273]254, [2274]255; leads to domestic show and expense, [2275]256.

Valentinus, [2276]30 (note); his heresy on the Resurrection, [2277]247.

Vinegar, offered to Christ in mockery, as to a criminal, [2278]319.

Virgin, the study of her history profitable, [2279]192; rebuked by Christ at Cana, cared for on the Cross, [2280]318; why entrusted to the beloved disciple, [2281]ib.

Virtue, has no merit without labor, [2282]127; the true wisdom, [2283]150; hated by the world as reflecting on itself, [2284]302.

Vision, the beatific, [2285]43; of the Divine Presence, not granted to all, [2286]61.

Voice, from Heaven, was to persuade the disciples, [2287]249.

"Was," twofold use of the word in Holy Scripture, [2288]12.

Watchfulness, need of, against Satan, [2289]79.

Water, at Cana, a type of worldly minds, [2290]78; a medium between air and earth, [2291]88; why used in Holy Baptism, [2292]89; virtue of, in Holy Baptism, [2293]90; "living," when from a spring, [2294]112; a type under the Law, [2295]126; useless without the Spirit, [2296]ib.

Waterpots, at Cana, why expressly mentioned by St. John, [2297]77.

Water and the blood, the life of the Church, [2298]319.

Wedding garment, a holy life, [2299]37.

Weeping of Christ proves His true humanity, [2300]233.

Wickedness, extreme folly of, [2301]150.

Widows, cared for by Christ, because unprotected, [2302]259.

Will, the, must be earnest, [2303]3; free to learn and believe or not, [2304]162; of Christ and the Father, one, [2305]ib.

Willful continuance in sin, the cause why men come not to the light, [2306]98.

Wind, a fit type of the Spirit, because lighter than solid bodies, [2307]91; real though invisible; [2308]ib.

Wine, at Cana, a type of strength of mind, [2309]78.

Wisdom, true, consists in despising present vanities, [2310]261.

Women, should keep at home, [2311]225; examples of their power for good or evil, [2312]ib.; best adorned by modesty, piety, and economy, [2313]226; the poor, reproved for indecency: the rich, for vanity, in mourning, [2314]230; sought new husbands by showing much grief for the old, [2315]231; exhorted to almsgiving instead of dress and ornament, [2316]256; to edify their husbands, [2317]ib.; boldness of, in standing by the Cross, [2318]318; in coming to the tomb before the Disciples, [2319]323.

Word, the, why mentioned first by St. John, [2320]7; twofold meaning of, [2321]ib.; eternal Sonship of, [2322]11; coeternal with the Father, [2323]17; how "with God," [2324]12; how in the world, [2325]17; the Creator of all, [2326]21; the true Life, [2327]ib.; and Light, [2328]22; why said to have been "made flesh," [2329]39; will judge unbelievers, [2330]254; cleanses the Church, [2331]303.

Word of God, means often commands or prophecies, [2332]16; to hear it, the first duty of all, [2333]65; toil of preaching, how lightened, [2334]76; spoken to all in general, but must be applied particularly by each, [2335]79; minute significance of, [2336]95.

Work, in Paradise, was without labor, [2337]125 (note).

Works, earnestness to be shown in, [2338]3; must be added to faith, [2339]19, [2340]27; necessary after Baptism, [2341]37; should correspond with our privileges, [2342]42; the only safety, [2343]43; set forth God's glory, [2344]46; of love the best confession, [2345]72; of others, will not assist us, [2346]75; to win forgiveness, [2347]142; of the Father, works of Christ, [2348]202; proper time for working, [2349]ib.; evidence of, required by the world, [2350]267; absolute need of, [2351]273.

World, what, [2352]30; ignorant of God, [2353]31; love of, cause of darkness, [2354]ib.; fleeting nature of, [2355]78; love of, an insult to Christ, [2356]111; approaching end of, conjectured from wars, earthquakes, &c., [2357]121; love of, universal, [2358]136; danger of living for, [2359]ib.; the danger of resting in its pleasures, [2360]157; to be given up for heaven, [2361]196; signifies the wicked, [2362]266, [2363]274; how "convinced" by the Spirit, [2364]287; conquered by despising it, [2365]293; in Holy Scripture signifies either the creation, or the wicked, [2366]245.

Worldly men, like children, admire vain shows the most, [2367]301; hate virtue as opposed to themselves, [2368]302.

Worship, doctrine of, first given to the Samaritan woman, [2369]115; of the Jews purer than of the Samaritans, [2370]ib.; yet only a type of the true, [2371]116; which is universal and spiritual, [2372]ib.

Zeal of John's two disciples in visiting Christ, [2373]64; of Christ for the Temple was to conciliate the Jews, [2374]81; necessity of, [2375]118; shown in the Samaritan woman, [2376]ib.

Zenobia, [2377]30 (note).

homily xxxiv hebrews xiii 17
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