July the Twenty-Sixth the Wells of Salvation
JOHN iii.1-21.

The springs of our redemption are found in infinite love. "God is love!" Redemption was not inspired by anger, but by grace. We do not contemplate an angry God, demanding a victim, but a compassionate Father making a sacrifice. At one extreme of our golden text is eternal "love," and at the other extreme is "eternal life." What if the two are one? Etymologically, "love" and "life" are akin. What if they are only two names for the same thing?

To "believe" in the love is to receive the life. For when I believe in a person's love I open my doors to the lover. And to believe in the love of God is to let the heavenly Lover in. And with love comes a wonderful tropical air -- light, and warmth, and air; and "all things become new!" It is the letting in of the spring, and things which have been in wintry bondage awake, and arise from their graves.

And so I "enter into the kingdom of God." I become a native of a new and marvellous country. I begin to be acclimatized in the realm of the blest. And I "see the kingdom of God." Spiritual perceptions become mine, and I gaze upon the mystic glories of the home of God.

july the twenty-fifth no temple
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