No Repose for Wesley
Wednesday, 17. -- l went on to Leicester; Thursday, 18, to Northhampton; and Friday, 19, to Hinxworth, in Hertfordshire. Adjoining Miss Harvey's house is a pleasant garden, and she has made a shady walk round the neighboring meadows. How gladly could I repose awhile here! But repose is not for me in this world. In the evening many of the villagers flocked together, so that her great hall was well filled. I would fain hope some of them received the seed in good ground and will bring forth fruit with patience.

Saturday, 20. -- We reached London. All the following week the congregations were uncommonly large. Wednesday, 24. My brother and I paid our last visit to Lewisham and spent a few pensive hours with the relief of our good friend, Mr. Blackwell. We took one more walk round the garden and meadow, which he took so much pains to improve. Upwards of forty years this has been my place of retirement when I could spare two or three days from London.

Tuesday, August 13. -- Being obliged to leave London a little sooner than I intended, I concluded the conference today and desired all our brethren to observe it as a day of solemn thanksgiving. At three in the afternoon I took coach. About one on Wednesday morning we were informed that three highwaymen were on the road before us and had robbed all the coaches that had passed, some of them within an hour or two. I felt no uneasiness on the account, knowing that God would take care of us. And He did so; for, before we came to the spot, all the highwaymen were taken. So we went on unmolested and early in the afternoon came safe to Bristol.

Thursday, 15. -- l set out for the West; preached at Taunton in the evening; Friday noon, at Collumpton; and in the evening, at Exeter.

wesley enters his eightieth year
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