Morning Prayer in Time of War and Persecution.
In Time of War and Persecution.


Es geht daher des Tages Schein

[157]Bohemian Brethren.

Once more the day-light shines abroad,

O Brethren let us praise the Lord,

Whose grace and mercy thus have kept

The nightly watch while we have slept.

To Him let us together pray

With all our heart and soul to-day,

That He would keep us in His love,

And all our guilt and sin remove.

Eternal God! Almighty Friend,

Whose deep compassions have no end,

Whose never-failing strength and might

Have kept us safely through the night:

Now send us from Thy heavenly throne

Thy grace and help through Christ Thy Son,

That with Thy strength our hearts may glow,

And fear nor man nor ghostly foe.

Ah Lord God! hear us we implore!

Be Thou our Guardian evermore,

Our mighty Champion and our shield

That goeth with us to the field.

We offer up ourselves to Thee,

That heart and word and deed may be

In all things guided by Thy mind,

And in Thine eyes acceptance find.

Thus, Lord, we bring through Christ Thy Son

Our morning offering to Thy throne;

Now be Thy precious gift outpour'd,

And help us for Thine honour, Lord!

morning prayer before public worship
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