Ahio: A Levite, Who Drove the Cart Bearing the Ark of the Covenant
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2 Samuel 6:3,4
And they set the ark of God on a new cart, and brought it out of the house of Abinadab that was in Gibeah: and Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, drove the new cart.
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1 Chronicles 13:7
And they carried the ark of God in a new cart out of the house of Abinadab: and Uzza and Ahio drove the cart.
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The Hebrews and the Philistines --Damascus
... was asleep with a tent-pin, which she drove into his ... of the events following the
taking of the ark in 1 ... Here they took counsel of a Levite whom Michah had made ...
/.../chapter iiithe hebrews and the.htm

Who was Obed-Edom in the Bible? | GotQuestions.org

Why did God strike Uzzah dead for touching the Ark of the Covenant? | GotQuestions.org

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