2 Kings 7
Elisha’s Prophecy of Plenty
A Turnaround of Faith: The Siege Lifted and an Abundance of Food

2 Kings 7 serves as a testament to God's ability to provide, even in seemingly impossible circumstances. It illustrates that God's promise is unchanging, His power is unmatched, and His plans are unquestionable. Thus, in times of despair or uncertainty, one should look to the lessons of this chapter and remember the importance of faith and trust in God's provisions.

Section 1: Elisha's Prophecy (Verses 1-2)

Elisha prophesies to the King of Israel's officer that the next day, food would be abundant and cheap in Samaria. The officer doubts his words, unable to comprehend how such relief could occur under the harsh circumstances.

Section 2: The Lepers' Discovery (Verses 3-8)

Four lepers, desperate and hungry, venture towards the Aramean camp to surrender. To their surprise, they find it abandoned. After consuming and gathering the leftover goods, they realize they should share their discovery with the city.

Section 3: The Lepers Share the News (Verses 9-11)

The lepers return to Samaria to announce their findings. Initially skeptical, the king sends scouts to confirm the Aramean's departure, which they do.

Section 4: The Prophecy Fulfilled (Verses 16-20)

As Elisha had prophesied, food becomes abundant and cheap. However, the king’s officer who doubted Elisha's prophecy is trampled to death in the rush of the crowd, serving as a stark reminder of the power of faith and the consequences of disbelief.

2 Kings 7 narrates the transformation of despair into joy, and scarcity into abundance, in the besieged city of Samaria. It follows the prophet Elisha's proclamation of the coming relief and its subsequent fulfillment. The chapter, with its divine intervention and miracles, emphasizes faith, prophecy, and the power of God's deliverance.

1. Faith and Trust in God
2. God's Sovereignty and Power
3. Prophecy and Its Fulfillment
4. Divine Justice and Judgment
5. God's Deliverance in Times of Crisis
1. Prophecy of Elisha
2. Siege of Samaria
3. The Lepers' Discovery
4. The Lepers Sharing the News
5. Fulfilled Prophecy
6. Divine Judgement
1. Elisha
2. King of Israel
3. The Lepers
4. The King's officer
5. People of Samaria
1. Samaria
2. The Aramean Camp
Bible Study Questions

1. How did Elisha's prophecy challenge the belief of the king's officer? Can you relate to the officer's skepticism?

2. In what ways does the story of the four lepers demonstrate taking a leap of faith? Can you think of any situations in your own life that required such a step?

3. How does the transformation of Samaria's dire situation inspire you to trust God's promises, even in your own difficult circumstances?

4. What does the fate of the king's officer teach us about doubt and faith?

5. How did the lepers act ethically once they discovered the abandoned Aramean camp? What does this teach us about sharing and community responsibility?

6. The lepers' actions benefited an entire city. Can you think of a time where a small action had a large impact in your own life or the lives of others?

7. What role does prophecy play in this chapter? How does it affect the course of events?

8. How does the unfolding of events in this chapter testify to God's sovereignty?

9. How can you relate Elisha's prophecy to the promises God has made in your life?

10. How does 2 Kings 7 encourage you to maintain faith in times of extreme despair and suffering?

11. Can you recall a situation where God provided for you when all seemed lost, just like in Samaria?

12. What are the implications of the Aramean army's sudden departure? How does this event reveal the power of God?

13. How does the chapter emphasize the importance of good communication, especially in the report of the lepers and the king's scouts?

14. Why was it significant for the lepers to share their discovery with Samaria, and what does this suggest about our responsibilities to our communities?

15. What can we learn from the king's initial skepticism of the lepers' news?

16. Can you think of an instance in which you saw an improbable prophecy or promise fulfilled?

17. How does the account of the king's officer contrast with the story of the lepers in terms of faith and doubt?

18. How does this chapter challenge your understanding of divine justice?

19. How might the events of this chapter inspire you to respond differently to difficult situations in your own life?

20. The lepers, despite being societal outcasts, played a significant role in God's plan. How does this impact your view of every person's worth and potential contribution?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

2 Kings 6
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