Acts 18
Paul Ministers in Corinth
Strengthening Connections: The Ministry in Corinth and Ephesus

Acts 18 underlines the power of connections, teaching, and divine guidance in the expansion of the Gospel. The mutual support between Paul and the Corinthians, the nurturing of Apollos by Aquila and Priscilla, and God's encouraging vision to Paul, all intertwine to unfold God's work. The chapter inspires us to value our Christian community, continually deepen our understanding of the Gospel, and rely on God's assurance amidst adversity.

Verses 1-8: In Corinth with Aquila and Priscilla

In Corinth, Paul meets tentmakers Aquila and Priscilla, and stays and works with them. He preaches in the synagogue every Sabbath, trying to persuade Jews and Greeks. When Silas and Timothy arrive from Macedonia, Paul devotes himself to preaching. Many Corinthians, hearing Paul, believe and are baptized.

Verses 9-17: Divine Assurance and Gallio's Dismissal

God reassures Paul in a vision, encouraging him to continue preaching despite opposition. Paul stays for a year and a half, teaching God's word. Jews make united attacks on Paul and bring him before Gallio, the proconsul, but Gallio dismisses the case, showing Roman indifference to internal disputes within Judaism.

Verses 18-22: Journey to Ephesus

Paul, taking Aquila and Priscilla, sails to Ephesus, promising to return if it is God's will. He leaves them in Ephesus while he returns to Antioch, strengthening the disciples in the regions he passes.

Verses 23-28: The Ministry of Apollos

Apollos, an eloquent speaker and well-versed in Scripture, arrives in Ephesus. He knows only John's baptism, so Aquila and Priscilla explain the way of God more accurately. Apollos then travels to Achaia, where he strengthens the believers and refutes the Jews in public debates.

In Acts 18, we follow Paul's journey to Corinth and Ephesus, places where he forms profound connections and strengthens the early Christian community. The chapter unfolds the power of fellowship, the joy of divine encouragement, and the significance of theological understanding for effective Gospel proclamation.

Fellowship and Unity
Divine Encouragement
Continuity and Expansion of the Gospel
Faithful Obedience
Knowledge and Instruction
Paul's Ministry in Corinth
God's Assurance to Paul in a Vision
Paul's Trial before Gallio
Paul's Ministry in Ephesus
Apollos’ Ministry in Achaia
Aquila and Priscilla
Silas and Timothy
Jews of Corinth
The Corinthians
The Ephesians
Bible Study Questions

1. What can we learn from Paul's bi-vocational approach to his ministry in Corinth?

2. How does God's assurance in the vision comfort and encourage Paul? How does God comfort and encourage us in our journeys?

3. What lessons can we learn from Gallio's handling of the accusations against Paul?

4. How does the relationship between Paul, Aquila, and Priscilla demonstrate the importance of Christian fellowship?

5. How does Apollos' willingness to learn and improve illustrate the importance of humility in Christian service?

6. How does Paul model resilience in the face of opposition during his ministries in Corinth and Ephesus?

7. How do Aquila and Priscilla's actions toward Apollos model the way we should disciple others?

8. How do we see the role of both Paul and Apollos in planting and watering the Gospel (as Paul later describes in 1 Corinthians 3:6)?

9. What does the united attack of the Jews on Paul teach us about the challenges of proclaiming the Gospel?

10. How can we discern God's will in our lives, as Paul does when he promises to return to Ephesus if God wills?

11. What does this chapter teach us about the need for both knowledge and spirit-filled fervor in our faith?

12. How can we use our secular skills and professions, like Paul's tentmaking, for God's work?

13. How does Acts 18 challenge our approach to resolving conflicts within the church community?

14. What do the various methods of ministry used by Paul and Apollos teach us about the diversity of gifts in the body of Christ?

15. How does Acts 18 demonstrate the importance of both individual roles and community effort in the spread of the Gospel?

16. How can we ensure that our understanding of the Gospel is complete and accurate, as was needed by Apollos?

17. In what ways can we provide and receive correction within the Christian community, as shown by Aquila, Priscilla, and Apollos?

18. How does this chapter encourage us to be active participants in nurturing our Christian communities?

19. How can we remain steadfast in our mission even when facing indifference or dismissal, as Paul did with Gallio?

20. How does the relationship between teaching and faith development manifest in this chapter, and how does it apply to our own spiritual growth?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Acts 17
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