John 4
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
Living Water: Transformation in Samaria and Galilee

John 4 underscores the transformative power of personal encounters with Jesus. Whether it's a marginalized Samaritan woman finding true worship and becoming a local evangelist or a desperate father experiencing a miracle that leads his household to faith, encounters with Jesus are life-changing. The chapter prompts us to seek the living water that Jesus offers and share the good news of the Messiah with others, just as the Samaritan woman did.

Conversation with the Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-26)

While journeying through Samaria, Jesus meets a woman at Jacob's well. In their conversation, Jesus reveals His identity as the Messiah and offers her living water, which leads to eternal life.

The Samaritans' Belief (John 4:27-42)

The disciples return to find Jesus speaking with the woman. She goes to her town, testifying about Jesus, and many Samaritans come to believe in Jesus, first because of her testimony, then because of their personal encounter with Him.

Healing of the Official's Son (John 4:43-54)

Jesus returns to Galilee, where He is welcomed because of His earlier miracle. A royal official from Capernaum pleads with Him to heal his dying son. Jesus, asserting that He is not reliant on signs and wonders to believe, heals the boy from a distance. The official and his whole household believe in Jesus.

In John 4, Jesus transcends cultural barriers by engaging a Samaritan woman in a life-changing conversation about true worship and the living water. The woman's encounter leads many in her town to believe in Jesus as the Savior of the world. The chapter concludes with Jesus performing His second miracle in Galilee, healing a royal official's son, which results in a household coming to faith.

The Living Water: Jesus as the Source of Eternal Life.
Crossing Cultural Barriers: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman.
Faith and Healing: The Healing of the Official's Son.
Harvest and Evangelism: The Field is Ready for Harvest.
Conversation with the Samaritan Woman
The Samaritans' Belief
Healing of the Official's Son
Jesus Christ
The Samaritan Woman
The Samaritans
The royal official and his son
Samaria (specifically, Jacob's well and the town of Sychar)
Galilee (specifically, Cana)
Bible Study Questions

1. How does Jesus' interaction with the Samaritan woman reshape your understanding of cultural boundaries in sharing the gospel?

2. What does the concept of living water mean to you personally?

3. How does the Samaritans' belief based on personal encounters with Jesus inform your faith journey?

4. What can you learn from the faith of the royal official who believed Jesus' word about his son's healing?

5. How can you apply Jesus' assertion that true worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth in your personal worship?

6. How does the Samaritan woman's transformation from a social outcast to an evangelist inspire you?

7. How does Jesus' reception in Galilee compare with Judea and Samaria, and what does this suggest about acceptance of His message?

8. How does the healing of the official's son affirm Jesus' power and authority over life and death?

9. How can the Samaritan woman's excitement to share her encounter with Jesus motivate you in evangelism?

10. What does Jesus' willingness to converse with the Samaritan woman tell you about His view on the worth of individuals?

11. How does the Samaritans' request for Jesus to stay with them demonstrate their acceptance and belief?

12. How does the concept of "harvest" in Jesus' conversation with the disciples relate to evangelism?

13. How do you relate to the Samaritan woman's initial misunderstanding of the "living water"?

14. In what ways does the faith of the Samaritans challenge your personal faith in Jesus?

15. How can you apply the idea of "sowing" and "reaping" in the kingdom of God in your life?

16. How can you seek and provide "spiritual food" in your everyday life as Jesus does?

17. In today's context, who might be the "Samaritans" (people typically avoided or marginalized), and how can you reach out to them?

18. How does Jesus' interaction with the Samaritan woman influence your understanding of gender and societal norms in spiritual conversations?

19. How does the faith of the royal official's household inspire your family faith practice?

20. How can you recognize and share about Jesus' work (signs) in your life to bring others to faith?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

John 3
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