Judges 6
The Call of Gideon
The Rise of Gideon: From Threshing Floor to Battlefield

The chapter of Judges 6 beautifully portrays the journey from doubt to faith. It reassures us that God, in His infinite mercy, remains patient with our doubts and fears, providing the reassurance we need. It reminds us that even in times of disobedience, if we sincerely repent, God will hear and deliver us. Finally, Gideon's story reminds us that greatness is not a birthright; God's call can elevate the humblest among us to serve His purpose.

Verses 1-6: The Oppression by Midianites

The Israelites, having forsaken the Lord, found themselves under the oppressive rule of the Midianites for seven years. Their crops and livestock were ravaged, forcing them to hide in mountains and caves.

Verses 7-10: The Prophet’s Message

God sends a prophet to remind the Israelites of His past deliverances and their current disobedience, reiterating that they should not worship other gods.

Verses 11-24: The Calling of Gideon

The Angel of the Lord appears to Gideon, initially an unassuming farmer, and calls him a "mighty warrior," prophesying that he will save Israel from the Midianites. Doubtful, Gideon asks for a sign, which the Angel provides by setting fire to a sacrificial offering. Gideon recognizes the divine nature of his visitor, but the Lord reassures him, "Peace! Do not be afraid."

Verses 25-32: Destruction of the Altar of Baal

God commands Gideon to destroy the local altar of Baal and erect an altar to God. Despite fear, Gideon complies, earning him the name Jerub-Baal, meaning "Let Baal contend against him."

Verses 33-40: Gideon’s Request for Signs

The Midianites and their allies gather for war, prompting Gideon to ask God for a sign of victory, using a fleece of wool. God grants the sign, not once but twice, reassuring Gideon of His presence and His promise.

Judges 6 narrates a crucial period in the history of Israel, an era of oppression, doubt, faith, and ultimately, divine intervention. The chapter unfolds the tale of Gideon, a man of humble origins, who rises from the threshing floor to become a judge of Israel under God’s divine guidance. It outlines the Israelites' plight under Midianite oppression due to their disobedience, their cry for deliverance, the calling of Gideon, his tests of faith, and his preparation for war against the oppressors.

1. Divine Intervention
2. Doubt and Faith
3. Repentance and Restoration
4. Spiritual Warfare
5. Calling and Leadership
1. The Israelites’ Idolatry and Oppression
2. The Call of Gideon
3. The Miraculous Sign of the Fleece
4. Destruction of the Altar of Baal
5. Preparation for Battle
1. The Israelites
2. Gideon
3. The Angel of the Lord
4. Joash, Gideon's Father
5. The Midianites
6. The Amalekites
7. The eastern peoples
1. Israel
2. Midian
3. Ophrah, Abiezer's homeland
4. The winepress
5. The altar of Baal
Bible Study Questions

1. How does the Israelites' suffering in the hands of the Midianites reflect the consequences of their disobedience?

2. Why do you think God chose Gideon, a seemingly ordinary man, to lead the Israelites?

3. How does Gideon's doubt reflect his human nature? How does God respond to this doubt?

4. How might Gideon's act of destroying the altar of Baal reflect his newfound faith and courage?

5. What does the episode of the fleece reveal about Gideon's relationship with God?

6. How can Gideon's story inspire us to trust in God's plan, even when it seems improbable?

7. How does the chapter highlight the importance of repentance in restoring our relationship with God?

8. Why do you think God patiently accommodated Gideon's request for signs?

9. How can we apply the lessons from Gideon's call to our modern day lives?

10. How can Gideon's transformation inspire us in overcoming our own doubts and fears?

11. In what ways can we see ourselves in the figure of Gideon when dealing with the challenges in our lives?

12. Can you think of a time when you felt unqualified for a task God was calling you to do? How did you respond?

13. What steps can we take to stand up against idolatry in today's world, just like Gideon stood against Baal worship?

14. How can we discern when God is calling us to do something outside of our comfort zone?

15. What is your 'fleece' moment when you sought a sign from God? How did God respond?

16. How does the story of Gideon's call challenge our understanding of who is capable of serving God's purpose?

17. In what ways does Judges 6 show that faith in God can lead to the impossible being achieved?

18. How can Gideon's initial hesitation and ultimate obedience inspire us to deal with doubt in our spiritual journey?

19. What does Gideon's story teach us about the power of God working through ordinary people?

20. What steps can we take to ensure we remain faithful to God's word, learning from the Israelites' cycle of disobedience and oppression?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Judges 5
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