Psalm 135
Give Praise, O Servants of the LORD
The Divine Orchestra: Celebrating God's Sovereignty and Unfailing Love

Psalm 135 is a potent reminder of the greatness of God, His sovereignty, and His unfailing love. It implores us to shift our focus from the futility of idol worship to the rewarding worship of God who controls the universe and cares for His people. It challenges us to live a life of gratitude, worship, and steadfast faith, knowing fully well that our God is mighty, merciful, and eternally faithful.

Verses 1-4: A Call to Praise

The Psalm opens with a call to the servants of the Lord to praise His name, for He is good. The chosen ones, the people of Israel, are especially reminded of God's favor and love.

Verses 5-7: The Greatness of God

The Psalmist praises the greatness of God who does whatever He pleases, in heaven, on earth, and in the seas. God's power over the elements and the earth's phenomena is highlighted as an illustration of His supreme authority.

Verses 8-12: God's Mighty Acts

The Psalmist recounts God's mighty deeds, especially His acts of judgment on Egypt and the Canaanite kings, as a testament to His power and justice.

Verses 13-14: The Eternal God of Mercy

The Psalmist speaks of God's name and renown as eternal. He also emphasizes God's role as the redeemer who avenges His people and shows compassion upon them.

Verses 15-18: The Vanity of Idols

The Psalmist contrasts the living, powerful God with man-made idols, pointing out the futility of worshiping powerless idols who can neither see, hear nor speak.

Verses 19-21: Renewed Call to Praise

The Psalm concludes with a renewed call to praise the Lord from all His people, from the priests of Levi to all who fear the Lord. The psalmist exclaims the blessing that comes from dwelling in Jerusalem and being in the presence of the Lord.

Psalm 135 is a powerful hymn that celebrates God's sovereignty, providence, and unfailing love. The Psalmist calls all people, especially the Israelites, to acknowledge the majesty and mercy of God, contrasting it sharply with the emptiness of idol worship. The chapter paints a vivid picture of a universe orchestrated by an all-powerful, loving, and merciful God.

Praise and Worship
God's Sovereignty
God's Mercy and Love
God's Great Deeds
Idolatry and Vanity
The Greatness of God
The Might of God's Deeds
God's Judgment upon the Wicked
Contrast between God and Idols
The Blessings of Trusting in God
The House of Israel
The House of Aaron
The House of Levi
Those who fear the Lord
House of the Lord
The Land of Egypt
Bible Study Questions

1. How does Psalm 135 inspire you to praise God in your daily life?

2. How does the sovereignty of God, as depicted in the Psalm, affect your understanding of your place in the universe?

3. Reflect on verses 5-7. How do these verses shape your understanding of God's power over nature and the universe?

4. In verses 8-12, the Psalmist recalls God's judgment on Egypt and Canaan. How does this historical context influence your perspective of God's justice?

5. How does the Psalmist's description of God's compassion and mercy in verses 13-14 impact your view of God's character?

6. The Psalmist contrasts God and idols in verses 15-18. What "idols" do people often worship in today's society, and how does this contrast with worshiping God?

7. How can we apply the teachings of Psalm 135 to navigate modern-day challenges and crises?

8. The Psalm concludes with a renewed call to praise God. How can you cultivate a habit of praise in your life?

9. How can this Psalm influence your prayers and your relationship with God?

10. How does understanding God's sovereignty and mercy influence your actions towards others?

11. Reflect on the role of God as a redeemer. How does this resonate with your personal experiences?

12. How can we live out the message of Psalm 135 in our communities?

13. What does it mean to fear the Lord in the context of this Psalm and in present day living?

14. How can Psalm 135 help you in your spiritual growth?

15. In the Psalm, God's love for Israel is mentioned. How does this reflect God's love for all of humanity?

16. What practical steps can you take to avoid idolatry in your life?

17. How can we see the manifestation of God's love and mercy in our everyday life?

18. In the face of injustice, how can the Psalmist's recount of God's justice encourage us?

19. How does the depiction of God's power in this Psalm provide comfort during personal trials and tribulations?

20. Based on this Psalm, what attributes of God stand out to you the most and why?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Psalm 134
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