How Then Should we be Saved? Since Eternal Righteousness must be Paid for Our Temporal Iniquity Since one must Suffer by his Own Strength on Our Behalf
How then should we be saved? since eternal righteousness must be paid for our temporal iniquity since one must suffer by His own strength on our behalf; and out of His own fullness defray our debt of infinite charity, and that in the midst of sufferings; which no Angel or Seraphin is able: Since He must pay an obedience which He did not owe: both in loving men when themselves were hateful, and in loving God when He was hated of Him: since none but God could do this, and it was inconvenient for God to do it: whither shall we fly for refuge? Verily, we are in a great strait: but in the midst of these exigencies Love prepareth for itself an offering. One mighty to save, concerning whom it is written, This day have I begotten Thee.
37 finally another reason was
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