Exodus 36:1-38 Then worked Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every wise hearted man… I. MOSES GOES FORWARD IN FAITH. 1. He makes an immediate beginning. He might have doubted the people's liberality (so much was required) or the workmen's ability, and have waited; but it was enough that God had commanded the work. If Christ has commanded us to rear up a tabernacle for God in every land nothing should stay us. He will give offerings and men. 2. He followed the Lord's guiding. He called the men whom he had named and prepared. There must be obedience as well as faith, not calling those we would choose, but hailing gladly, and honouring, the men whom God has prepared. 3. The materials are committed to them. If we are to be built into God's temple we must obey them who have the rule over us. II. THE PEOPLE HAVE TO BE RESTRAINED FROM GIVING. 1. The glory of a liberal spirit. There was no need of a second appeal. Though they knew that much had been contributed they still gave. 2. It consecrated the work. (1) It was a joy for the workmen to labour amid that generous liberality. (2) It was a joy to Israel and their children to remember the story of the tabernacle. To labourers in the Lord's vineyard it is a mighty consecration when hearts are yielded on every side and more is thrust upon them than they can well use for the Master; and the remembrance of such times is power and refreshing in after days. III. THE WORK PROCEEDS; THE SKILL AND LABOUR FAILED NOT. First the framework of the tabernacle is reared and the inner curtains made and placed; then the outer curtains, and lastly the boards, and bars, and veils are set up. The heart is first gained for God, then more and more of light and power is poured upon the outer life till the whole "grows unto an holy temple in the Lord." - U. Parallel Verses KJV: Then wrought Bezaleel and Aholiab, and every wise hearted man, in whom the LORD put wisdom and understanding to know how to work all manner of work for the service of the sanctuary, according to all that the LORD had commanded. |