Homilies on the Epistle to the Hebrews.
Abraham, how received not the promises, having patiently endured, received the promise, [2378]418; his patience, [2379]ib.; and great-heartedness, [2380]418, [2381]474, [2382]477 sqq.; and intense resolve of his affection Godward, [2383]521, [2384]522; learn from his hospitality, [2385]422; exceeding superiority of Melchisedek to, and thus to the Jewish polity too, [2386]424, [2387]427 sqq.; fortitude of, manifested by God to all men, [2388]478; his faith to the end, [2389]ib.; enjoyed things of the world, with affliction, [2390]482; and affliction made him bright, [2391]500.

Affliction (see Suffering, Pain, Punishment), afflicting ourselves here, benefit of, [2392]442; came to Abraham, and must come to every righteous person, [2393]475, [2394]499; a great good, [2395]483, [2396]494, [2397]517; wipes out sins, makes people firm and steady, [2398]494; makes God our debtor, [2399]517; casts out sloth, and ill desire, and collects the soul, [2400]500; brings forth joy, [2401]503; for a time, [2402]512; helps to pay the penalty of our sins, [2403]391, [2404]517; thrusts into the narrow way, [2405]517.

Age, full, [2406]406; how to be attained, [2407]ib.; him of, who holds the Faith, and a right life, [2408]409.

Aid, each can others, in the way of salvation, [2409]504, [2410]505; and not seek for himself only, [2411]506.

Almsgiving, [2412]412, [2413]417; can exhaust hell-fires, [2414]369; saves from, [2415]513; of the very poor, yea, of the beggar, surpasses that of the rich, [2416]369, [2417]374, [2418]375; in, God estimates will, [2419]369; the most essential ingredient in medicine, of repentance, [2420]412; causes our prayer to be heard, [2421]420; God looks at our purpose, [2422]422, [2423]513, [2424]514; not worthiness of recipients, [2425]422; cleanses after sins, [2426]426, [2427]509; blessing of, [2428]454; hand withered that is without, [2429]480; guilt of giving, and receiving from ill-gotten gains, [2430]481, [2431]513; what is, [2432]495; we ought to give superfluities in, [2433]ib.; the oil for our lamps, [2434]498; cf. [2435]513; gives earthly, receives heavenly, [2436]509; heaven's gates open to, [2437]513; might of, [2438]ib.; some do it but scantly, [2439]ib.; some their all, [2440]516 (note e); in doing, we must be intent, lest anxiety for wife and children intervene, [2441]521; false receiving of, [2442]516. See Poor, Poverty.

Alphabet, [2443]409, [2444]490.

Angels, minister to our salvation, [2445]377; the Son's servants, our fellow-servants, [2446]ib.; great, the interval betwixt us and, [2447]ib.; manifold examples of, ministry of, [2448]ib.; their ministry to us an encouragement, [2449]ib.; law given through, how, [2450]378; entrusted with the charge of nation, [2451]ib.; with care of us, mourn over our badness, [2452]472; are by us in the night, [2453]438; in Church especially, [2454]442; and in fear when Christians pray, [2455]490; were our enemies, reconciled by Christ, [2456]447; Cherubim dwell on earth, [2457]444; despise us their fellow-citizens, if enslaved to gold, [2458]480; do not need attendants when they go through the world, [2459]495; the theatre of Christians, [2460]496; with, is that soul, whose lover God is, [2461]498; angelic work, yea, Christ's work to do all for salvation of brethren, [2462]377.

Anger, how guarded against, [2463]393; a fire a flame, forbearance quenches it, as iron red-hot dipped in water is quenched, [2464]468.

Animals, do not readily attack their fellows of the same species, [2465]480.

Antichrist, the Jews having rejected Christ, will fall into hand of, [2466]515.

Apostles, received nothing in writing, [2467]435; tombs of but four known (see Tombs), [2468]482.

Arians, [2469]376, [2470]407; their formula, there was when He was not, [2471]367; as by an instrument, [2472]371; God needed not an helper, [2473]376.

Arius, [2474]370, [2475]371, [2476]376.

Armor, some parts of Christian, explained, [2477]393; shield of faith, [2478]468; girdle of truth, [2479]450.

Article, definite, force of, [2480]376.

Athlete, example of an, [2481]392, [2482]456, [2483]462, [2484]470; Christ's, [2485]478; chastisement strengthens, [2486]503.

Babylonians, of less understanding than they of Lystra, [2487]486.

Baptism, sins forgiven in, [2488]389; cleanses the soul, [2489]455; repentance after, is of grace, [2490]400; after, comes repentance, [2491]436; necessary, [2492]410; one, [2493]410 sqq., [2494]457; if not so, how careless we should get, [2495]411; if more than one, an endless number, [2496]ib.; a cross, [2497]410; our death and rising, [2498]411; gifts in, [2499]ib.; a grace once for all, [2500]ib.; the whole is grace, [2501]410; called "the Seal," [2502]430; enlightening, [2503]431; peril of delaying to the end of life, [2504]ib.; they who do so alluded to, [2505]457, [2506]481 (note); great loss thence even if one does not receive baptism, [2507]431 sqq.; shame that accrues to these when they behold others' sweats and rewards, [2508]431 sqq.; bears sons, [2509]433; our Lord's Passion, [2510]444; if without fruit, punishment, [2511]457; makes brotherhood, because God then our Father, [2512]480.

Baptized, the, called Enlightened, [2513]432.

Bastards, not worth punishing, [2514]500.

Beatitudes, [2515]403.

Begging, a disgrace, [2516]421,

Beginning, value of, [2517]412; and hardness, [2518]ib.

Bitterness, root of, difference between and a bitter root, [2519]506.

Brother, in St. Paul meant not a monk but a believer, [2520]480, [2521]481.

Cain, what St. Chrysostom thought the fault of his sacrifice, [2522]514.

Carnal, tempers what, [2523]452.

Catechumens, [2524]430, [2525]432; know Christ and the Faith, [2526]432; not a brother in St. Paul's sense, even if he be a monk, [2527]480.

Chance, they who all to, are not pleasing to God, [2528]467.

Charity, praise of, [2529]381; his work on, referred to, [2530]ib.; loves not in order to be loved in turn but for God, [2531]ib.; wears itself out for Jews, heathen, heretics, [2532]ib.; pitying those who have done not well but wrong, [2533]417.

Chastisement is exercise, bearing sweet fruit, [2534]503.

Children, in a passion, if they strike us, we do but laugh, [2535]468; if ourselves in a passion we become, [2536]ib.; intelligent, will sometimes decline playthings, longing for what is higher, [2537]471; playthings kept back if too eagerly longed for, given freely if not so, [2538]479.

Christ, His sufferings, [2539]389; from the Jews, [2540]493; from disciples, [2541]494; in babyhood, [2542]ib.; from scorning, [2543]493, [2544]494; an aid to patience, [2545]365, [2546]494; an honor, [2547]384; a glory, [2548]499; far, far greater than creation, [2549]384; we are to have fellowship with, [2550]515, [2551]517; calls His Cross glory, [2552]383; cf. [2553]384; His Death called a taste because it held Him not long, [2554]383; smote the devil, [2555]385; and death, [2556]ib.; His Resurrection, [2557]365, [2558]373, [2559]384, [2560]411, [2561]520; to prove, one aim of St. Paul in Epistle, [2562]365, [2563]520; known to those of old, [2564]481; His appointment as Priest, [2565]403; His weeping at prayer not told in Gospels, [2566]404; sometimes spoken of from the Divine, sometimes from the Human, [2567]368; in Spirit, and flesh, [2568]368 init.; not ?narchos or alien from God (according to some), [2569]370; acts of His own authority, [2570]490; calls His own coming in the flesh Exodus, St. Paul Eisodos (coming in), [2571]375; Apostle as sent, [2572]391; became Priest when He took flesh, [2573]428, [2574]433; One Priest because undying, [2575]429; one act of, [2576]430, [2577]447, [2578]448; Godhead and Manhood in, [2579]430, [2580]433; our One Sacrifice, [2581]430, [2582]434, [2583]439 (see Sacrifice); all heavenly, [2584]434; died once, [2585]447; died for all even though all accepted not, [2586]ib.; suffered because He willed, [2587]493, [2588]517; and gladly, [2589]493; His enemies are Jews, unbelievers, carnal, [2590]452; Jews' contumelies to, [2591]493; many of His words already come to pass, [2592]463; gives His Gifts in ways contrary to natural course [2593]479; because nature's Maker, [2594]ib.; His Death our safeguard, [2595]487; why He chose death of the Cross, [2596]493; prayed, not needing prayer, but to teach us, [2597]490; if we suffer we must look to, [2598]493, [2599]494; has implanted in us of His Beauty and Comeliness, [2600]368; we one with, [2601]394; we read not that He laughed, [2602]442; to be looked to as a Master, that we may learn how to do, [2603]493; gave us the Faith, [2604]ib.; gave the beginning, will put on the end, [2605]ib.

Christ's Blood, [2606]499; mixed up with the very substance of people's souls, rendering them vigorous and pure, [2607]444; sprinkled in our souls, [2608]487; we have, [2609]ib.; partake of, [2610]517; has cleansed all, [2611]510; purifies us, [2612]440, [2613]444; flowed from the Body which had been framed by the Spirit, [2614]444; carried into Heaven, [2615]517.

Christ's Body, framed by the Holy Spirit [2616]440, [2617]444.

Christ God, [2618]372, [2619]389, [2620]430, [2621]433; though Priest sits, stands not, [2622]373, [2623]430, [2624]433, [2625]452, [2626]454.

Christian, shines out most brightly in poverty, [2627]374; the crucified, has Charity, [2628]381; the crucified, the mourner, [2629]442; how to fight, bravely, not inviting war, not interfering, [2630]392; to be ready to pour out his blood as though it were water, [2631]ib.; his constant daily warfare, [2632]392, [2633]393; different parts of his armor explained, [2634]393; mercifulness his special characteristic, [2635]513; his superhuman might, [2636]522; should arm himself with desire of Heaven, a fire which none may withstand, [2637]ib.

Christianity, danger of fulfilling as a custom, [2638]414.

Chrysostom, St., rejoices that things will not always abide as they are, [2639]376; thought that miraculous gifts were less at the date of the Epistle to the Hebrews, [2640]379; refers to an already published writing of his on charity, [2641]381; speaks from necessity, would from pleasure too if he knew his hearers were earnest, [2642]382; would fain have been silent lest he increase their peril, but fears to be silent, [2643]476; will examine the careless ones, will not tell them when, [2644]382, [2645]383; prays and exhorts others to pray that no untimely deaths may befall, [2646]387; threatens to punish hired mourners brought into Christian funerals and to suspend those who bring them, [2647]ib.; cannot preach the Resurrection while Christians thus contradict, [2648]385, [2649]387; calls himself a good-for-nothing, yet must use his authority, [2650]387; begs them to bear with him if severe, [2651]ib.; would fain only loose, yea, not need power of loosing, [2652]ib.; longs to praise, [2653]388, [2654]472; speaks of the want of Bible knowledge among his people, [2655]407 sqq.; the discouragement in his teaching from their inattention, [2656]382, [2657]408; and risk through repetition of making the account of some heavier at the Judgment, [2658]409; expects that his people will bring forth fruit suddenly, [2659]417; thought that the sky did not move and is not spherical, [2660]433, [2661]490; addresses not Christians only, but even heathen, if any present, on the truth of Christ's words, [2662]463; thought that Pharisee spake his prayer in no man's hearing, [2663]464; elsewhere thought otherwise, [2664]490; apologizes for what he says, as constrained to say it, [2665]472; calls himself a father, [2666]473; attests his inmost grief, [2667]ib.; always has to repeat same things, [2668]476; knew not how to rebuke owing to the sin of alms out of ill-gotten gains, [2669]481; wants his people to help him by helping each other on, [2670]504 sqq.

Church, bonds of, if any despise, put on by authority, the Day of Judgment will teach him, [2671]387; if any burst, he answers it to Christ, [2672]ib.; laws of (see Laws, Church, Heaven), [2673]434. See Service.

Clergy who are over us we must obey, [2674]518, [2675]519; even if bad, so their faith be sound, [2676]519; must be sober and watchful; if despised must weep, God punishes, [2677]ib.; their terrible responsibility, [2678]ib.; and account, [2679]ib.; peril in throwing themselves upon dignity, they ought to flee; then, if seized, to submit, [2680]520.

Club, the, in St. Chrysostom's time, [2681]504.

Comfort, the duty of giving, [2682]396.

Commands, easiness of God's, [2683]432. See Will.

Compunction, God's gift, [2684]408; to prayer, [2685]459; Publican filled with, when Pharisee's words came to him, [2686]490.

Confession, the Faith, [2687]391, [2688]400, [2689]410; of sins, [2690]490. See Sins, Priest, [2691]Repentance.

Conscience must be compelled to own sins, that it may repent and escape torment, [2692]508.

Consulate, its transitoriness, [2693]412.

Contrition an ingredient of Repentance, [2694]412; what, [2695]ib.

Cornelius, the centurion, his offering, [2696]420.

Covenants, both of God, though not in like manner, [2697]378.

Covetous, [2698]505; they who overreach, ruin themselves, not others, [2699]480; sin of going to their entertainments, [2700]480, [2701]481; a poor man who refused to go for his own soul's sake would shame, [2702]481.

Covetousness worse than mire, [2703]480.

Creation a less thing than preservation, [2704]372; transfiguration of, so easy, [2705]376; fulfills its appointed course, [2706]489; reverenced Joshua for the name he bore, [2707]ib.

Credibility, those who handed to us Gospel Truth accredited as not forgers, [2708]379; what has already come to pass accredit those yet to come, [2709]463.

Creed. See Confession.

Cross, our Master calls glory, [2710]383; why He chose, [2711]493; fruit of, how great, [2712]383; our, [2713]494.

Crowning, time of, one; of conflict of each, manifold, [2714]492.

Danger, to run needlessly into, tempting God, [2715]484.

Daniel, why he did not refuse the oblation and sweet odors, [2716]485 sqq.; he was humble, [2717]485, [2718]486.

Deacon's warning and searching cry at Holy Communion, [2719]449, [2720]450; after the whole sacrifice is completed, [2721]450; meaning of, [2722]ib.

Death, of Christ, smote the devil, [2723]385; death's death, [2724]ib.; once only, [2725]411, [2726]447; our purification, [2727]444; how death undone to us, [2728]447; its terror, [2729]385; untimely, St. Chrysostom prays and exhorts prelates and all to pray that no, may befall, [2730]387; day of each person's, nearer than end of all things, [2731]463; death's death, hope given of, in Enoch's translation, [2732]467.

Desire, implanted, [2733]374; but capable of most grievous abuse, [2734]502; evil cast out by chastisement, [2735]500; hides sight of God, [2736]468. See Lust.

Despair, we may not, [2737]396; even after deepest wickedness, [2738]426.

Devil, smitten in Christ's death, [2739]385; and brought to nought, [2740]ib.; aims to make us speak against God, [2741]459; overthrow of, hope given in Enoch's translation, [2742]467; if he wound not, wounded, [2743]468; wounded in his attack on Job, wounded in his attack on St. Paul, [2744]ib.; his dart concupiscence, [2745]ib.; glories at our evil state, [2746]472.

Disobedience, peril of, [2747]378.

Dives received (apelabes received not as a gift, but in return) here the reward of his good deeds, [2748]391.

Docetæ alluded to, [2749]385.

Doctrines which concern the soul must be contended for, [2750]392; cf. [2751]519.

Dress, a lady sometimes had a precious garment inwoven with gold, [2752]459; beautiful and costly belong to the stage, [2753]496; by St. Paul set at nought in the very Church itself, 334. See Lady, Lace, Silk.

Drunkards, we go to their houses though St. Paul forbids us, [2754]481.

Drunkenness, sin of, [2755]490.

Enoch not discouraged by what had befallen Abel, [2756]466; and knew that he had received a recompense, [2757]467.

Envy, no one envies himself, [2758]456; Hebrews obnoxious to, [2759]466; we give way to, [2760]490.

Eucharist, [2761]468; the Sacrifice, [2762]430; daily, [2763]449; therein the purifying Blood entereth the soul, springing up like a fountain in our souls, [2764]444; many partake once or twice a year, many often, the solitaries yearly or after two years, [2765]449; Lent the preparation for the Easter-Eucharist, [2766]449; frequent receiving right if prepared, seldom receiving too frequent if unprepared, [2767]ib.; peril of unworthy receiving, [2768]449, [2769]458; the Deacon's warning cry at, [2770]449, [2771]450; the beauty of ornament that fits to approach, [2772]450; the beauty of Eunuchs who stand by the Majesty, [2773]ib.; may be a cause of disease, even as food when the system is disordered, [2774]449; a Royal Table, sweet Ointment, [2775]ib.; forty days' preparation, one week's care after, [2776]ib.; in, a person becomes the Body of Christ, [2777]458; unworthy partaking of, [2778]490.

Eunuchs, spiritual, to stand before King, [2779]450.

Evil-speaking, earns praise to the receiver if he requite it not, more abundant disgrace to the giver, [2780]368; terrible harm we do by, [2781]464; rife, [2782]473; vain prayer uttered by one while repeating gossip, [2783]464; if Pharisees condemned though he spake truth, what we when we utter lies, [2784]ib.

Eyes, what we see with, more readily retained than what we hear, [2785]434; sometimes injured from a bad habit of body, [2786]449; of the soul, how to make beautiful and keen of sight, [2787]450; evil desires, passions, affairs of this life darken, [2788]468.

Ezra, gathered the scattered Scriptures, [2789]407.

Faintheartedness, [2790]463, [2791]465; sometimes produces unbelief, [2792]416; springs from unbelief, [2793]455; hinders a promise of its fruit, [2794]418; makes one no ready hearer, [2795]423; loss from at the last, [2796]476; at last came on the Hebrews, [2797]483; danger of, to soul in tribulation, [2798]516.

Faith, the, [2799]391, [2800]398, [2801]400, [2802]409, [2803]410, [2804]419, [2805]432, [2806]462; handed down that we may not have to engage with every heresy, [2807]407; known to Catechumens, [2808]432; Christ gave, [2809]493; imparts holiness, [2810]504; the, and right life make of full age, [2811]409; we are to endure so long as the, is not touched, [2812]504; cf. [2813]392; who misteach, we must shun, [2814]519; cf. on Galatians, p. [2815]16.

Faith; to need absolute proof of God's Providence or care, want of, [2816]396; insufficient without a right life, [2817]398; necessary to salvation, [2818]ib.; cf. [2819]455, [2820]516; must be very sure, [2821]455; in it we trust the Holy Ghost, [2822]ib.; contrary to reasoning, [2823]516; the very essence of things of hope, [2824]462, [2825]463; comes of a sincere will, [2826]522; needs a generous soul, [2827]465; saves, [2828]ib.; its might, [2829]487, [2830]488; can do all, [2831]487; is all, [2832]516; a pure life, springs of, [2833]515; makes all things pure, [2834]ib.; mutual aid from, [2835]465; accused by some as being without proof, and defended by St. Paul, [2836]ib.; knowledge concerning God, belongs to, [2837]465, [2838]466; of Abel, [2839]466; of Enoch, [2840]469; of them of old, [2841]482; of Joseph, [2842]ib.; manifoldly, [2843]ib.; in retribution necessary, [2844]467; holds nothing more to be relied on than God's words, [2845]469.

Father, his desire to remit punishment, seen in God also, [2846]467; as he lets approved children wait for the others, so God orders that the saints wait for us, [2847]492; sends away from a son an evil companion, if the son persist after he is warned, [2848]518.

Filth, like a host who gives a splendid entertainment, and sits down with his hands smeared with the veriest, such is the covetous host, [2849]480.

Fire, no longer consumes but bears to heaven Christian sacrifices, [2850]420; of spirit to burn up desire of wealth, [2851]ib.; the ardent desire for heaven, the Christian's, [2852]522.

Flesh, taken of us, sits on high, and is worshiped by angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim, [2853]388.

Food, mischief of immoderate eaters, [2854]501, [2855]502; what can be digested nourishes, [2856]502; repletion worse than famine, [2857]ib.

Forerunner, implies them who follow, [2858]419.

Forgiveness of others ingredient of repentance, [2859]412.

Form of a slave, man; form of God, God, [2860]372.

Freewill, its proneness to ill, [2861]425; its reality, [2862]ib.; it is aided by God, [2863]425, [2864]520.

Friends, favor of, must be risked to obtain his salvation, [2865]472; real, help one another's souls, [2866]505.

Funerals, hymns and psalmody at, proclaim triumph, [2867]386; unseemly grief at, [2868]ib.; those who tear their hair and behave unseemly ought to be long while shut out of Church, [2869]ib.; the part of madmen, [2870]ib.; harmful, [2871]ib.; a scandal and makes Resurrection disbelieved, [2872]385, [2873]387; Psalms cxvi, xxiii, xxxii, sung at, [2874]386; hired mourners if admitted to Christian funeral shall be punished, those who admit them treated as idolaters, [2875]387; daily, hourly, [2876]426.

Garden, untilled part of, [2877]501.

Garments, precious, laid among perfume and spices to preserve them from moths, [2878]459.

Gifts, some receive not because of impure life, some lest it should harm their souls, [2879]379, [2880]380; diversity of, [2881]380; if householder knows to whom to entrust, God more, [2882]ib.; how to comfort ourselves that we have not, [2883]380, [2884]381; must use thankfully the little ones we have, [2885]380; the greatest, Charity, offered to all, [2886]381.

Glory, from men we must account as nothing, [2887]493; obtained by simplicity, [2888]497.

Glutton, overreaching, [2889]506.

God, His Peace surpasses mind, much more does He, [2890]370; reverence and faith needed to hear or speak of, [2891]370; when our human language fails, then we must praise Him for His greatness, [2892]ib.; of, we know somewhat yet understand not, [2893]ib.; or conceive and cannot utter, [2894]ib.; not enclosed by space, [2895]373; spoken of as though man, [2896]391; wonderful in His works, in His love to man more wonderful, [2897]381; through uncertainty would keep us watchful, [2898]382; teaches patience, [2899]418; His condescension in swearing, who ought to be believed without, [2900]419; cf. [2901]429; everywhere present, [2902]432; by remembering we forget wickedness, [2903]437; we must remember specially at night and at daybreak, [2904]ib.; and so have Him our helper, [2905]ib.; remembrance of Him uplifts us to endure and be brave, [2906]484; and makes hard things easy, [2907]ib.; several results of His remembering us, and we Him, [2908]ib.; commands nothing impossible, [2909]446; what philosophers knew of His Being, belonged to Faith, not to reason, [2910]465, [2911]466; Being of, Faith assures; truths of His Essence neither Faith nor reasoning may attain, [2912]467; inflicted punishment of death, as He threatened, as a Parent showed mercy at once in translating Enoch undying, [2913]ib.; they who attribute all to chance are not pleasing to, [2914]ib.; a Rewarder, [2915]467, [2916]468; how to be sought, [2917]468; evil desires, passions, cares, obstruct sight, [2918]ib.; how to lift ourselves toward, [2919]ib.; His manifold gifts at creation, [2920]471; His Gift of His Son, [2921]ib.; the God and Friend of holy people, [2922]475; will be ours if we will be strangers to the world, [2923]476; obedience makes us friends of, [2924]ib.; gives not full rest here but some refreshment, [2925]470; wished to seem a Debtor even in giving up His own Son, [2926]478; a glory to, to be called God of the good; a shame to, to be called God of the wicked, [2927]475, [2928]476; gives earthly things if our hearts be not set on them, [2929]479; with fear of Him bitter things not painful, [2930]485; the friend of, besought God his Friend and the creatures yielded, [2931]489; if we hold fast to, we shall stand against the foe and temptation, [2932]494; the Lover of holy souls, [2933]498; chastens as sons tenderly loved, [2934]500; gave Law, gives too the Gospel, [2935]512; our example in mercifulness, [2936]513; if our friend, temporal things matter not, [2937]516; alone knows what is good for us, [2938]517.

God the Father, angry for dishonor done to His Son, [2939]377; and the Son, each subsist, [2940]370; God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, unity of, [2941]371.

God the Son, from the Father, [2942]370, [2943]371; absolutely equal to the Father, [2944]370, [2945]377; has absolute Power, [2946]371; equal Honor, [2947]517; gift of Redemption enhanced by being through, [2948]373; what means sitting, [2949]ib.; who disdained not to become Man, neither disdained He the lowly expressions [2950]ib.; teaches us thereby lowliness, [2951]ib.; marked off from creatures, [2952]376; sent, i.e. made flesh, [2953]377; no minister, [2954]ib.; assumed what is of us and united it to Himself, [2955]382; suffered though God is incapable of suffering, [2956]389; why called a sword, [2957]398; passes through inner heart, to judge, [2958]ib.; severity of, [2959]399; tender aid given by, [2960]400; sympathy of, [2961]389, [2962]400; appointed Priest, [2963]403; His obedience, [2964]404; His learning it, [2965]419; prayed yet raised Himself from the dead, [2966]404; prayed for us, [2967]ib.; emptied Himself and glorified Himself, [2968]ib.; mediated by an oath, [2969]419; and all the power of the Spirit dwell in His flesh, [2970]440.

God the Son God, [2971]372; who is worshiped, [2972]375; who beholds all, [2973]400; who stands not as High Priest but is on the Throne, [2974]ib.; who in the Gospels swears by Himself, [2975]418. See also Christ God.

God the Holy Ghost, [2976]420; argument against objectors to His Godhead, [2977]366; God who reveals, [2978]469; grace of, shows Its might as It will, [2979]367; mighty, [2980]468, [2981]487, [2982]521. See Grace. His inspiration of and care for preservation of Scriptures, [2983]407; received in Baptism, [2984]410; St. Paul's words words of, [2985]413; might of in Body of the Word, [2986]440; whose Body of (ek), [2987]ib.; framed by, [2988]444; His presence hallows men, [2989]450; we trust to in matters of faith, [2990]455; somewhat that St. Chrysostom said, the words of, [2991]449; waters us, Christ having planted us, [2992]457; we know not how to pray save by, [2993]517.

Gold is but dirt, [2994]480.

Gold-embroidered linen, [2995]480; ornaments, [2996]496, [2997]497; we must part with for others' need that we may enjoy His Beauty, [2998]498.

Gossip, grievous sins of, [2999]464; idle excuse that it was another that told us, [3000]ib.; if we must, to speak of our sins to God and our friends, [3001]ib.

Grace, Throne of, now will then be throne of Doom, [3002]400; Repentance after Baptism is of, [3003]ib.; of the Spirit, [3004]468, [3005]487, [3006]500, [3007]521, [3008]522; compared to wind filling sails and wafting ship, [3009]521; even of old time wrought through the unworthy, [3010]476; prevents, our diligence follows, [3011]ib.; fills up our work, [3012]520; poured on Moses in his babyhood, wrought in Pharaoh's daughter, [3013]483; surpasses the Law in that it can bring to Heaven, [3014]489.

Hair, see Temple.

Hand, withered that doth not alms, [3015]480; filthy that grasps beyond its due, [3016]ib.

Heaven, [3017]396, [3018]397; not to be reached negligently, [3019]398; we lose by seeking first things of time, [3020]408; the glory beyond words, [3021]413; through hope we now there, [3022]419; offerings presented by Christians borne unconsumed to, [3023]420; who wishes may be in, may be heaven, [3024]444, [3025]445; as St. Paul and others did, [3026]445; there calm, [3027]ib.; there good things abide, [3028]512, [3029]513; the Patriarchs alive to, dead to the world, we alive to the world, dead to, [3030]473, [3031]474; Theater of, [3032]496; Beauty of, how much more His Beauty, [3033]498; the homes that are there the Poor build us, [3034]513.

Hebrews, Epistle to, written to Jews (he thought) in Palestine and Jerusalem, [3035]364; mode in, compared to that in Epistle to Romans, [3036]403, [3037]405, [3038]424, [3039]462; Galatians, [3040]405, [3041]406, [3042]415; 1 Corinthians, [3043]406, [3044]511; 2 Corinthians, [3045]514; Thessalonians, [3046]515; others, [3047]520; and his discourse at Athens, [3048]405; had been Christians long time, [3049]365, [3050]405; babes, [3051]406; had been better once, [3052]405, [3053]406, [3054]483; their Faith and Patience, [3055]483; St. Paul apologizes to them, [3056]520; place of his prayer here at end, in other Epistles at beginning, [3057]ib.

Hell, [3058]396, [3059]403, [3060]421, [3061]431, [3062]456, [3063]457, [3064]461, [3065]469, [3066]471, [3067]476, [3068]481, [3069]490; terror of, [3070]368, [3071]369; none afraid of, [3072]472; some believe not that there is, [3073]507; we must often think of lest we suffer it, [3074]369; almsgiving will quench, [3075]ib.; everlasting, [3076]396, [3077]450, [3078]495; terrible beyond thought, [3079]495, [3080]509; due punishment for evil speaking, [3081]464; we must hinder in friends what leads to, [3082]505; there none may aid, [3083]509.

Heretics, [3084]404, [3085]406, [3086]428; the faith handed down to us our preservative against, [3087]407. See Arius, Manichæus, Marcellus, Marcion, Paul, Novatians, etc.

Highmindedness to no purpose, [3088]373; danger of, [3089]379, [3090]380, [3091]425, [3092]426; St. Peter's special danger of, as knowing that he loved Christ more than all, [3093]507; prosperity sometimes produces, [3094]517; constant memory of our sins does away with, [3095]508.

Hope, its stay, [3096]391, [3097]393, [3098]415, [3099]419, [3100]429; that of each covenant contrasted, [3101]434; of future bears through despondency, [3102]503.

Human things, their transitoriness, [3103]412; a shadow, [3104]484; nought if God our friend, [3105]516; hope a help even in, [3106]419; the whole of virtue to be loose from, [3107]473. See Temporal things.

Humility, aid from listening to our Lord's words on, [3108]409; not true, to call ourselves sinners and be angry when so called, [3109]490; what, [3110]ib.

Ill, we are apt to suspect, good not so, [3111]422; our will readily inclines to side of, [3112]425; we often abstain from, out of respect to men, [3113]516.

Image and Express Image contrasted, [3114]372.

Indolence the reason why the bad become not better, [3115]474; why we imitate not the Saints, [3116]456.

Injure, they who, injure themselves, [3117]479.

Injuries, remembrance of, a great sin, [3118]412, [3119]490; will go if we ever remember our sins, [3120]508; bearing will help us and the injuring party too, [3121]504.

Insult, who, insult themselves, [3122]479, [3123]480.

Isaac, only-begotten in respect to the promise, [3124]478; praise of, [3125]474, [3126]482; his toils and gain therefrom, [3127]500.

Jacob, faith of, [3128]474, [3129]482; gain through affliction, [3130]500, [3131]501.

Jesus, in the form of Man, [3132]489.

Jews, had power in their own land to act independently of their rulers, [3133]365; their priests ceasing to be priests, [3134]403; St. Paul proves that far superior to, and to their polity is the uncircumcised Melchizedek, [3135]424; times of, under Ezra and Malachi referred to, [3136]436; their law, old, [3137]ib.; Jewish captives glorious even in captivity, [3138]484; having deprived themselves of Christ will fall into hands of Antichrist, [3139]515; heathens, heretics, true charity wears itself out for, [3140]381.

Jews Christian, how well-nigh worn out when St. Paul wrote to them, [3141]365, [3142]366; cf. [3143]514; had long believed and borne, [3144]365; compared to Elijah in their troubles, [3145]491; exhorted to perseverance in that whereunto they had attained, [3146]514; their enemies Christ's enemies, [3147]377.

Joshua, reverenced as a very special type of Christ, [3148]489; availed more than did Moses, [3149]ib.; even while Moses was living, [3150]490.

Joy, never unmixed here, [3151]442; the true, how to be attained, [3152]ib.; endurance with, Apostolical, [3153]462; fruit of grief, of chastisement, [3154]503.

Judge, the Judge of words as well as of actions, [3155]438; propitiated if we accuse ourselves for our sins, [3156]508; confess to, [3157]ib.

Judgment, [3158]401; the Throne of grace now, becomes then Throne of, [3159]400; day of, [3160]420, [3161]472; near, [3162]463; the Judge will be there, [3163]509; sins of all publicly displayed then except we do them away by continual remembrance of them, [3164]508, [3165]509; in that day the poor man will deliver thee, [3166]421; proof that end of world is nigh, [3167]463; end of all at hand, day of each one's death yet nearer, [3168]ib.; we shudder at end, as if going to, [3169]475; special account then taken of purity, [3170]476; Judgments mentioned in his day, [3171]472; common, of all indisputable, [3172]503.

Jugglers' sleights, [3173]445.

Lace, a superfluity, [3174]496.

Lady, walking with few attendants attracts less notice, [3175]495, [3176]496; to dress simply, [3177]496 sqq.; such an one has her husband's respect, [3178]497.

Lamb, paschal, type of our deliverance, [3179]487.

Laughing, evil habit of, in Church and at prayers, [3180]442; Sarah rebuked for, [3181]ib.; her denial of it was from her faith, [3182]471; right use of and misuse of, [3183]442; women do not laugh, save in times of relaxation, in presence of their husbands, [3184]ib.; we laugh at children who strike us in a passion, [3185]468; when we ought to mourn bitterly, [3186]471, [3187]472.

Law, has less might than has grace, [3188]489; superiority of Christian things over those of, [3189]511; the same who gave the Gospel, [3190]512; Laws Ecclesiastical, [3191]387; written in hearts belong not to Jews but to Christians, [3192]435.

Lent, forty days' preparation for Easter Communion, [3193]449; loss if insufficient, [3194]450.

Long-suffering tames anger, [3195]468.

Lose, not to, of less toil than afterward to recover it, [3196]462.

Lost, a thing, with what earnestness sought, [3197]468.

Love, the perfect thing, [3198]455; from, all good things, [3199]456; nought good which is not from, [3200]ib.; assembling ourselves increases, [3201]455, [3202]456; a natural path leading to virtue, [3203]456; as self what, [3204]ib.; of enemies and the bad, praise of, [3205]ib.

Lungs, reason given why they be placed under the heart, [3206]393.

Lust, not pleasure, a mere shadow of pleasure, [3207]393; he who is possessed by, worse than one in a fever, [3208]441; evil desire hinders our seeing when we would find God, [3209]468; generated by overeating, [3210]502.

Luxury, brings to an ill end, [3211]501; enfeebles body and soul, [3212]ib.; produces low spirits, [3213]ib.; food for lusts, [3214]502.

Man, spoken of sometimes from the lower, sometimes the higher part, so Christ, [3215]368; Image of God, [3216]372; young, old; see Young, Old.

Manichæans, [3217]406, [3218]409; the modernest heresy, [3219]407.

Marcellus, [3220]370, [3221]371, [3222]376; taught as did Labellius, [3223]407.

Marcion, [3224]371, [3225]376, [3226]409; the first heresy, [3227]407.

Marriage, [3228]516; not it, but want of moderation in, hurts, [3229]402.

Martyrs, whole burnt-offerings, body and soul, [3230]420.

Mary, Virgin, some deemed that God the Son had His beginning from, [3231]407 [see St. Cyril Alex. de recta fide 11 a, 20 fin., 21 a, 44 e; Quod Unus est Christus 717 b, contra Nest. i.4 (p.21, O.T.); Apol. contra Theod. cap. i.206 e]; the heresy of Paul of Samosata, [3232]407.

Matter, self-existent, some people say that it is, [3233]467.

Mediator, not the owner of that in regard to which he mediates, [3234]443.

Medicine, of Repentance, what its ingredients, [3235]411; a, if removes disease utterly at once, has strength; if needed continually, is weak, [3236]448; not needed where no stroke, [3237]449; bitter, gives first unpleasantness, then benefits, [3238]503.

Mercifulness, untold beauty of, [3239]513; might of, [3240]ib.; specially belongs to a Christian, [3241]ib.; God first showed forth, [3242]ib. See Almsgiving.

Milk, the lowlier doctrines, [3243]404, [3244]406; cf. [3245]398.

Mind, how the grace of the Spirit gives it wings, [3246]468; winged, it soars above the devil's darts, [3247]ib.

Miracles, they who wrought, and prophesied, and were denied; it was probably the want of perseverance, [3248]476; perhaps, too, they were wicked while they wrought, [3249]ib.

Money, the degradation of those who give themselves to, [3250]441; peril of love of, [3251]459, [3252]460, [3253]476; and slavery to care of choice treasures, [3254]459; address to Mammon, [3255]442; value for, a worse than Egyptian bondage, [3256]459; gold mere dirt, [3257]480; angels would despise them who love, [3258]ib.

Monks, or solitaries, not for them alone Christ's precepts, but for people living in the world, [3259]386, [3260]403; saints in life and in faith, [3261]416; might of their life, [3262]522; some wanted to aid only, [3263]417; when beggars, called impostors, [3264]422; sometimes communicate yearly or after two years, [3265]449.

Moses, compared with Christ, [3266]389, [3267]390; a part of the house, [3268]390; his faithfulness, [3269]391; grace poured on in his very babyhood, [3270]483; cared not for Palace of Egypt when Heaven is before him, [3271]ib.; his flight was of faith, [3272]484; less than Joshua, [3273]489, [3274]490; fled from dignity yet imperilled in discharge of it, [3275]520.

Mourners, hired, forbidden even to come to a Christian funeral and threatened, [3276]387. See Funerals.

Night, some spend in prayer, some in deeds of evil, [3277]438; prayer at, [3278]490.

Novatians alluded to, [3279]457.

Obedience, makes friends of God, [3280]476; aids others too, [3281]481; lack of, worse than anarchy, [3282]518; punishment follows, [3283]519.

Of (ex) the Father, [3284]370, [3285]371, [3286]373, [3287]385.

Oil, for lamps, is kindness, [3288]498; cf. [3289]513.

Old age, exceeding disgrace of a wicked, [3290]401; depends not on years, but on virtue, [3291]402; of sin, repentance frees from, [3292]410, [3293]436; impairs not beauty of soul, [3294]498; man, an emperor if he have all his in subjection, [3295]402.

Olympic games, interest excited by, [3296]437; herald's cry at, [3297]450; to homoion kata panta (similarity in all respects), [3298]371.

Oppression, deeds of, and of defrauding so great that many would gladly have parted with life, [3299]471; see [3300]480.

Orator, his special pains at the end of his speech, [3301]476.

Pain, here, [3302]392, [3303]477, [3304]478, [3305]508.

Painting, the outline a shadow, with the colors an image, [3306]447, [3307]448.

Passion, patience disarms, [3308]468; if in a, we become very children, [3309]ib.

Passions, some are useful, [3310]374.

Patience, [3311]416, [3312]419 note, [3313]459; Christ's sufferings an aid to, [3314]365, [3315]383; needed while things are still in process of being subjected to our King, [3316]383; of fisherman and husbandman, [3317]417; of Abraham, [3318]418; why God teaches it us, [3319]ib.; lost at very end when combat even over, [3320]462, [3321]463; disarms passion, [3322]468; of the Hebrews, [3323]483; need of much, [3324]490.

Patriarchs, strangers to the whole world, [3325]471, [3326]473, [3327]474; and lived as foreigners, [3328]474; their faith very persevering, [3329]483.

Paul, St., Apostle of Gentiles, [3330]363; Jews ill-disposed to, [3331]ib.; why not sent to Jews, [3332]ib.; once a Jew himself, and holding with them, has greater force thereby, [3333]364; why he wrote to them, [3334]364, [3335]365; his love for them, [3336]364, [3337]365; for each, [3338]416; his history after close of Acts, [3339]364; his trade alluded to, [3340]367; (like his Master) leads up by little steps, then down, [3341]367, [3342]370; cf. [3343]174, [3344]365; his way of speaking of the Son compared with St. John's, [3345]372, [3346]373; (like his Master) does not utter all, but leaves to conscience of hearers, [3347]378; is not particular in use of phrases, [3348]ib.; cites holy Scripture anonymously to those who were familiar with it, [3349]382; his example as an athlete, [3350]392; transposes his thoughts, [3351]394 [cf. St. Irenæus, iii.7, 2, p.217, O.T.]; his mode and in the Epistle to the Romans compared, [3352]403, [3353]405, [3354]424, [3355]462; here and in Epistle to the Galatians, [3356]405, [3357]406, [3358]415, [3359]462; and in Epistles to Corinthians, [3360]406, [3361]511, [3362]514; to Thessalonians, [3363]515; and discourse to Athenians, [3364]405; leads his hearers on even to the very hard, [3365]405; by little and little, [3366]423, [3367]429; mixes praise and blame, [3368]415, [3369]416, [3370]418, [3371]461; his praise of them, [3372]416; passes not away, [3373]413; words of, words of the Holy Ghost, of Christ, [3374]413; his fear of failing, [3375]414; mixes lowly and lofty, [3376]433; expands Prophet Jeremiah, [3377]436; and others lived in Heaven while here, [3378]445; praises of, [3379]456; his travail-pangs, [3380]472; did not call himself a stranger only, but dead to the world, [3381]473; allows not to eat with the covetous, [3382]480, [3383]481; nor drunkards, yet we disobey, [3384]481; his use of term brother, [3385]480, [3386]481; not a trace of monastic life in his time, [3387]481; his great wealth of thought, [3388]487; his triumph over troubles when now in twentieth year of preaching, [3389]494; commanding simplicity of attire utterly disobeyed in the very Church, [3390]497; ever gave thanks in all his afflictions, [3391]ib.; his apology to the Hebrews, [3392]520; his deep love for them and prayers and asking their prayers, [3393]ib.; we must imitate in his overcoming all affliction for Heaven's love, [3394]522.

Paul of Samosata, [3395]371, [3396]376, [3397]407; taught that God the Son has His beginning from the holy Virgin, [3398]407; his followers called Jews, [3399]376 and note.

Peacock, beauty of, [3400]513.

Perseverance, need of, when near the goal, [3401]398, [3402]399; need of, [3403]398, [3404]476, [3405]490; from examples, [3406]476; want of, probably cost those who had prophesied and cast out devils their crown, [3407]476.

Peter, St., a common person may be as, [3408]453; praise of, [3409]456; his tomb known, [3410]482; his penitence perfect, [3411]507; God left, that he might learn not to contradict the Master, [3412]ib.; his special temptation to be highminded, [3413]ib.; his courage afterward, [3414]ib.

Photinus, [3415]370; taught same as Sabellius, [3416]407.

Physicians, taste food first for the sick man, [3417]384; why they say the lungs are under the heart, [3418]393; parts of bodies that are grown callous yield not to hands of, [3419]394; mix medicines of many ingredients, one the essence of the medicine, [3420]411; after deep incisions use gentle remedies, [3421]461; if he go not forward to the end, his early success but loss, [3422]476; if despised cannot avenge himself on his patient, [3423]519.

Playthings, sometimes offered to an intelligent child, to show how he cares for higher things, [3424]471; withheld if too eagerly desired, [3425]479.

Pleasure, less if disappointment be expected to follow, [3426]503; that brings despondency no pleasure, [3427]ib.

Poor, the, a fellow-freeman, [3428]421; will stand by thee in the day of Doom, thy Advocate, [3429]ib.; neglected while a dead body is richly adorned, [3430]ib.; if he beg, called impostor, [3431]421, [3432]422; ought to be helped, for we always eat, our children beg of us, [3433]421; ought to be helped without enquiry, for we, too, say, remember not my sins, [3434]421, [3435]422; the Saints of old poor, yet very mighty, [3436]452, [3437]453; who feed, feed Christ, [3438]454; many of, bitterly defrauded and oppressed, [3439]471, [3440]480; the rich most truly, [3441]480; if a poor man asked to an entertainment by a defrauder therefore refused, the other would he shamed, [3442]481; none too, to give the cup of water, the two mites, to visit sick, prisoners, [3443]509; build our houses in Heaven, [3444]513; offerings of, accepted equally with gold, [3445]514; yea, of ten thousand talents, [3446]378.

Poverty, not, but caring to be despised for, makes us despicable, [3447]374; the Christian shines out more in, than in riches, [3448]374; it affords, too, more pleasure, [3449]ib.; we may not be impatient of, [3450]375; many blessings of, [3451]452, [3452]459; makes bold, [3453]453; leads by the hand to Heaven, [3454]ib.; great independence of, [3455]ib.; Christ called perfection of virtue, [3456]ib.; an ill-omened thing, [3457]ib.; if voluntary, gives great might, [3458]453, [3459]454; and trust toward God, [3460]454; every one afraid of, [3461]472; not painful with the fear of God, [3462]485; luxurious habits make hated, [3463]497; to be sought, [3464]518.

Praise, to repudiate, one form of pride, [3465]490.

Prayer, intense, one ingredient of repentance, [3466]412; heard through alms, [3467]420; no marvel if not heard when we neglect those who beg of us, [3468]421; night-long (pannuchis), [3469]438; a great weapon, [3470]437; special need of night and morning, [3471]437, [3472]468; a certain, uttered in act of tale-telling, [3473]464; intense, [3474]468, [3475]490, [3476]521; we sin-stained, if not heard at our first, draw back, [3477]485; watching in, what, [3478]490; a mighty weapon, [3479]ib.; made worthy one unworthy, [3480]ib.; some yawn and scratch themselves at, [3481]ib.; laugh during, [3482]442; prevents sins, heals misdeeds, [3483]490; cf. [3484]509; need of, [3485]490; usually asked of them who love us, [3486]520.

Priest, our, not visible, under old Covenant not visible, [3487]455; in offerings of Christians, each his own, [3488]420.

Priests, their aid toward forgiveness, [3489]412; the, offer up the prayer of all, [3490]442; if a man call himself a, enquire as not giving but receiving from him, [3491]422; wicked, grace works through, for sake of their flock, themselves condemned, [3492]476; may not be silent, [3493]ib.; grave responsibility of, [3494]519. See Clergy.

Promises, in what respect they of old received them not, [3495]470, [3496]481, [3497]482; received by trusting thoroughly, [3498]471; Christ's, not that we shall have power to stay the sun and moon, but that He and the Father will dwell in us, [3499]490.

Proof, continued after a person is satisfied, wearies him, [3500]488.

Proverb, a, [3501]480.

Psalm, xxiii., xxxii., cxvi., sung at funerals, [3502]386; vi., said every day, [3503]442.

Punishments, [3504]403; there not here, [3505]391, [3506]458, [3507]473; given with blessing here, that there may be no account, [3508]391; instances, [3509]ib.; evil of being without, alluded to, [3510]374; in store for the wicked, [3511]396; to the soul, too, [3512]398 (see Soul); much spared us, [3513]412; use of, [3514]426; we must exact from ourselves, [3515]508; greater to those who have enjoyed good things here without becoming better, [3516]460; will come, [3517]463; as in dread of, we grieve at leaving this life, [3518]475; if we deny our sins, [3519]508; if clergy are disobeyed and weep, we incur, [3520]519.

Purity, of itself admits to the kingdom, its absence takes to destruction, [3521]476.

Race, foot, St. Paul uses for a simile, as being easiest of the contests, [3522]493.

Reasoning, faith opposed to, [3523]465, [3524]516; our reasonings like spiderwebs, [3525]522; reasoning power given to each is a talent, [3526]504.

Repentance, [3527]412; after Baptism, yet remains to us, [3528]457; a propitiation, [3529]ib.; after Baptism, is of grace, [3530]400; sets free from old age of sin, and makes strong, renews not the former brightness, [3531]410; if used aright, will blot out all sins, [3532]412; in deepest peril can deliver, [3533]ib.; medicine of, contains about nine ingredients, almsgiving the most essential, [3534]ib.; necessity of strict, [3535]426, [3536]490; its might, [3537]426; restores lost beauty, so as even the King may desire it, [3538]436, [3539]437; even from worst deformity, [3540]436; ours a weak, [3541]450; here of use, there of no avail, [3542]463, [3543]464; why unavailing Esau's, [3544]506, [3545]507; Cain's, [3546]506; Judas', [3547]507; sins too great for, [3548]ib.; St. Peter's, [3549]ib.; King David's, [3550]507, [3551]508; does not forget sins,[3552]507, [3553]508. See Sins.

Repetition, use of, [3554]409, [3555]509.

Reproach, apt to pervert the soul and darken the judgment, [3556]461; sore trial of, when in presence of many, [3557]ib.; Christ endured, [3558]484; we must accept, thus we put away, [3559]490; makes our sins lighter for us, [3560]ib.; St. Paul does not allow the clergy, if despised, to use, but to weep, [3561]519.

Reproof, profitable to endure, [3562]387; bitterer than fire and knife; we must learn from surgeon in using, [3563]505; patience in giving, [3564]ib.; looking to the reward in store, [3565]ib.; not always immediate, [3566]507.

Rest, God gives not full here, [3567]470; not here, [3568]512.

Resurrection, preaching to heathen of no avail while Christians by unseemly grief at funerals contradict, [3569]385, [3570]387; they believe it not who give way to mad grief at loss of friends, [3571]386; some believe that some rise and others do not, [3572]455; aids to those who believe not, [3573]391; deceit not to believe, [3574]396; disbelief of, [3575]407; that there is, a part of our Confession, [3576]400; though not yet here, hope realizes it in our soul, [3577]463; at the doors, [3578]ib.; Abel and those of his time knew not of a, [3579]467; yet of old the hope of it given, [3580]478; of all together, [3581]509; Christ's, [3582]365, [3583]373, [3584]383, [3585]411, [3586]520.

Rewards, there, [3587]391, [3588]459, [3589]463, [3590]489; cf. [3591]484; to receive here an insult, [3592]489; if we are virtuous only for, shall never be so, [3593]431; differences of, [3594]432; given to thankfulness, [3595]459, [3596]460; who believe not in, please not God, [3597]467; we may not despond of, [3598]503.

Sabbath-day, meet occupations for, what, [3599]396.

Sabbath-rests, three, [3600]393; the first God's, the second Palestine, [3601]ib.; the third Heaven, [3602]394, [3603]396, [3604]400; the proof of this, [3605]395, [3606]396.

Sabellius, [3607]370, [3608]371; taught that Father, Son, Spirit, are but one, [3609]407.

Sacrifice, the Cross the One, [3610]439, [3611]449; cf. [3612]430, [3613]434, [3614]444, [3615]452, [3616]457, [3617]487, [3618]507; ours the memorial of that One, [3619]449; our, [3620]517; Deacon's cry, Holy things for the holy, uttered after completion of, [3621]450. See Eucharist.

Sacrifices, showed weakness by needing repetition, [3622]448, [3623]451; the weakness of, shown, and they abolished ere Christ came, [3624]451; of Christians, [3625]420; all their rites heavenly, [3626]434; their own souls, [3627]420; shadowed out in Old Testament too, [3628]ib.; the martyr's body and soul, [3629]ib.; voluntary poverty is also a whole burnt-offering, [3630]ib.; those of Cornelius, [3631]ib.

Saint, every Christian a, in faith, [3632]416.

Saints, if weighed against whole world, avail more, [3633]475, [3634]489; some say we cannot be as the, [3635]487; friends of God, [3636]475, [3637]476, [3638]489; how great their virtue, [3639]490; gladly wait for us, [3640]491, [3641]492; made to shine by affliction, [3642]500, [3643]501.

Salvation, each can aid others in the way of, [3644]504, [3645]505; can aid even more than teacher can, [3646]504.

Saul, declined the Kingdom, yet scaped not peril for managing it ill, [3647]520.

Scripture, Holy, Old and New Testaments of one and the same, [3648]366; uses human expressions of God, [3649]391; food, [3650]406; experience of, makes of full age, [3651]406, [3652]407; no one attends to, [3653]407; some do not know existence of, [3654]ib.; Holy Ghost provided for preservation of, [3655]ib.; Scripture testimonies to, [3656]ib.; may not be known without learning, [3657]407, [3658]408; people's ignorance of, [3659]408; what the reader in Church gives out when at the desk to read, [3660]ib.; when dispersed, God inspired Ezra to collect them, [3661]407; to be heard with fear, [3662]413; Old Testament prefigures Christian sacrifices, [3663]420; say no more than needed, [3664]467; texts commented on or explained: --

Ps. vi. 7 [3665]450 xxv. 7 [3666]401 xxxii. 4 [3667]414 xl. 1 [3668]420 xlv. 10 (forget) [3669]437 11 (thy beauty) [3670]436, [3671]498
13 [3672]496
lii. 8 [3673]513 lxviii. 13 [3674]513 lxxvii. 2 [3675]468 ciii. 5 [3676]410 Prov. xiv. 29 [3677]456, [3678]468 xxiv. 11 [3679]417 Isa. i. 16-18 [3680]426 Mal. i. 14 [3681]514 St. Matt. v. 42 [3682]421 vii. 7 [3683]468 14 [3684]501
22 [3685]476
x. 38 [3686]494 xviii. 18 [3687]387 xxiii. 2, 3 [3688]519 xxv. 2 [3689]509 8 [3690]498
15 [3691]504
St. Mark xii. 44 [3692]495 St. Luke vi. 36 [3693]422 x. 30 sqq. [3694]417 xvi. 9 [3695]369 25 [3696]391
St. John viii.35 [3697]481 xvi. 33 [3698]400 Rom. xii. 1 [3699]420 xiii. 14 [3700]502 1 Cor. v. 11 [3701]480, [3702]481 vi. 9, 10 [3703]504 vii. 23 [3704]481 ix. 26 [3705]400 x. 13 [3706]499 2 Cor. iv. 17 (light affliction) [3707]494 xi. 2 [3708]498 xii. 9 [3709]517 Gal. vi. 2 [3710]505 Eph. vi. 14, 17 [3711]393 Phil. ii. 6, 7 (of slave and of God) [3712]372 Col. i. 20 [3713]447 1 Tim. ii. 9 [3714]496, [3715]497

Sepulchres, see Tombs.

Sermons, applause at, [3716]409.

Servants, two are enough, [3717]495; lady walking out should not be attended by many, [3718]ib.; angels do not have, [3719]ib.

Service in church, every day, [3720]450; increases love, [3721]455, [3722]456; benefit of being together in, [3723]504, [3724]516.

Seventy, the, translated (ordered of the Holy Ghost) Scriptures into Greek, [3725]407.

Shame, in the wicked their own witness against themselves, [3726]474; before men, not before God, [3727]508.

Sheep, treatment of the sickly, [3728]450.

Silence, peril of, to ministers of the Word, [3729]476.

Silk, a superfluity, [3730]496.

Sin, a very plague, [3731]441; in Heb. xi.25, holding back from affliction, [3732]483; to, belongs ease, [3733]484; its bitterness causes some to pine away, [3734]506; easily overcome if we will, [3735]493; the sole disgrace, though none think so, [3736]496; the sole evil, [3737]518; it is a duty to keep others from sin even if by force, after in other ways and by begging his help for one's self, [3738]505; King David long bewailed his, [3739]507; may be hindered even from a lower motive, by degrees leading to a higher, [3740]505; abstaining from, a due observance, [3741]516.

Sins, the lesser not a spot or wrinkle, but far worse, [3742]368; not small, [3743]490; recoil on the doer, [3744]368; parent of unbelief, [3745]394; notwithstanding, hope remains, while to-day lasts, [3746]396; we may not despair after, [3747]396, [3748]426; he who seeks pardon for sins of youth must not sin when old, [3749]401; they who are old in, repentance frees, [3750]410; all can be blotted out by right repentance, [3751]412; must be confessed one by one, [3752]412, [3753]508; affliction wipes out, [3754]494; confession lessens, [3755]508; we must remember our, [3756]412, [3757]437, [3758]507 sqq.; if we remember, God forgets, [3759]508; remembering, helps cure, [3760]ib.; great help of remembering, [3761]473, [3762]508, [3763]509; punishment if we deny, [3764]508; pity if we confess, [3765]ib.; called thorns, [3766]414, [3767]415; not enough to remove, treatment also needed, [3768]414; if we cut out, may enjoy the good things innumerable, [3769]415; difficulty of cleansing away, [3770]426; almsgiving and defending the wronged do it, [3771]ib.; cf. [3772]412; if we begin, God cleanses, [3773]426; of ignorance none is free from, [3774]439; we should mourn over others', [3775]442; and keep silence as to them, [3776]464; to tell our own to God and our friends, [3777]ib.; prevented or healed by prayer, [3778]490; one enough to cast us out of the kingdom, and they are many, [3779]ib.; to confess, not humility but candor, [3780]ib.; some too great for repentance, [3781]507; remembering always our own, we forget wrongs from others, [3782]508; we must offer to God, [3783]447, [3784]508; penitence, prayer, deeds of mercy, wash away, [3785]509; by mourning our, we draw God to us, [3786]519; putting away, what, [3787]448.

Sinners, if others call us, we must not be angry, [3788]491; cf. [3789]507.

Slave-dealers, [3790]495.

Slaves, esteemed, the Master sometimes called after, [3791]475, [3792]476; two suffice for a family willing to part with superfluities, [3793]495.

Sleep, some indulge in by day, we spiritually, [3794]474.

Son, force of the word, [3795]367, [3796]368, [3797]373, [3798]375, [3799]385, [3800]390, [3801]430; the Son and sons contrasted, [3802]384, [3803]385.

Soul, punished, [3804]398, [3805]459; suffers, [3806]396; in its vigor when a person is aged, [3807]401; when one is young it is subject to fevers, [3808]ib.; purified by Blood of Christ, [3809]440; its eye, how to make quick and beautiful, [3810]450; mingled with soul increases love, [3811]455; might of a great, [3812]456; in calamity apt to be impatient, [3813]459; reproach a sore trial of the, [3814]461; and scorning and jests, [3815]493; covetousness degrades, [3816]480; eating at banquets of the overreaching destroys, [3817]ib.; and defiles, [3818]481; striving in prayer to God, [3819]490; wrestles in theater of Heaven, [3820]496; the well-adorned, has God for its Lover, and place with the choirs of angels, [3821]498; virgin if pure, even though married, [3822]496, [3823]498; it the Lord seeks after, [3824]498; exhausted, how refreshed, [3825]499; made collected through affliction, [3826]500; enervated through luxury, [3827]501; shares it if body be effeminate, [3828]ib.; must be forced to remember its sins, [3829]508; in tribulation liable to despond, [3830]516; must be braced to receive the impulses of the Spirit, [3831]521, [3832]522.

Spirit, Holy, see God the Holy Ghost.

Starvation, no one dies of, except by his own will, [3833]422.

Strangers, Patriarchs, to this world, [3834]471, [3835]473 sqq.; King David [3836]475; we to our own country, [3837]473, [3838]475; to the world if we, God to be called our God, [3839]475, [3840]476.

Substance, no word will express, even of angel, far less of God, [3841]372.

Suffering, perfects, [3842]384, [3843]392, [3844]404; is a cause of salvation, [3845]384; cf. [3846]404; we are to rejoice in our own, as paying the penalty of sins, [3847]391; helps to wipe them out, [3848]494; use of, [3849]426, [3850]494; it is only our own which moves us, [3851]426; amid, we may be calm within, as the sky when overclouded, [3852]445; of Abel preaches beyond all speech, [3853]466; of them of old during their whole lives we have no idea of, [3854]491, [3855]494; all can be borne if we be approved of Heaven, [3856]494, [3857]495.

Suicide, some long for death, and only the fear of God withholds them, [3858]512.

Surgeons, their mingled gentleness and firmness, [3859]505.

Suspect, we are apt to, [3860]422.

Swearing, [3861]477.

Talents, teacher has five, learner one, [3862]504; earth wherein single talent is buried, the bad heart, [3863]ib.

Teacher, of grammar, must make boy master the things to be learnt, [3864]409; if he repeat the alphabet, it is not to teach himself, [3865]490; has five talents, learner one, [3866]504; if he teach a child heedless, one is called who punishes the child, [3867]519.

Tears, help wash away sins, [3868]442, [3869]509; one ingredient in medicine of repentance, [3870]412, [3871]426; of wailing and mourning, they worthy who choose to fail of the things to come, [3872]471; St. Chrysostom calls for, [3873]472; of Christ, [3874]442.

Temple, its magnificence, [3875]446; its wonders, [3876]510; its being One, [3877]446; as the Jewish was for whole world, so is Christ our Priest in the temple of Heaven, [3878]447; offering even of hair accepted for, [3879]514.

Temporal things, we seek first, and lose both them and Heaven, [3880]408; God gives, when He sees us prefer spiritual things, [3881]460, [3882]479; given as a refreshment, [3883]470; often possessed, not as His gift, but by fraud, [3884]460; Patriarchs of old loved their Home, cared not for these, [3885]471; so magnificent, [3886]ib.; who seek, lose them and Divine things; who prefer Divine obtain both, [3887]486; soon go, [3888]512; when we mind, the grace of the Spirit leaves, [3889]521. See Human things.

Temptation, different kinds of conduct under, [3890]392; terrible attack of, on young men met by ascetic practices, [3891]403; the noblest had to pass through, [3892]416; stronger in time of calamity, [3893]459; shall be trifling, if we hold fast to God, [3894]494.

Thanksgiving, we must bear all with, to attain the true joy, [3895]442, [3896]517; as St. Paul did, [3897]517; to God, both for comfort and afflictions, [3898]518; brings untold blessings, [3899]459, [3900]460; without, we cannot serve God, [3901]514; our offering, [3902]517; offered with a contrite mind, [3903]ib.; due to God the Son, [3904]ib.

Thoughts, some beyond power of expression, [3905]370, [3906]372.

Through or by (dia), not limited to the Son, but used of the Father, too, [3907]384; cf. on Galatians, pp. [3908]4, [3909]5.

To-day, [3910]373, [3911]394 sqq., [3912]399, [3913]515.

Tombs, why they of old cared for their, [3914]482; of Sts. Peter, Paul, John, Thomas, known, of rest unknown, [3915]ib.; where any one's may be, the earth is the Lord's, [3916]ib.

Tongue, why given us, [3917]368.

Trial, without, we cannot know ourselves, [3918]380; life full of those who cause, and thus strengthen us, [3919]456; God exercises His athletes with, [3920]478; in, bearing with evil a great weapon, [3921]504.

Trinity, see God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost.

Truth our girdle, [3922]450.

Unbelief, [3923]469, [3924]471; arises sometimes from faint heart, [3925]416.

Vainglory, source of evils, [3926]490; we act for, [3927]496.

Virgin souls, pure even though married, [3928]496, [3929]498; literal virginity a mere shadow of, [3930]498; the true, [3931]ib.

Virtue, like bitter medicine, [3932]503.

Virtues, to practice one by one, careful in learning one not to lose another, [3933]476, [3934]477.

Wants, who has few, preferred, [3935]374, [3936]495 sqq.

Water, taken, lessens not fountain; so works remain to doer, [3937]368; fevered person drinking much, not high-minded, [3938]373; quenches hot iron, so forbearance anger, [3939]468.

Wealth, peril of love of, [3940]476; peril of, [3941]518. See Money, Poor, Poverty, Covetous.

Wicked, sometimes has here the reward of a few good deeds, there utter punishment, [3942]391; instances of, [3943]ib.; God wills that His children show compassion for the, [3944]417; deride and condemn their like, [3945]474; thereby judge themselves, [3946]ib.

Wickedness, by remembering God we forget, [3947]437; of alms from ill-gotten gains, [3948]481.

Wife, a great good and great evil, [3949]459.

Will, with, nothing difficult, [3950]432; not even to overcome sin, [3951]493; inclines readily to ill, [3952]425; great power of, not apart from action, [3953]445, [3954]446; two kinds of, [3955]451, [3956]452; alone needed, [3957]477; of it comes faith, [3958]522.

Wine, need of moderation in, [3959]402.

Women, breed of, in towns weak through delicate habits, [3960]501; in the country stronger than men in towns, [3961]ib.

Words, human, fail to express God, Him must we praise, [3962]370; thoughts not to be expressed by, [3963]370, [3964]372; our, bare, God's not so, [3965]372.

Works, good or ill, the doer first reaps the fruit of, [3966]368; who holds the Faith and does right, of full age, [3967]409; dead, a grievous offense, [3968]441; our work and God's act combine, [3969]455; God's grace preceding, our work following, [3970]476; good, need of, [3971]457; aid from, [3972]447; the wealth of, [3973]450; of teachers, their power, [3974]455; ill, [3975]457.

World, to be one day transfigured, [3976]376; avails not weighed against the saints, [3977]475, [3978]489; nor against the soul's beauty, [3979]498.

Yawning, at prayers, [3980]490.

Yonder, Heaven, [3981]391, [3982]397, [3983]398, [3984]408, [3985]444, [3986]474, [3987]480, [3988]490; are the Rewards, the punishments, [3989]391; the Rewards, [3990]ib.; the Rest, [3991]477.

Young man, has excuse only in things that need experience, not courage and effort, [3992]402; ascetic habits his safeguard against strong temptation, [3993]403.

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