1 Corinthians 15:53
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
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(53) For this corruptible must . . .—Here again is repeated the truth of 1Corinthians 15:50, which shows the absolute necessity for a change in the nature of the resurrection body. There is, however, an additional thought introduced here. Not only must the resurrection body be suited to the condition but also to the duration of the new life. As a spiritual body, it will be adapted to the needs of a spiritual state; and as an immortal and incorruptible body, it will be adapted to a life which is everlasting.

1 Corinthians 15:53-54. For this corruptible — This human nature, which is corruptible; must — In order to its partaking of the above-mentioned glory; put on incorruption — Be endued with such qualities as shall continue in perpetual vigour, not subject to any alteration; and this mortal must put on immortality — So as to be no longer subject to diseases or death. The word ενδυσασθαι, here rendered to put on, literally signifies to go into a place, or metaphorically, to put on, or go into clothes. But the metaphorical meaning must not be insisted on here, as implying that our corruptible body shall have one that is incorruptible put over it for an outward covering. These ideas are incongruous, and therefore the meaning is, the corruptible must be changed into one that is incorruptible, as mentioned 1 Corinthians 15:51; the righteous, who are alive at the coming of Christ, instead of dying and rising again immortal, shall, by the power of Christ, have their corruptible, mortal bodies, changed in a moment, into incorruptible, immortal bodies, and by that means be fitted for inheriting the kingdom of God, equally with those who are raised from the dead incorruptible. So, when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, &c. — When this glorious and long-expected event shall be accomplished; then shall be brought to pass what is written, (Isaiah 25:8,) Death is swallowed up in victory — Is totally conquered or abolished for ever, as the original phrase, εις νικος, may be translated, being often used by the LXX. in that sense. This circumstance likewise shows, that in this discourse the apostle had the resurrection of the righteous only in view. For it cannot be said of the wicked, who are to suffer the second death, that death is swallowed up in any sense with respect to them, or that God hath given them the victory over it, (1 Corinthians 15:57,) by the resurrection.

15:51-58 All the saints should not die, but all would be changed. In the gospel, many truths, before hidden in mystery, are made known. Death never shall appear in the regions to which our Lord will bear his risen saints. Therefore let us seek the full assurance of faith and hope, that in the midst of pain, and in the prospect of death, we may think calmly on the horrors of the tomb; assured that our bodies will there sleep, and in the mean time our souls will be present with the Redeemer. Sin gives death all its hurtful power. The sting of death is sin; but Christ, by dying, has taken out this sting; he has made atonement for sin, he has obtained remission of it. The strength of sin is the law. None can answer its demands, endure its curse, or do away his own transgressions. Hence terror and anguish. And hence death is terrible to the unbelieving and the impenitent. Death may seize a believer, but it cannot hold him in its power. How many springs of joy to the saints, and of thanksgiving to God, are opened by the death and resurrection, the sufferings and conquests of the Redeemer! In verse 58, we have an exhortation, that believers should be stedfast, firm in the faith of that gospel which the apostle preached, and they received. Also, to be unmovable in their hope and expectation of this great privilege, of being raised incorruptible and immortal. And to abound in the work of the Lord, always doing the Lord's service, and obeying the Lord's commands. May Christ give us faith, and increase our faith, that we may not only be safe, but joyful and triumphant.For this corruptible ... - It is necessary that a change should take place, either by dying and then being raised, or by being changed without seeing death; for we cannot enter heaven as we are now.

Must put on - The word used here (ἐνδύνω endunō ) properly means to go in, to envelope, to put on as a garment; and then to put on any thing; as the soul is, as it were, clothed with, or invested with a body; and here it means, must be endued with, or furnished with. It is equivalent to saying that this corruptible become incorruptible, and this mortal must become immortal. We must cease to be corruptible and mortal, and must become incorruptible and immortal. The righteous who remain till the coming of Christ shall be at once changed, and invested, as Enoch and Elijah were, with incorruption and immortality.

53. this—pointing to his own body and that of those whom he addresses.

put on—as a garment (2Co 5:2, 3).

immortality—Here only, besides 1Ti 6:16, the word "immortality" is found. Nowhere is the immortality of the soul, distinct from the body, taught; a notion which many erroneously have derived from heathen philosophers. Scripture does not contemplate the anomalous state brought about by death, as the consummation to be earnestly looked for (2Co 5:4), but the resurrection.

God hath so decreed, that our flesh and blood, in the state wherein now it is, shall not be glorified; it shall be the same body as to the substance, but not as to the qualities; it is now corruptable and mortal, it must be put into a state of

incorruption and immortality, before it can enter into the kingdom of heaven.

For this corruptible must put on incorruption,.... The apostle returns to what he had before asserted, concerning the necessity of an alteration in the qualities of bodies, in order to the enjoyment of the heavenly state; showing, that the selfsame body the saints now have, for he seems to point with his finger to his own, and which are incorruptible ones, shall and must be clothed with incorruption:

and this mortal must put on immortality; the body that now is mortal, must become immortal; it must put off its rags of mortality, and be clothed with the shining robes of immortality; and which must be done, either by first dying, and then rising from the dead; or by undergoing alive a quick and sudden change, which will at once remove all corruption and mortality; see:

"He answered and said unto me, These be they that have put off the mortal clothing, and put on the immortal, and have confessed the name of God: now are they crowned, and receive palms.'' (2 Esdras 2:45)

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
1 Corinthians 15:53. Confirmation of what has last been said, κ. ἡμεῖς ἀλλαγ., by the necessity of this chang.

δεῖ] denotes, in accordance with 1 Corinthians 15:50, the absolute necessit.

τὸ φθαρτὸν τοῦτο] pointing to it; Paul looks, as he writes, at his own bod.

ἐνδύσασθαι ἀφθαρσ.] figurative description (2 Corinthians 5:4) of the process of change to an incorruptible condition of existence; ἀθανασίας καὶ ἀφθαρσίας ἐπιούσης αὐτῷ, Chrysostom. The infinitives aorist are purposely chosen to denote the instantaneous completion.

53. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality] Cf. 2 Corinthians 5:4. The Apostle has just said that ‘flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.’ He now explains in what sense these words are to be taken. The mortal body is not destroyed entirely and created again. “Change,” says Tertullian, “must be dissociated from all idea of destruction. For change is one thing, destruction another.” It receives an addition of qualities which it did not possess before. It is ‘clothed upon’ with immortality. That which was corruptible is now freed from that liability (“sanctified and cleared from all impurity.” Irenaeus). That which is mortal is swallowed up, and disappears in the vastness of the life which knows no end. See note on 1 Corinthians 15:38.

1 Corinthians 15:53. Τοῦτο,) this itself our present corruptible state.—ἀφθαρσίαν, incorruptibility) by that transformation.

Verse 53. - This mortal must put on immortality. When we are "clothed upon" by our "house from heaven," and have put off "this tabernacle," in which we groan being burdened, then "mortality will be swallowed up of life" (2 Corinthians 5:3, 4, where we also find the metaphor of a robe of immortality, mixed up with the metaphor of a building). 1 Corinthians 15:53This corruptible

As if pointing to his own body. Compare these hands, Acts 20:34; this tabernacle, 2 Corinthians 5:1.

Put on (ἐνδύσασθαι)

The metaphor of clothing. Compare 2 Corinthians 5:2-4. Incorruption and immortality are to invest the spiritually-embodied personality like a garment.

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