Psalm 56
Coverdale Bible of 1535 Par ▾ 

Be Merciful to Me, O God
(1 Samuel 21:8–15)

1Be mercifull vnto me (o God) for men wil treade me downe: they are daylie fightinge & troublinge me.

2Myne enemies treade me daylie vnder their fete, for they be many, yt proudly fight agaynst me.

3Neuerthelesse, whe I am afrayed, I put my trust in the.

4I wil comforte my self in Gods worde, yee I wil hope in God, and not feare: What can flesh then do vnto me?

5They vexe me daylie in my wordes: all yt they ymagin, is to do me euell.

6They holde alltogether, & kepe them selues close: they marck my steppes, how they maye catch my soule.

7But in vayne, for it shal escape the: and why? thou (o God) in thy displeasure shalt cast downe soch people.

8Thou tellest my flittinges, thou puttest my teares in thy botell, and nombrest them.

9When so euer I call vpon the, myne enemies are put to flight: wherby I knowe, that thou art my God.

10In Gods worde wil I reioyse, in the LORDES worde wil I comforte me.

11Yee in God do I trust, & am not afraied: what ca man the do vnto me?

12Vnto the (o God) wil I paye my vowes, vnto ye wil I geue thakes & prayse.

13For thou hast delyuered my soule fro death, & my fete fro fallinge, yt I maye walke before God in ye light of ye lyuynge.

Coverdale Bible of 1535

Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible

Psalm 55
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