Psalm 103
Bishops' Bible of 1568 Par ▾ 

Bless the LORD, O My Soul

1Blesse God O my soule: and all that is within me prayse his holy name.

2Blesse God O my soule: and forget not all his benefites.

3Who forgeueth all thy wickednesse: and healeth all thine infirmities.

4Who redeemeth thy lyfe from destruction: and crowneth thee with mercie and louyng kyndnesse.

5Who satisfieth thy mouth with good thynges: causyng thy youth lyke an Egles to be renued.

6God executeth iustice and iudgement: for all them that are oppressed with wrong.

7He made his wayes knowen vnto Moyses: his workes vnto the children of Israel.

8God is full of compassion and pitie: loth to be angry, and exceedyng great in mercie.

9He vseth not to continue in chydyng: neither reserueth he his anger for euer.

10He dealeth not with vs accordyng to our sinnes: nor rewardeth vs according to our wickednesse.

11For accordyng to the hyghnesse of heauen aboue the earth: his mercie preuayleth to them that feare hym.

12Loke howe farre distaunt the east is from the west: so farre a sunder setteth he our sinnes from vs.

13Yea lyke as a father pitieth his owne children: euen so is God mercifull vnto them that feare hym.

14For he knoweth wherof we be made: he remembreth that we are but dust.

15The dayes of man are as the dayes of an hearbe: he florisheth as a flowre in the fielde.

16For the winde passeth ouer it, and it is no more seene: and the place therof knoweth it no more.

17But the mercifull goodnesse of God endureth for euer and euer, vpon them that feare hym: and his righteousnesse vpon childers children.

18Euen vpon such as kepe his couenaunt: and thinke vpon his commaundementes to do them.

19God hath prepared his seate in heauen: and his kyngdome ruleth ouer all.

20Blesse God O ye his angels mightie in operation: who fulfyll his worde in hearkening vnto the voyce of his word.

21Blesse God all ye his hoastes: you his ministers that do his pleasure.

22Blesse God all you his workes in all places of his dominion: O my soule blesse thou God.

Bishops' Bible of 1568

Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible

Psalm 102
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