Exodus 9
The Plagues of Livestock, Boils, and Hail
A Battle of Wills: The Plagues upon Egypt and the Stubbornness of Pharaoh

This chapter powerfully showcases God's supremacy and His enduring patience with stubborn hearts. Despite the mighty display of divine power, Pharaoh's resistance highlights the depths of human obstinacy and the consequences of disobedience. Yet, through it all, God's mercy and protection towards His chosen people shine brilliantly, a beacon of hope in times of adversity.

The Plague on Livestock (Verses 1-6)

The Lord instructs Moses to warn Pharaoh about a devastating plague set to strike Egypt's livestock if he refuses to release the Israelites. As predicted, the plague decimates Egyptian livestock, but miraculously spares that of the Israelites. However, Pharaoh's heart remains hardened.

The Plague of Boils (Verses 7-12)

The Lord instructs Moses and Aaron to spread soot in the air, leading to painful boils on all Egyptians, including the magicians. Despite the widespread suffering, Pharaoh remains unyielding.

The Plague of Hail (Verses 13-26)

The Lord warns of a hailstorm unprecedented in Egypt's history. Those who heed the warning seek shelter, but those who ignore it lose their servants and livestock to the deadly hail. Remarkably, the region of Goshen, where the Israelites reside, is spared.

Pharaoh's False Repentance (Verses 27-35)

Pharaoh admits his sin and asks for the hail to cease. Moses obliges, but predicts that Pharaoh and his officials will continue to resist God. True to Moses' prediction, once the hail ceases, Pharaoh hardens his heart and refuses to let the Israelites go.

This chapter unfolds the ongoing confrontation between Moses, chosen messenger of the Lord, and the Pharaoh of Egypt. The narrative is a display of the Lord's might against Pharaoh's stubbornness as He sends several devastating plagues upon Egypt, seeking to secure the freedom of His chosen people, the Israelites.

1. Divine Power
2. Human Stubbornness
3. Obedience vs. Disobedience
4. Justice and Judgement
5. Mercy and Patience
1. The Plagues upon Egypt
2. Hardening of Pharaoh’s Heart
3. The Release of the Israelites
1. The Lord
2. Moses
3. Aaron
4. Pharaoh
5. Egyptian magicians
6. The Israelites
7. Egyptian officials
1. Egypt
2. The field
3. Pharaoh's Palace
4. Land of Goshen
5. The City
Bible Study Questions

1. What does the distinction made by God between Egyptian and Israelite livestock in the plagues say about His character?

2. How does Pharaoh's repeated hardening of his heart despite witnessing God's power reflect on human nature?

3. What lessons can modern society draw from the responses of the Egyptians who heeded Moses' warning about the hailstorm and those who didn't?

4. How do you relate to Pharaoh's hardened heart in your life? Are there areas where you repeatedly resist God's will?

5. How can we recognize when our hearts are becoming hardened like Pharaoh's?

6. How does God's patience with Pharaoh resonate with your experiences of God's patience in your life?

7. Despite God's overwhelming display of power, why do you think Pharaoh continued to resist?

8. Why do you think God allowed the flax and barley to be destroyed, but not the wheat and spelt?

9. In what ways does God's treatment of the Israelites contrast with His treatment of the Egyptians?

10. What does Moses' role in this narrative teach us about obedience to God?

11. How can the events in this chapter inform your prayers when you or others face stubborn obstacles?

12. What do the plagues teach us about the consequences of ignoring God's warnings?

13. How does the narrative of Pharaoh's false repentance serve as a cautionary tale for us?

14. How does the narrative of the plagues showcase God's sovereignty over nature?

15. What do the actions of the Egyptian magicians suggest about the limitations of human power versus divine power?

16. In what ways do the plagues challenge the concept of self-sufficiency?

17. How can we apply the lessons from this narrative to situations of injustice in the world today?

18. How do you think the Israelites felt during these plagues and how would you have felt in their place?

19. How does the concept of God "raising" Pharaoh up for His purpose resonate with your understanding of God's purpose in your life?

20. In the context of your faith, what does Pharaoh's statement, "The LORD is righteous, and I and my people are wicked" mean to you?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Exodus 8
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