1 Kings 13
Jeroboam’s Hand Withers
A Tale of Prophets: Obedience, Disobedience, and the Sovereign Word of God

1 Kings 13 is a powerful reminder of God's supremacy and the absolute necessity of obedience to His Word. Even though God's instructions might seem challenging or inconvenient, our responsibility is to trust and follow them. Disobedience, even caused by deception, brings dire consequences. Moreover, the chapter inspires introspection on who we trust and the importance of discerning God's true voice.

Prophecy against the Altar (Verses 1-5)

The chapter begins with a man of God from Judah prophesying against the altar in Bethel at God's command. He predicts the birth of King Josiah, who will desecrate the altar of Jeroboam. His words are confirmed by a divine sign when the altar splits apart and ashes pour out.

The King's Challenge and Divine Retribution (Verses 6-10)

King Jeroboam stretches out his hand against the man of God, but it withers. Frightened, he asks the man of God to intercede with the Lord to restore it. The man of God does, and Jeroboam's hand is healed. Even though Jeroboam invites the prophet to dine with him, the man of God refuses due to God's explicit command not to eat or drink in that place or return the same way he came.

The Deception of the Old Prophet (Verses 11-19)

An old prophet living in Bethel hears about the man of God's actions and deceives him. He lies, saying that an angel told him to bring the man of God to his house to eat and drink. Trusting the old prophet's words, the man of God returns with him and breaks God's command.

Judgement and Death of the Man of God (Verses 20-32)

While they are eating, God speaks through the old prophet, revealing the man of God will die for his disobedience. Soon after, as the man of God journeys home, a lion kills him. However, it doesn't eat the body or harm the donkey, confirming this was an act of divine judgement. The old prophet retrieves the body, mourns over him, and buries him in his own tomb.

Reflections on Obedience and Disobedience (Verses 33-34)

Despite witnessing all these events, Jeroboam does not change his ways and continues to commit sins, leading Israel into sin, signaling his disobedience to God.

1 Kings 13 presents an intriguing narrative around prophecy, obedience to God's commands, and the consequences of disobedience. As a captivating tale of two prophets and a king unfolds, we learn vital lessons about the absolute importance of abiding by God's word and the disastrous results of straying from His instructions.

1. Prophecy and Divine Communication
2. Obedience and Disobedience
3. The Consequences of Disobedience
4. Deception and Trust
5. The Power of God's Word
1. Prophecy against the Altar in Bethel
2. The Divine Command to the Man of God
3. The Deception of the Old Prophet
4. The Death of the Man of God
5. Reflections on Obedience and Disobedience
1. Jeroboam
2. Man of God from Judah
3. Old Prophet from Bethel
4. Old Prophet’s sons
5. God
1. Bethel
2. Judah
3. The road
Bible Study Questions

1. How does 1 Kings 13 illuminate the importance of obedience to God's commands?

2. What role does deception play in this chapter? How does it affect the man of God from Judah?

3. Discuss the characteristics of God as depicted in 1 Kings 13.

4. How does King Jeroboam respond to the events unfolding around him? What does this say about his character and his relationship with God?

5. How does 1 Kings 13 define true and false prophecy?

6. Discuss the symbolism behind the miraculous signs in this chapter.

7. How would you relate the man of God’s experience to modern-day living? Have you ever felt deceived or led astray?

8. How do we discern God's true voice amidst the many voices we hear today?

9. How can we apply the lesson of strict obedience to God's word in our lives?

10. Why do you think the man of God fell for the old prophet's lie despite having heard directly from God?

11. How does the man of God's death reaffirm God's sovereignty and justice?

12. How does this narrative affect your understanding of God’s grace and judgment?

13. In what ways does the story of the man of God serve as a warning for believers?

14. How might the outcome have been different if the man of God had been more discerning?

15. What can we learn from the actions of the old prophet?

16. How does this chapter teach us about the consequences of leading others into sin, as King Jeroboam did?

17. How does the story relate to present day teachings about obeying the voice of God, even when other voices conflict?

18. How would you have responded if you were in the man of God's shoes when the old prophet approached him?

19. How does this chapter influence your understanding of the relationship between faith, obedience, and consequences?

20. What practical steps can you take to ensure that you stay obedient to God's word and do not allow deception to derail you from your spiritual journey?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

1 Kings 12
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